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Demihuman's Village (Erotic: Real Deal With The Female Bandit)

"Eyy, Eyy"

"Fuuu, uuu......!"

'Pachin, Pachin!', the journey of us four continue with delightful sounds echoing.

Tina-chan, who's riding in the wagon, was holding a fly-swatter-like stick exclusively for butt-slapping-use and merrily slapping Yuri's butt, echoing the sounds.

Although it makes a nice sound, I've made it have the effect of not hurting that much.

By the way, so that it's easy to hit, Yuri's butt isn't covered up.

Yuri, she's again in a state where she's prohibited from speaking, and she's wearing a chastity belt with vibrators that plug up her anus and urethra.

It's a black undergarment with a design that does come off pretty ordinary but has exposure on the greater side.

"Fuuu, fuu!"

"I'll let you rest from time to time, alrightー, Yuri"

"Fuuu! Nn!"

She's angry. Yuri has it tough as well; one moment she's meek, one moment she's angry.

"Ah, Shino-san. I think the town has gotten close"

"Does it look familiar?"

"Yes. I think we will be able to leave the forest soon"

Layla-chan told me while checking out the vicinity as well and not just the map.

"We really didn't get attacked by monsters huhー, Layla-chan"

"Yeah, Tina-chan"

"Both of you, are you feeling alright?"



Good, good. I'm able to send them back well and lively.

"Village huh"

However, isn't it better for me not to show my face now that we've come this far?

I wonder. Including information gathering, I guess it's better to talk to the adults about the circumstances to some extent.


I, removed Yuri's mouth gag.

"Puhah......, haa......kuh......"

"Are you, feeling slightly better?"

"......thanks to you"

Oh, her strong-willed tone resurrected.

Making her constantly say fawning phrases doesn't feel quite right after all.

I would like for her not to lose her strong-willed-ness.

For those kinds of things, if I had to say, I suppose the beauty of it is in having her say things that are against her own will in frustration after bullying her. Un.

"You, intend to bring me to the Demihuman's village?"


"......I'll be killed"

"You'll be killed huh"

Has her face been exposed?

"Does it mean that the fact that you're the bandit group's daughter has been exposed? As well as the fact that the kidnappers are the Godey Bandit Group"

"They don't know that much. But, these brats will say it, right"

"Brats, you say! You, poop-leaking woman!"

"Kuh......! You! Slapping people's butt without holding back since just now......!"

"Alーright, that's it"

Yuri tried to get angry at Tina-chan, so 'Bachin!' I slapped Yuri's butt with my hand vigorously.

"Ouchh......! Kuh! Eh!?"

When I slap Yuri's butt, the tool inserted in her butt responds......and produces a tiny amount of aphrodisiac; such is the setting I tried setting.

Perhaps she could tell something was off even if it's a 'tiny amount', Yuri glares sharply at me while holding onto her butt.

"Di-, didn't you say you won't do it......!"

"Do what?"

"E-, e-, enema......"

"I didn't. Now, what flowed into your butt is an aphrodisiac that'll be absorbed by your body"

"A-, aphrodisiac......you say!"

The details are unclear though. It's unclear whether I can really create an aphrodisiac after all. I won't tell Yuri that much though.

If she assumed it was aphrodisiac even though I only inserted plain water and started feeling good, the humiliation and shame at that time would probably be amazing.

Let's make her learn that, slapped on the butt=feels good

Yuri went and hurt other people because she was a sadist.

So that she doesn't hurt other people anymore hereafter......let's carry on developing her into a masochist who can't feel it unless she gets bullied. Un un.

This is also the responsibility of the me who allowed the evildoer to live after all!

"Even if we arrive at the village, well, I'll probably be fine"

"'You'll be fine', what about me!?"

"I mean, whatever happens, happens, right?"


I do think it's a pity to lose a precious sample though.

But, the importance of that is undoubtedly lower than the revenge of the people who lost their family members.

"Yo-, you......ma-, made me your slave, right......!? The-, then, protect me......!"



The current me, is in a situation where I'm bringing along the fiendish criminal simply because she's a beauty, because I want to do lewd things though.

I think I have the duty to monitor and restrain Yuri so that she doesn't hurt innocent people.

But, do I have the duty to protect her at the end of the day?

Furthermore, in a state where there are still victims of the bandit group, from the censure of those victims.

Hmm......? I tilted my head for real.

"Wha-......protect me! Otherwise, I'm going to end up dying!"

"Nnー. I mean, I probably can't win if the Demihumans come and kill you for real after all"

It's not about protecting or not; I don't have such power.

Because of  【Karmic Curse】, it's difficult to use my skill in a way that I oppress good people after all.

In which case, it'll turn into the strategy of relying on the fundamentals I raised with 【Leveling】 and 【Absolute Counter】, but it's impossible to go as far as to protect a companion with that.

"Don't mess with me! You killed Papa and everybody, didn't you! It means you're stronger than Papa, right!?"

"Well, that's"

I mean, it's true that I managed to defeat Yurai, but you know.

"He-, hey....... Protect me. I, no longer have anybody I can rely on but you, you know?"

Nnー. Even if you rely on meー.

"I-, I'll do anything! I'll do anything, so protect me properly"

"Even if you tell me you'll do anything"

I grab and hold Yuri's chin up.

What beautiful facial features. I wonder how she maintains her beautiful appearance when she probably lives an unhealthy lifestyle.

"Yuri is in a position where you have to listen to whatever I say to begin with, right? Even that body of yours, I believe I can do whatever I like to it to begin with. I don't think it serves as a bargaining chip though?"

It's troubling if she forgets the reality that her excretion is being managed, and even her sexual desires are being controlled.

"Kuh......! Bu-, but......I......"


"I-, if I don't have Papa, and that bandit group. If my body doesn't have any meaning either....... I, already don't have anything, I can offer up to you......"


Then, give up. ......it sure is easy for me to say huh.

I can do it easily if it's just cutting her off.

I guess the main question is whether or not there's a way to keep Yuri alive longer.

It comes up often, doesn't it. Stories where the Demon Lord readily cuts off their Executives who were no longer useful.

However, they mess up at cutting them off, and they get turned around and made use of by the enemy faction, by the Hero.

It's a failed example of reallocating manpower.

Why am I thinking about it from the Demon Lord's point-of-view. I'm the Hero, you know??

"Even if you don't have anybody else you can rely on. How are you going to rely on me, who murdered your father, just because of that?"

"I liked Papa, but he's not around now. Besides"


Yuri, she directed a fawning attitude at me there.

"I, was always saying that I'd prefer a person stronger than Papa if I'm going to date to begin with. It's true. You would know it's true, right?"


【Lie Exposing Collar】 didn't respond.

Yuri isn't lying.

Eh. Had Yuri been looking at me, who murdered her father, as someone in the 『stroーnger than Papa!』 category?

Isn't that too much of a survival-of-the-fittest world?

"Besides, Papa, he had a strong restraining side as well. That's why there are also times I'm leashed in all kinds of ways, yeah? I do feel grateful for the fact that you released me from that, you know?"

"I'm clearly the one who's restraining Yuri more than your Papa though"

I'd like you to take a good look at your own outfit.

There's a limit to how much you can put down your Papa and pad the Hero, right.

No matter how you look at it, I, who's making you a sex slave, is more of a bad-news than the Papa who had pampered his daughter.

"Kuh......bu-, but. This is also, for you......to-, to dote on me, right......? Us-, using something like aphrodisiac"

"Well, that's"

If I could embrace such a black-haired beauty, then I would want to after all.

Yuri, as far as it goes, acknowledged her position as my sex slave and even accepted『a coexisting future』 or whatnot from the bottom of her heart.

It was probably partially a temporary feeling, but it should also be a feeling that's as genuine as it can be.

In that case, she's not worthless to me.


Regarding the bogus Skill No. 3 【Summoner's Blessing】 that I've explained to Princess Alicia, how about I use Yuri to dig deeper into this skill?

『When I went and defeated the bandit group, the skill activated for some reason after touching Yuri』

Or something? There are places in Yuri's profile that coincide with Alicia after all.

『Yuri equipped a mysterious straitjacket and could no longer remove it. It seems the reason for the skill's malfunction was that Princess Alicia and her disposition were similar』

In other words, the circumstances that occurred on Yuri with 【Summoner's Blessing】, could also occur on Princess Alicia.

In this case, Princess Alicia might go on an investigation for the sake of making sure that the 【Black Straitjacket】 doesn't restrain herself.

If that happens, the two of them might start talking about the details regarding 【Key To The Princess' Heart】, a common objective of the Princess and Yuri, without knowing they're being monitored? Alright.

"If your position is my slave, and on top of that, you have the intention to properly move as my pawn to the utmost. Protecting Yuri from danger......isn't really a problem"

"The-, then protect me! Make sure I don't get killed!"

I think I'll be able to negotiate with the Demihumans if I put Layla-chan and Tina-chan in between.

However, what about after that?

If the threat of the Demihumans is gone, Yuri doesn't really have any need for me.

There's also the pattern where I assume things are going smoothly, and right when I try clashing with Princess Alicia, Yuri is bought over by the Princess huh.

But in the current situation, for my next move....... Un.

"Then, Yuri"

"E-, eeh"

'Bachin', I gently slapped Yuri's butt.

"Ouchh......! Kuh......wh-, why......"

"Where's your thanks? Yuri, too, went and bullied plenty of people, so you understand how I want you to answer, don't you"

I want to have her awaken as a masochist who's able to well understand the feelings of the bullying side.

"Kuh....... Tha-, thank you......"

Yuri's cheeks start turning red ever so slightly.

Is the effect of the aphrodisiac manifesting through the butt-slapping coming out? Guhehe.

"For you to have your butt slapped and say thank you, you really are a pervert huh!"

"Un un!"

, the verbal abuse from the loli kids comes in a set.


"Yuri. It's fine for me to protect you from the Demihumans, but before that, apologise to Tina-chan and Layla-chan"


I mean, even if you're that surprised.

"It's a different story between apologising beforehand and not apologising, right. Asking for me to just protect you without even apologising to the girls who you hurt isn't going to work"

As expected, it's no good for everything to go your way, you know.

"............I got it"

"You can't have an 'I am not convinced' attitude. Properly show your sincerity. I want you to swear you won't do the same thing again'"

I then move behind Yuri.

There's no reason for me to get apologised by her since I'm not a victim after all.

But maybe I should bow with her now that I became Yuri's caretaker?

I guess that's going to put a wet blanket over the kids' anger.

It's something like their benefactor is saying to forgive the fellow they hate after all. That's how it is in the end though.

"Sorry. ......Layla, and, Tina. ......I will not do the same thing to you girls again"

Yuri then got on her knees and apologised to the children in a dogeza¹.

Ooh......! Dogeza, is a culture that exists in the Otherworld as well huh!

I shall dogeza as well if there's the need. The theory that the dogeza resolves everything.


After making fierce faces, the kids looked at me with troubled-looking faces.

It's an expression of 'what should we do'.

"It's fine even if you don't forgive her. In actuality, she did horrible things to Tina-chan and Layla-chan after all. But when we arrive at the village, I want you to convey the fact that she did apologise. And then I, who defeated the bandit group, will take responsibility for monitoring and restraining her. Well, I'll personally say this as well though"

"Is that so......"

"Un. Got it. If Shino-san says so......"


In any case, we'll wrap it up here.

I guess it's about time we proceed to the Demihuman's village.


The bunch of us leave the forest and get out onto the main road while pushing the wagon.

There's the smell of salt. The sea is probably close by.

"Aah, it's the village. Layla-chan, it's our village......!"

"Un, un......! We managed to come back! We really, managed to come back......!"

The kidnapped kids' safe return home.

I wonder if I can have the same feelings as well when I manage to return to Japan one day.

"Then, let's increase our speed a bit, shall we. Yuri, your mouth gag is off as well, so go all out"

"......I got it"

Yuri and I pulled the wagon that carried the children and started running with all our strength.

Ooh. That's the Demihuman village! It has nothing to do with me, but somehow I'm touched as well!

"Everybodyy......! Otou-san², Okaa-san³......!"

"We're backk!!"

I stop the wagon near the entrance and take care so that the children can alight.

Immediately after, the two of them jumped down and ran into the village.

Perhaps it's because they'd been raising their voices loudly since before arriving at the village, a few villagers have also come on out.......

"Tina! Aaaah! Tina!"


Aah, I'm glad. The children managed to properly reunite with their families safe and sound.

I suppose I managed to fulfil the bare minimum responsibilities with this. The girls' return home is the perfect reward for the Hero's first job.


Yuri, whose handcuffs I removed, and I are watching the scene of the children celebrating their reunion from a slightly distant location.

After waiting for a while, people came over to where we were.

"You guys are?"

"We brought Tina-chan and Layla-chan over. I would like to communicate to the village's people regarding the circumstances surrounding me bringing them over though......"

We're welcomed with unexpectedly amicable treatment.

Since I was also concerned about the possibility of being mistaken as the kidnapper, it was a sigh of relief for me.

Perhaps Yuri is feeling anxious, she's rubbing up to me. It's a state where she takes my arm and sticks to me.

From Yuri's perspective, is she thinking that the likes of villagers are nothing in my eyes or something?

The likes of me will simply be ganged up and beaten up if we go up against each other, you know, Onee-san.

"Shino-san, over here, over here!"

Tina-chan waved her hand at me energetically.

"Then, let's go, shall we. Yuri"

".......protect me, alright"

Of course. If I can, that is.


"It looks like you brought the children over for us. Thank you very much"

I was thanked by a Village Chief?-ish person and the children's parents.

It seems the father bunch didn't go out on a search; both parents were worrying in the village normally.

"Kidnapping by a bandit group huh"

"Yes. There was a bandit subjugation request at the Adventurers Guild, and when I headed to the hideout to defeat that bandit group, I managed to rescue the children. I am glad that it looks like both Tina-chan and Layla-chan got to meet their parents safe and sound"

It doesn't look like it'll turn into the 'I'll fucking kill you!' from being exposed as the bandit group that Yuri was so worried about.

"Then, could it be that those who had disappeared thus far were also done by the bandit group?"

"They weren't actually attacked by monsters, huh"

"......regarding that"

Yuri twitched and trembled when I looked at her.

"She is the daughter of the Boss of that bandit group I subjugated"



Fierce gazes direct at Yuri, but I continued.

"I will not say that she is without sin. However, the perpetrators were the 10 bandit group members that I had already killed. There were no other Demihumans besides Tina-chan and Layla-chan at the hideout though......were there other missing incidents as well? I brought her along for the sake of verifying that as well"

"Is that so......"

I tried hearing their story, and it seems that, as I thought, they treated it more as a killed-and-eaten-by-monsters incident than a kidnapping incident.

The reason that the handling of the bandit group was light might lie here.

It's because the incident itself wasn't known.

There are criminals in the form of 'monsters' in this world.

If they claim everything to be the monsters' fault, disappearances and murders will settle with that.

"Could it be that Lucy-chan was also not attacked by monsters......but kidnapped, sold off somewhere, and is alive"


I wonder who's that.

"Yes. It happened about a year ago. She's a friend of Tina-chan and Layla-chan who ended up disappearing. Her age is the same as Tina-chan. ......we were thinking that she probably ended up being attacked by monsters since the monsters have also become active through the Demon Lord's revival recently. And we had given up"

"A friend of those kids had went missing huh"

I look at Yuri.

"I-, I don't know about it......!"

There's no response from 【Lie Exposing Collar】 huh. If Yuri doesn't know, then that child wasn't kidnapped?

"Bu-, but......"


"The work on that front, has nothing to do with me for the most part......in other words,"

"Yuri. Speak honestly, alright?"

"I-, I got it....... That's why, who they capture, where they sell them have nothing to do with me......"

Yuri's misdeeds are, tortures・lynching・murders. Furthermore, the spearheading of the rape of her fellow gender.

In other words, she has nothing to do with the act of 'kidnapping' itself, and she's merely a woman who had Demihumans her father kidnapped given to her as toys.

That's why there's also the possibility that she doesn't know even if she was there.

"......Yuri. Have you ever killed children?"

"I-, I have not......"

"I see"

Then at the very least the one who killed the 'Lucy-chan' was not Yuri.

Safe! ......what is? Her misdeeds aren't safe at all, you know.

"Shino-san. Lucy-chan, you know. She's the child of a family who escaped from the vicinity of the Demon Country. Princess Sophia-sama, who predicted the Demon Lord appearing, cared for her, saying that there might be the influence of the Demon Country remaining......and talked to her, plenty. She was a girl who was on good terms with Sophia-sama. That's why I was thinking that Sophia-sama might search for her if she knows......but Sophia-sama, is away from the country"

First Princess Sophia huh.

"Uh. Is Sophia-sama, as I thought, a Princess-sama who improves things for the Demihumans like those in this village?"

I'm curious. After all, it's Princess Alicia's elder sister.

I wonder what kind of a catch there is.

"Yeah. Though the people of this country, especially the Royal Family and the nobles, don't take too kindly to Demihumans. Sophia-sama alone was different. That's also why we wanted to count on Sophia-sama. That being said, the other party is a Princess-sama, and we're not the only Demihumans residing in this country after all"

Princess Sophia is indeed adored by the Demihumans.

It's just that, there's no guarantee that the Otherworlder is in the same category just because of that though.

There's also the punchline of being told 『Death to Otherworlders!』 right when I escape from Princess Alicia and run to Princess Sophia crying.

"Regarding Yuri's treatment, rather than handing her over to the village, I have plans to make her meet a suitable person at a suitable place. I will make her meet the Princess if I can"

Princess Alicia though!

"Is that so. ......we have our own thinking as well. But the fact that it was a kidnapping incident is, first of all, a shocking revelation. It's not like we don't hate her though" 

I guess it's troubling for them even if I went, 'this here is an associate of the culprits', and offered her to them, for what they had thought was a tragedy of nature and had given up.

The children came back home after all, so their happiness for that outweighs it currently; so I think.

"I think you'll have to strengthen the security if the problem remains. As far as it goes, everybody in the bandit group other than her has already died. The people who had disappeared, I do not know how many there are, but......"

I guess there are probably others as well besides the child called Lucy-chan.

"In this village......yeah. Thinking back, there are not that many people who feel that it might be a kidnapping. The one that's unmistakably the most suspicious is Lucy-chan, and the others are....... However, similar incidents might have occurred in other places as well. It's a different story if you're saying that that bandit group had, unbelievably, only been abducting people from our village though"

Indeed. It's hard to imagine that they kidnap from the same village every time.

"I-, I think Papa is......not that stupid. It's obviously going to be exposed if he did something like abducting people every time from one location"

It's the least risky to do it without being noticed after all.

Which means, the only one with the suspicion of being kidnapped remaining in this village is the 'Lucy-chan' huh.


"It wasn't as bad as you were worried about huh, Yuri"

"Ye-, yeah......"

We, rented a single night of lodging for today with the plans to depart the Demihuman's village tomorrow.

Which means, since there aren't the eyes of the children, it's the long-awaited fun time.

I immediately brought Yuri onto the bed and embraced her. Like always, it's the posture where I hug her tightly from behind.

"He-, hey......"

"I said I'll bully you sexually in my free time, right. Here, open your legs by yourself, Yuri"


I made Yuri open her legs while keeping her resistance at bay.

"You still don't have to go to the toilet?"

"......I-, I am, fine......"

"Is that so? It's bad for your health if you hold it back though"

"Are you telling me to do it while you are monitoring......?"


I can see with the Monitoring Function. But I suppose there's more sense of humiliation if she's being watched.

"Case by case"


I removed the front part of the chastity belt.

Since it's a piece of convenient equipment, it's rapidly shrinking.

It's not like it vanished; the belt remained on her waist.

"Open it with your own hands Yuri"

"Op-, open it, you say......kuh......"

Yuri probably understands that it's meaningless even if she grumbles.

She keeps her legs open, and with her own fingers......she slowly spreads her slit sideways.

The condition of that part of hers, is well wetted. I, gently reach my finger out to her slit.

"Ah! Do-, don't insert your finger suddenly......!"

"Suddenly, you say. It looks like you're ready though?"


"I inserted the aphrodisiac into your butt numerous times, but how does it feel? Is it working?"

I started stimulating the inside of her slit despite asking.

Looks like she's well ripe for the picking, and it's easy to stimulate her as well.

"I don't kno-......ah, nn, ah, ah, fuーu, nn, nn uu"

While making watery splatting sounds, I'm stimulating her at high speed.

"Ah, ah, haa! Ah, noo, ah!? Haaa, haーa, haーa"

'Glob Glob', 'Splat Splat', I was stimulating her mercilessly.

Yuri's face is blushing beet red.

Her body twitching is conveyed to me as well.

She's already ripe for the picking huh. Good, good.

"Nnn, ah! I'm comming......! I'm comingg!"

I wait for the right timing and strongly stimulate Yuri's weak spots that I'd already found.

'Twitch!', Yuri displays the reaction of a climax using her entire lower body.

"uu......! Uu~~!!"

'Pew', Yuri splurted a small amount of fluid and came lightly for me to see.

"『Breasts, Release』"


The breasts part of the 【Black Straitjacket】 opened at my words and bared Yuri's bra.

They're quite big. I start fondling Yuri's breasts above the bra.

"Nn, nn, nn......,"

For the time being, I rub her nipples over her bra.


The bra is a normal bra. But it'd been made so that it's easy to remove.

I wonder if this is also part of the auto-complete? A black-haired beauty who wears a bra made to be removed by me. Erotic.

Hence, I remove the bra and release Yuri's breasts.

I, carried on to grip Yuri's breasts tightly with both hands and started fondling them.

"Nn, ah......, ah! Nn ah!?"

When I pinch and squeeze the already stiff and perky nipples strongly and pull on them. She makes a good reaction for me.

"Ah, ah, ah!?"

'Twitch!', quivering her body, Yuri opens her mouth and sticks her tongue out. Tears were faintly pooling up in her eyes.

I'm enjoying Yuri's breasts, as I like.

I also re-started inserting my fingers into her nether region even as I fondle her breast.

"Nn! Ah, ah, ahiii! Ah, nn!"

I attentively stimulate her, and Yuri jerks her body again. It sure is fun to make a beauty feel good! Guhehe.

"Kuuu, fuu, fuuuu......"

"It sure has gotten quite easy for you to come huh, Yuri"

"......fuu, fuu......whose, fault is it"

"Mine huh. Then, get on all-fours on top of the bed and stick your butt out"

"Uu, ......yes......"

Yuri is obedient. She accepted the future where we coexist, huh.

By the way, the custom-made vibrator is still inserted in her anus.


'Bachin', I slapped Yuri's butt that was stuck out.

"uu! Wh-, why......!"

"Because I've made it so that the aphrodisiac comes out when I slap your butt"


Well, now then......let's do it, shall we!

After coming to another world after one thing and another, I'm going to have sex for the first time.

The other party is a female bandit and a criminal......but, she's a black-haired beauty and has a good figure as well.

On top of it, a pervert figure where she has aphrodisiac inserted into her butt over and over again and wearing a piercing on her clitoris.

I can't hide my excitement for this either.

"I'm gonna put it in, Yuri"

"......ye-, yes......"

Since we're not in a mutual-love relationship or anything, I'm taking her from the back. I'll start with the doggy style.

I placed it onto Yuri's hole......and inserted it.

"Nn ah!"

Ooh....... Her body jerks.

It sure doesn't look like she's feeling pain.

I grab Yuri's hips and make very sure that she doesn't get away.

"Ah, ann! Auu, ann!"

While sticking our bodies together tightly, I'm slamming into her hips.

Attentively, making sure it hits her all the way inside mercilessly.

"Ah, ah......ah!"

I grabbed and raised one of Yuri's legs. I'm moving my hips without stopping, thrusting her insides.

"Ye-......yes......! Ah, noo, ah!? Haaa!"

Looks like Yuri is feeling it too.

It feels good for me too. This is sex, huh.

Well, it's sexual assault though.

Since she had been lewdly teased and edged the whole time, ever since before we started the act, it makes sense she's more turned on than me.

A black-haired beauty who wriggles her hips by herself and craves pleasure.

Ooh......! Amazing......!

"Nnn, ah, haa! Aah! Noo, ah, ah, aaah!"

"Yuri, don't hold back. Feel as good as you cann"

"Ah......! Ah, it's coming, this, ah, noo, ah, I......!"

I match Yuri's arousal and go on a spurt.

The sound of water and meat smacking are mixing together as I speed up my pace.......

"Uh, uu, fu! nn kuu, ......ah! Ah, uuu! Aaaah! Aah, hiii! Ahii, haaa, haaA, ......aah, aaaaaahーーーーuu!"

The moment Yuri bends her body back like she's feeling significantly better.

I, too, while inserted in the deepest part of Yuri, ejaculated.

"Ah! Aaaaaah......I'm commingg!"

I wonder if it's because she felt the heat of my ejaculation. Yuri, once again, shook her body greatly and climaxed for me to see.

"......ah, haa......haa......ann......"

I lay above the Yuri who climaxed. When it becomes like this, the straitjacket sure is a bit of a hindrance huh.

It's precisely because there's this straitjacket, that Yuri accepts the act so obediently though.


Nn....... Yuri, who I laid on, reacted by twitching her body again.

I suppose the aphrodisiac worked, and her body remained sensitive.

It seems I rubbed somewhere while she's basking in the climax's afterglow, and she ended up finishing again.


"Ah, fuu, fuu......something, like this, is amazin'......, it's my first time......ah, nn......"

Yuri looks satisfied with the aphrodisiac-containing sex.

It may have come with the assistance of a tool, but be that as it may, I guess it's a job well done for my first time.

After that is whether I shall make her come over and over again single-mindedly?

If possible, I want to continue making her come to the extent that she wants to beg me to 'stop already', but it's about how far I can go.


The 【Yuri's Book】 I'd placed beside me was shining again. Based on this timing, as I thought?

I reach my hand out to the shining book and flip the page.

──【Key To Yuri's Heart】 Number 3 Unlocked.

──Unlock Condition, Number 3 『Yuri has sexual intercourse with the target, and accepts the pleasure from the bottom of her heart, once』

......the 'unlock condition', is it not decided through the Princess' free will? It goes for the other conditions as well, but I can't imagine that the Princess, will set such details deliberately.

As I thought, unlike the orthodox route, this way of removing the lock that's being performed on Yuri, is the secret route huh.


¹:土下座(Dogeza). Prostrating oneself.

²:おとうさん(Otou-san). Father

³:おかあさん(Okaa-san). Mother


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