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To The Demihuman's Village (Erotic: Female Bandit, Psychological Bullying)

"I wanna quickly go home......"

The rabbit Demihuman little girl・Layla-chan whimpered. Tears are pooling up in her eyes.

"Sorry, you're right"

It's a situation where children somewhere around ten years old are staying for an extended period in the kidnapper's house after being kidnapped.

The man who came to save them is doing things they don't quite understand.

But they can't go against him. Yet they have no choice but to rely on him.

There's no doubt it's pretty stressful.

Honestly speaking, I can do the skill inspection all day.

These kids, they don't care about something like that huh.

"Layla-chan, Tina-chan. I'd like you to look at this map"

I showed the girls the Magic Map.

"It's a Magic Map where the place we currently are shines. Our current location is over here......and I think area of your home......is likely around these parts. Am I right?"

While looking at the information displayed on the map, I have the girls verify its authenticity.

"Looking at the drawn forest and the position of the town, is there anywhere that looks like the neighbourhood of your home?"

"......ah......this area, I think I know"

"Un. This edge, there's a sea......"


Now that she mentions it, the edge is blue.

It's the sea huh. There's a settlement-ish something drawn near there as well.

The map displayed a path leading to that settlement.

Are the kids' homes in a town near the sea?

"Do you girls, know how many days have passed since you were brought here?"

"......no idea"


"I see"

In the case where their parents come to rescue them, there's the possibility that we might pass each other by.

In that case, these kids' parents will get exposed to danger if I leave the bandits alive.

......that's why I have to take responsibility and go on to finish the bandits off.

"Alright. Let's get ready to go home. But, sorry. Layla-chan, Tina-chan. I, don't really want other people to know that I'm involved with you girls"


Nevertheless, rather than searching for somebody else from now on, it's probably faster and less risky for me to escort the girls home.

I have nobody I can rely on in this Otherworld either after all.

"I'm unable to search for a good person and entrust you to them. That's why I plan to send you two all the way home. I'm sorry about that"

"About what......?"

"About what, I mean"

The Hero's true strength? is a weakling hiding beneath the mightiness of the skills. I can't help feeling uneasy if I'm in the kids' shoes.

......I guess it'd be strange to blurt out the uneasiness I have of my true strength and make the kidnapped kids uneasy either. I've at least got to protect the two kids even if I'm only a Hero in name.


The two kids tilt their tiny heads. Their beast ears are cute, but I'll hold back on asking them to let me touch them.

First, it's the means of transport from here.

I don't have the technical skills to drive a carriage.

There'll end up being witnesses if I go to town and arrange for it.

But I wonder what's the distance on foot approximately.

The ones I'm bringing are kids after all.

Although the 【Monster Repellent】 may function for the monsters.......

"Criminals who kidnap Demihumans huh"

Passing information about the bandits after arriving at the Demihuman's settlement will probably come in handy in the future.

It looks like there had been kidnapping and enslaving since some time ago after all.

In that case, I've got to drag along somebody of the bandits who know the circumstances.


I made the kids carry the items necessary for the trip and had them go outside.

【Monster Repellent】 along with exhaustion healing effect shoes.

Water and food. Even common medicine on top of that.

Since the clothes they're wearing seem to be theirs, I won't snatch them away and change them to something else, but I hand them a robe to wear above it beforehand.

After removing just one side of the shoes, I supplement it with magic, and here we go.

Looks like I can give birth to food as well with 【Possession Designation】.

I sure won't be troubled about the journey's resources if I have companions.

That is if I can use this skill in front of Alicia though.

「──Skill No. 6 【Karmic Curse】」

I go on to finish off the bandit group inside the hideout.

I cast 【Karmic Curse】 on all of them, and then......I swung my sword.

Even as I'm performing murders with a clear state of mind, I'm unperturbed to an unnatural extent.

Lastly, I stab into the bandit group's Head・Yurai's heart......


I don't want to hear his death throes. As expected, it's not up my alley after all.

That's why I killed them upon both stuffing their mouths and wearing clothes that prevent blood backsplash on them.

I dispose of the extra items I've created and erase them then and there so that they won't be used by the Kingdom.


The deceased's spirits, they lingered for a bit even after the bandit group died......but they dispersed soon after.

I clasp my hands together and offer my prayers of I don't know gratitude or whatnot.

I'll probably come to borrow the strength of all kinds of deceased from here on out.

Thank you. Please rest in peace.

......the technique displayed in Skill No.4 【Leveling】 with this time's events is 『Murder Techniques』.

Murders become experience points as well. That was the Hero's power


"Now then, we're going. Layla-chan, Tina-chan"

I join the kids I'd made wait at the front of the building.



Immediately after, the two of them directed troubled-looking faces at me.

"What's the matter?"

"......are you bringing, 『that person』 as well.....?"


It seems what the two of them are caught up with is the 『her』 I'm bringing along.

"Muguu......! Muguu!"

──that's right, her.

The restrained female bandit・Yuri is in a state where she's unable to speak since she has her mouth stuffed.


"There there"

The female bandit is also wearing a black robe.

But, what she's wearing below that are all the restraints I finished designating.

Both the bottom and the top are all things I wore on her.

Though the straitjacket has the same setup, I tried making the decorations slightly goth loli-ish. The colour is black.

'Why', you ask? It's my preference.


A handcuff with long chains is worn on her right wrist, and it's connected to the handcuff on my left hand.

It's a tag team format with the female bandit Yuri if a battle with a monster occurs.

"I have a bit of a need for her, so I plan to bring her along"

"Is, that so......?"

The two kids huddle up to each other, afraid of Yuri.

"I made it so that she can't ever lay her hands on you girls again, so don't worry. If it goes well, she might shoulder your exhaustion along the way"



They tilt their tiny heads at me. I mean, of course they would.

I'd affixed a 『shoulder the kids' exhaustion effect』 on the straitjacket I wore on the female bandit Yuri.

I don't know if the effect came out properly though.

"So, a wagon huhh"

This was the only vehicle I confiscated from the bandit group that I could seemingly move.

I guess it's better than nothing.

"Will you two get into the wagon?"

Maybe I should get a cushion or something out as well.

"Ah, that's right"

A list of stolen goods stolen from the girls' settlement or something might work as well.

I designate a cushion that's easy for kids to sit on and a stolen goods list and use the skill on Yuri.


"Here we go"

I catch the cushion that manifested beside Yuri through the Transportation・Return.

And then a report came on out.

"Muu, guu!"

The handcuff stayed on. I wonder if it's because it's something that happened in an instant.


Looks like there's nothing that stands out in particular.

"Let's go then, shall we"

"Ye-, yes!"


......I confirmed while I was at it, but the two bandits I'd cursed and left outside had died.

Which means I won't get cursed back even if I go as far as to kill them if it's retribution.

I wonder if the deceased's regrets are cleared with that.

Let's clasp my hands together just in case. Amitabha.

"Hey, we're gonna move it together, Yuri"


Like this, I dragged the wagon with the female bandit hand in hand and proceeded into the forest, aiming for the Demihuman's village.


"Fuu, muu, fuu"

While dragging the wagon, I go on to do the skills inspection with female bandit Yuri.

【Insta-kill Magic】 gobbled up resources, but I managed to recreate regular magic.


There's a problem. I couldn't use the weapon that casts magic.

Even though it worked when I (forcefully) made Yuri use the 『Magic Tool That Casts Water Magic』.



I similarly couldn't cast Fire Magic, but I managed to recreate the lighting up of some fuel with a lighter or something.

I don't understand the success criteria of the tool creation.

When it comes to Fire Magic, Yuri couldn't use it either after all. Of course, the kids as well.

"Guuu! Guuuu!"

In the middle of pulling the wagon, the female bandit Yuri continued glaring and groaning at me.

I suppose it's a natural response since her father's blood is on my hands.

"Nn......! Nnn, fuuu......"

However, as Yuri perspired and blushed, she averted her eyes from me.

"Un un"

The effect of the equipment worn on her is showing.

The reason I brought the female bandit Yuri along, is to preserve the moral values of the me who wasn't perturbed even when I committed murder for some reason.

In other words, it's the mindset of not wanting to place only yes-men by my side.

I mean, there are all kinds of reasons as well, like the counter-Princess experiments, my sexual desires.......

Yes. I'll confess beforehand.

1 is sexual desires, 2 is experiments, 3 and 4 are just because, and 5 is to reinforce my moral values.

I want to do erotic things to female bandit Yuri with the skill. Or rather, I've been doing it.

"The sun has already set huh......"

It seems the 【Monster Repellent】 I've made the children hold is effective.

We managed to go about our journey without being attacked by monsters.

But I guess I should re-manufacture the 【Monster Repellent】 beforehand as a counter-measure against the magic tool running out of energy.

"Are we, sleeping outside?"

"Un. Sorry, that we can't return to your village right away"


I stop the wagon at a decent spot and begin the preparations to sleep outside.

I pitch a 【Monster and insect repellent sound-proof function・foldable-style tent】, and secure a place for the children to sleep.

"I, have never gone camping before"

It's my first time sleeping outside as well.

Adventurers, they probably have a greater danger of being attacked by monsters. What a tough occupation.

"Now then"

After putting the kids to sleepー. It's playtime. Guhehe!


"Youu......piece of shit! I'll definitely not forgive you! I won't forgive you!! You murderer!"

When I shifted the female bandit Yuri's mouth gag, she started berating me right away.

"That's right. I have Yuri's father's and comrades' blood on my hands"

"Diee! You piece of shit! You, pervert!"

I continue to closely observe the Yuri who directs her killing intent at me.

"Kuu......fuu......haa, you piece of shitt......ah"

The equipment I've worn on Yuri is the item below.

【Equipment Designation】

◇Hatred And Rage's Lust Conversion Piercing

1. A piercing that converts the emotions of hatred・rage towards the Hero into the increase of sexual desires. (clip only)

2. The equipped location is the clitoris.

3. The more the wearer harbours killing intent towards the Hero, the more it stimulates the wearer sexually.

4. Unable to remove through the wearer's will.

5. Able to temporarily pause・start the effect through the Hero's command.

6. Rank A

"Fuu, fuu......!"

In other words, anger and hatred become sexual stimulation and continuously humiliate Yuri.

A black-haired beauty who ends up feeling better the more she gets angry.

"Does it feel good?"

"You, kuu, haa!? Nn! An......fuu, fuu......"

I've informed her of the equipment effect as well.

In other words, the only way to resist the sexual stimulation, is for her to control the state of her mind.

"I won'tt.....forgive youu! Kuun!"

"I mean, even if you direct killing intent at me while spreading your legs in an M shape like thatt"


Yuri whose arms are restrained to her belly and stripped of her freedom by the straitjacket.

Looks like for her to escape the pleasure, she has no choice but to take on an indecent pose.

"Remove, this......! Pervert!"

She's shaking in pleasure and killing intent even as she's becoming teary-eyed in frustration.

Her legs are quivering in short intervals.

"I'm not gonna remove it. That goes for the straitjacket as well. You can hate me all you want"

"Let me kill you right away, you pervert!"

"That obviously ain't happening, right"

I don't want to be killed after all. I killed them because I didn't want to let them kill me. The bandit group's circumstances? Like I care.

"I'll kill you, I'll kill you, I'll kill you! Haaaa, ah, ah, ah noo, aaah!? Ah......!"

In an opened-legs state, Yuri stuck her hips forward twitchingly and bent backwards.

The front part of the skirt starts getting wet.

I wonder if she squirted. What should I do about the laundry.

"Ah, fuu......fuu......!"

"Killing intent masturbation, does it feel good? Yuri-san"

I try provoking her even more.

"Kuuu! Ann, sto-, stop......itt! Make, this, stop! At a place like this, with such intensity......nn aau!"

The female bandit Yuri who's toyed by pleasure while facing upwards and drooling.

"I'm not doing anything. I told you how to stop that stimulation, right?"

"Kuuu......, fuu, fuu......"

Yuri shuts her eyes, focuses on just the lingering pleasure, and suppresses her arousal.

"So, did it feel good?"

"There's no way it felt good, right! Kufuu, noo, ah, you can't, I'm coming, I'm comingg......!"

And her body reacted by twitching again as soon as she got angry.

Yuri opens her mouth, sticks her tongue out, and enjoys the climax.

"An, ann......kuu......I won't! Forgive youu! I'll definitely avenge Papa......! Kuufuuuu!? Noo, wait! You can'tt, I'm comingg! I'm coming unn!!"

In a state where her legs are opened in an M shape, Yuri sticks her hips out further forward......unconsciously in my direction.

Unable to escape the pleasure, her body is diverting it by twitching repeatedly.

It seems she can feel good over and over again.

Harbours intense killing intent for the Hero.

Ends up attaining intense sexual pleasure and climaxing.

Harbours even more killing intent for the Hero from the humiliation of being tormented.

And then, ends up feeling good and climaxing again.

......it's an infinite loop with this.

Yuri is probably in the phase where she needs to get used to it since it's still the first day of the journey.

Tonight, I guess I shall spend the night thoroughly enjoying the silliness that's repeated in front of my eyes without sleeping.

"Haa, haa......ah, haa......"

I wanna train the female bandit inside her dream after she falls asleep in exhaustion as well.

"Haa......haan......ah, I'm coming, I'm coming, stoppp......! I'm comingg!"

"Amazing killing intent huh, Yuri-san"

I rile her up and make her angry, further giving her intense stimulation.

"Kuuuu! Haan! I'll definitely, not forgive youuu I'm commingg......!!"

The female bandit, after climaxing over and over repeatedly, ended up fainting.


"Layla-chan, Tina-chan, how are you feeling?"

"Un......I'm fine......"

"I'm fine!"

Oh? The fox Demihuman Tina-chan is in high spirits.

Did she manage to have a good sleep? It'd be great if that's how it is.

"Are we riding the wagon today as well?"

"Un. Yuri-san and I will be pulling the wagon. Sorry, that it's not a comfortable carriage journey"

"Uun. That's fine though......"

It was late when we departed yesterday, but we're departing in the morning today.

We haven't progressed that much on the map. But, judging by this feeling, we'll reach the town......around noon the day after tomorrow? I suppose that's how much distance we progressed.

It sure is pretty far. The bandit group, did they kidnap kids from that distance?

In contrast to the feelings of wanting to let them quickly meet their parents, the encounter with their parents sure feels terrifying.

If it turns into a battle with a good person, most of my skills will be rendered useless after all.

"......hey, stop it with the mouth gag already"

The Yuri who woke up said something like that to me.

She's more docile than last night. Is it post-climax clarity?

"When you open your mouth, the kids get frightened, right?"

"......I, didn't do anything to those kids, yet"

"You sure have the gall to say that huh"

As expected, that's a long stretch.

"I won't struggle, alright......hey, can we talk? I can't win against you anyway, right?"

I don't think you can't win against me for sure though.

"You want to do it with me, don't you. That's why you do the things you did yesterday"


Well, that's true.

"Hey? Think about it. Uun. How about we talk about it? With such restraints, you won't be able to do things that feel good, right?"

"I get what you want to say"

If I have no sexual desires, I won't do what I did yesterday after all.

However, I have my objective.

【Equipment Designation】

◇Key To Yuri's Heart (Fake) Hair Accessory

1. Has the effect of recreating the pseudo-workings of the 【Key To The Princess' Heart】.

2. However, it is unable to give changes・influence to the Hero's skills・abilities in reality.

3. Removes ten locks whenever Yuri acknowledges the Hero in her heart and reports the process・details of that in 【Yuri's Book】.

4. Rank S

......with this, my objective is to make the female bandit Yuri into my counter-Princess Alicia experimental subject.

Yuri, she carries solid killing intent towards the me who killed her father.

If I manage to open the lock to the heart of that her while acquiring data like this......it'll be helpful in conquering Princess Alicia.

Furthermore, I also discovered that a frightening skill has been added to 【Leveling】.

Its name is......『Sexual Techniques』 Level!

I ended up reflexively saying, 'you actually do have one!', out loud.

In other words, it's necessary for me to level up before the real deal of Princess Alicia! Is it necessary?

"Hey, I'll......give you service. What's, your name?"

"It's Shino. But as for the service, I had you show me plenty yesterday, so I'll pass"

"Kuu......you! Fuu!?"

Ah, I wonder if she got angry. It feels like she's desperately diverting her thoughts elsewhere after her body twitches.

"The-, then, at least, re-, remove the restraints on my......hands......"

"When you're pulling the wagon. Not other than that"

"Si-, since yesterday......I haven't relieved myself!"

"I see"

By the way, I've created a 『Monster Repellent Concealment Fabric』, dug up the ground, set up a simplistic toilet, and both the kids and I have gone to the toilet.

It's a situation where Yuri is currently the only one holding it in.

"In the wagon, I've prepared the toilet creation kit"

"The-, then quickly!"

, the female bandit is wriggling her legs.

Looks like she's relatively close to her limits. Rather, I'm impressed she managed to hold it in.

It's fine even if I give her permission to use the toilet, but.......

"Hey, the enslaved Demihumans were imprisoned and whatnot, right?"

"Wha-, what about that?"

"The people who were imprisoned, how did they go to the toilet? I can't imagine that they were treated as humans though. It looks like they were offered up for human experiments after all"


The female bandit Yuri fell silent.

Not only that, she averts her eyes from me. No, it's over if you keep quiet here, right.

"How did you handle the toilet problem of the kidnapped Demihumans? Did you kindly bring them to the toilet, each and every single time?"


Yuri carries on keeping silent, and then she starts breaking into a cold sweat.

"If you won't answer, then that in itself give me some ideas about it though"

Over there, someone gave her some slack from my question.

"......I, toilet......"

"Nn? Sorry, Tina-chan. Of course, you'll go first. I'll set it up the temporary toilet,"

,  I was considerate towards the girls' morning business though.

"I was made to go to the toilet......in the cage"

"......me too"

"Wha-......shu-, shut up, you bratss!"


As I thought huh. Then, that means that's part of her retribution as well.

It ended in death for the other guys after all.

Let's have her pay it back as the representative of the bandit group.

"......for the toilet, you can just go there"

"Un. We, will look at you"


The expression in the girls' eyes is kinda scary!

It can't be helped. Unlike the outsider me, the girls were the very victims.

Now that their positions switched, I have to go along with the girls until they're satisfied.

I think the one who does the cleaning, will be me though.

If it's wetting-clean-up, then I've had the experience of doing it for Princess Alicia as well after all!

"Then, after your morning excrement is done......let's send these kids hand in hand, all the way to the Demihuman village, shall we. Yuri-san"

I smile cheerfully. The kids glare at the female bandit from the wagon.


Like this, through the will of the girls whose dignity she once deprived, the female bandit was deprived of her dignity.


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