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After Story. The Story Of A Certain Youngster Arc: Confession

"It's really beautiful!"

Mei is running in the flower bed while saying that. A cool guy would probably say 「You're more beautiful」 or something, but it's too embarrassing for me to say.

"Hey, Roy! Come, come!"

As I was watching Mei run around the flowerbed, I was suddenly called. Did something happen? When I tried getting closer to Mei's side, she suddenly grabbed my hand tightly. When I jumped and looked at Mei, Mei had an awfully huge smile.

"Thanks, Roy. For bringing me to such a beautiful place. You remember it, right? My birthday"

......what, she actually remembers it herself as well, doesn't she. I was sure that she had forgotten about it.

"Of course, right. It's Mei's precious birthday after all"

When I say that, Mei blushes slightly and smiles. Aah, it's a smile that I want to keep seeing until the end of time. This is the chance, right? This is definitely the chance!

"Me-, Mei!"

I place my hands on Mei's shoulders and come face to face with Mei. Mei jumped at my sudden voice, but she turned my way without saying anything. Al-, alright, Roy the man, it's the biggest all-or-nothing in your life!

"Mei, I......"

"'scuse mee〜"

......right when I mustered my courage and was about to confess, men who clearly couldn't be more out of place here bloody showed up from the forest. Don't get in the damn way, you moron.

Their number is about 20 people in total. There were familiar faces amongst them as well. If I'm not wrong, they should be Miklua-sama's male followers. There are 3 bloody people in total. Those 3 people came out from amongst the men.

"You pest that flies around Miklua-sama. Sorry, but we're gonna have you go missing from today onwards"

"That's right. We should originally be the ones to stand by that individual's side, and yet all because of you!"

"We'll definitely fucking kill you!"

......that's simply what they call redirecting your resentment to the wrong person, you know? Shit, it turned into something utterly troublesome. I stand in a way that I'm shielding Mei and draw my sword.

I think the ones who watched that are probably hired mercenaries; those men also start readying their respective weapons.

"Mei, step back"


"Kakaka! Planning to play a knight in shining armour? You think you can win against this number of people?"

The mercenaries' leader-ish fellow says something like that over to me, but I snort.

"Hah, like I'll lose to failed mercenaries like you guys"

I, too, came all this way in order to catch up to Aniki. I ain't gonna get done in so easily.

"Tch, get him!"

The men charge over at me at the mercenary leader's command. I also go out to the front in order to not let them get close to Mei. 5 people came initially. They're bloody holding axes and swords respectively.

I dodge the axe he swings overhead at me, give him a kick into the flank, and send him flying. I carry on to slash at the man next to him. The man tries to block with his sword, but

"Lightning, Weapon Endowment, Thunderous Sword!"

It's the Lightning Magic I idolised Aniki and learned somehow. When it makes contact with the man's sword, it sends lightning towards his sword. The electric shock courses through the man's body in an instant, and smoke arises from the man. That's one man down.

I crouch and dodge the sword that a man swings sideways at me from behind. I carry on to cut off both his legs. Second.

"You shitty bratt!"

The leader whose comrades got killed and snapped. No no, you came to kill me, so at least have the resolve to also be killed yourself. I carry on to cut down the third and fourth person.

Those three followers probably can't fight, so there are fourteen people remaining. Over there

"Please, help him out!"

Mei raises her voice loudly. Immediately after, a number of wolves showed up from the forest. Those wolves launch their attacks on the mercenary men. They came through Mei's power huh.

"Wha-, why are wolves......gaah!"

I stab my sword into the throat of the man bewildered by the wolves appearing. The other men are also bitten on the legs and arms by the wolves and are in a huge panic. But

"How annoyin'!"

The mercenary leader cut down two wolves with his greatsword. As I thought, that fellow is different from the other guys huh. He's defeating the wolves, protecting the three who can't fight.

"You bastards fucking protect the clients! I'll kill that brat!"

The leader man made every one of the remaining guys, who were reduced to about seven people aside from the leader, protect the followers, and he came out alone.

"Diee, you shitty brattt!"

The leader man says and swings his greatsword overhead at me. Though his movements are indeed quicker compared to the other mercenary guys.

"I know somebody who's even more impressive! Lightning Vortex, Weapon Endowment! Destruction Sword of Lightning Strike(Takemikazuchi)!"

Although I didn't catch up to Aniki at all, this is the strongest technique I'm capable of!

I swing my sword upwards, colliding with the sword the mercenary leader swings down. Immediately after, without feeling any resistance at all, I managed to slice the greatsword.

And then, my sword carries on to make its way towards the mercenary leader's neck like it's being sucked in


, and his head and torso separated. The vicinity falls silent, and only the sound of the man collapsing and the cries of insects are audible.

"Now then, what are you going to do?"

When I pointed my sword towards the remaining guys, the remaining mercenaries ended up running away, scattering like birds. The followers they're supposed to protect also run away, following them.

"......haa〜, I'm exhausteddd!"

When I confirm that the men have disappeared from my sight, I plop down and sit on the spot. Haa〜, I'm really exhausted. I, can't use that magic that many times yet. It's about two times on a good day based on the magic power of the current me after all.

"Are you alright, Roy? Are you hurt?"

Mei, who made a worried-looking face, showed up over there. I nod, and her expression turns into a relieved one.

......but, it's no longer the atmosphere to confess. Even though it had such a good atmosphere until just now. It's the worst. As I'm feeling depressed

"What's the matter, Roy"

"No, I was thinking, 'even though it was such a good atmosphere'. Even though I had something I wanted to say as well......haa, shall we go home, Mei"

As I stand up despite feeling depressed, about to head in the forest's direction, my clothes are grabbed from behind. The figure of Mei facing downwards embarrassedly was over there when I turned around. My heart ended up skipping a beat at that figure.

"......wha-, what, Mei?"

"......the thing Roy wanted to say, tell me?"

, she grabbed my hand while saying. Le-, let's bloody say it if you're going to go that far! I grab Mei's shoulders and look straight at Mei. I then take a deep breath. Alright!

"Mei, I want you to hear my feelings"


"I have always always......liked Mei! I have always liked you ever since we were at Arcadia's church. As well as when you said you'll tag along with Aniki and the others, I thought I didn't want to separate from you and followed along! I don't want to separate from Mei. I want you to be my side from here on as well!

Mei, marry me!"

I convey my feelings to Mei, and at the same time, I show Mei the ring I bought. Mei looks fixedly at my face. Immediately after, she started crying.

"Me-, Mei?"

"......sorry, I got too happy. Roy, I will be in your care from here on out as well"


"Kyahh! Geez!"

I hug Mei tightly and spin around from overwhelming happiness. Mei, despite being taken back, hugged me back. When I calm down after spinning a few rounds, Mei and I stare at each other. And then

Illuminated by the light of the Luminous Flies, Mei and my shadow overlapped.


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