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After Story. Goddess Descended

"Aah! This meat stew¹ here is delicious as well! The green pepper and beef stir fry as well, the Neapolitan² as well! Good grief! Geez! My fork won't stop at all! Chrona-san! Seconds please!"

Despite saying, 'Good grief, good grief', the beauty is devouring the dishes placed on top of the table one after another with a tremendously nice smile. The maids clear the plates one after another and bring new dishes over, but the speed in which the beauty moves her fork doesn't decline at all.

Her deliciously-eating figure, is not at all classless even though she's eating that quickly; she's eating with a beautiful mannerism, as though a noble lady having a tea party elegantly. It's just that, the speed of the fork and knife she's holding in both hands......or rather, the speed of her elbows down is too fast that it's not visible.

"......ah, Lei!"

As I was watching such a figure of the Goddess and standing unmovingly by the dining hall's entrance, perhaps she noticed that I came into the dining hall, a beauty with beautiful silver hair ran over to me. Perhaps Caro saw the sight of that and realised I was here as well, she let out a sigh of relief.

'Poof', the silver beauty hugs me and rubs her head on my chest. My height is a bit short of 180, and the beauty's height is roughly slightly over 150.

I pat the head of such beauty while chuckling.

"Are you in the middle of your break, Eclat?"

I speak to the silver-haired beauty, Eclat. And then, she raises her head and nods. I didn't see it before because her Humanification wasn't perfect yet 3 years ago, but it looks like she practised these 3 years.

It's to the extent that when I first saw this, when I was hugged suddenly, I ended up asking Eclat, 'who in the world are you'. Eclat got mad at me at that time though. I got gnawed on my head.

"Ah, Lei-san! How would you like to have a meal together? If it is now, I will give you the privilege of making me go 'aーn' and feeding me!"

And then, Astell, who noticed that I came in, says something like that to me. Astell, who opens her mouth gapingly and goes 'aーn' at me is beautiful, but since it somewhat irritated me, I grab and shove a piece of rib in.

"Nnguh! ......gokuu, is-, isn't that dangerous, Lei-san! It almost stabbed my throat!"

I don't know how, but Astell, who ended up eating just the meat off the piece of rib I threw into her mouth without using her hands and removed the bone with her hand, grumbled at me......I have a feeling that probably nothing will happen even if it stabbed her throat.

"Well, it somewhat irritated me"

"Wha-! Even though I said that I shall let you make such a beauty go 'aーn'; why did you get irritated!"

Astell who bares her anger at my words. I mean, I see beauties every day after all. I ended up getting used to it to a certain extent. Although Astell is a beyond-human-standards beauty, having seen her current figure......it's kinda......

"Ah, you just violated my body with your eyes huh! You can't do that! I got sullied by Lei-san! I have to have you take responsibility and marry me for this!"

Astell says and points snappily at me. What is this Goddess on about.......

"For our children, we'll have a boy first, next a girl, and after that......ah, it hurts, it hurts!"

I greet her with an Iron Claw³ since she started saying overly absurd things. When I release my hand after a while, Astell holds her head and crouches. And then

"Thi-, this is what you call pain huh......it might be unexpectedly nice......if it is from Lei-san......"

The Goddess says something like that and looks over here with damped upturned eyes. Isn't it no good to let this Goddess learn the sensations above ground?

"No-, now now, Lei, calm down, Astell-sama as well"

Over there, Caro intervenes. Caro is a through and through Astell devotee. Caro is the one who indulges Astell the most one way or another after all.

"Yeah. I'm hungry as well after all. Eclat, shall I go 'aーn' and feed you?"


I take a seat while saying that, and Eclat sits beside me. I go 'aーn' and feed Eclat while also eating my own share. Caro is watching like she's going 'my my', but since she glances over here from time to time, I go 'aーn' at her, and she eats it without looking dissatisfied.

Astell who was watching the sight of that

"ーーnn! ......is-, is this what they call neglection play"

She starts blushing and quivering......this is no good. If I leave her be like this, she'll cease to return to how she originally was. It can't be helped, so I stab a piece of meat with the fork and bring it to Astell's mouth, and

"Ge-, geez, Lei-san! You become affectionate too quickly, geezz!"

she goes 'aーn' and eats it while saying. Good grief, this useless Goddess......I wonder if this is what they call the dumber they are, the cuter they are?

"......uuu, she's different from the Astell-sama I'd imagined"

Beside me, there was the figure of the Caro who's looking at the useless Goddess who goes 'aーn' and eats when I stick out the fork that stabbed the dish, and feeling conflicted.

"Come to think of it, how's the life here, Astell? You're serving as a priest with Caro at the temple in the Royal Capital, right?"

I ask the Astell, who I guess is satisfied and is sipping her after-meal tea. Ever since Astell came to this world, she's been working at the temple that was made at this here Runwalker Kingdom's Royal Capital two years ago.

In that temple, Caro is at the top as the bishop, and there are sisters below her. By the way, it seems Eclat is helping out at the second Light Dragon Tavern that's in the Royal Capital and the shrine.

......I've got to pay a visit to Levine-san's grave as well. I heard it's at the Water Dragon Ruler Vardy-san's Shrine.

"Fu fun! I am guiding lost sheep every day" 

Astell says something like that with a proud look after turning grim for a bit. I look at such Astell with doubtful eyes. Fixーーーedly.

"A-, again, violating me with your eyes like that......haa......haa......"

......this Goddess might be hopeless already.


¹:肉じゃが(Nikujaga): Japan meat stew.

²:Neapolitan: A pasta dish that originated in Japan.

³:アイオンクロー(Iron Claw): A pro wrestling technique.


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