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Bandit Subjugation (Slightly Erotic)

"Aan!? The hell's with you guys! What are you fucking sleeping for!?"


"The hell is this! Why the fuck is it making these fellows' voices!"

The bandit group's Head, Yurai, roars angrily.

He seems confused by the mysterious situation as one would expect.

......this, it sure is the perfect chance.

I decided to infiltrate the hideout.

A 'bandit group's Head' is a boss. A boss character.

In other words, it feels like he'll pack a ton of experience points.

There were entries such as 『Swordmanship』 and  『Combat Skills』 as well in Skill No. 4 【Leveling】.

That's why if I fight him, I can probably get the experiences I can't acquire from just subduing him with the Transportation Technique.

If it's a fight to the death with real swords, the level of 『Art of Murder』 and 『Techniques of Murder』 might increase as well.

......it's a messed-up way of thinking though.

But, I'm in the middle of living with a higher-level Knight who shoulders the mission of killing me.

I want to increase the techniques of those sorts beforehand no matter what.

Because my opponents are evildoers, the restrictions on the skill usage weaken, and I won't get mentally depressed even if I kill them.

Having cleaned up his subordinates beforehand as well, it's a 1vs1.

A battle that fulfils so many conditions should be pretty hard to come by.


"Oi, you guys! Wake the fuck up! Fucking getting hammered!"


I proceed inside the hideout while looking at the surveillance screen.

I've released the sleeping gas around, and it looks like it's ineffective against Yurai.

"Bloody hell!"

I lurk outside the door of the room where Yurai's voice is audible in reality.

My heart started racing.

......don't you notice me, got itt?

Alright! I activate 【Otherworld Transportation Technique】 on Dazley.

"Wha-, whatt!?"

A magic circle surfaces and sends Dazley to Earth. His return will be a minute later.

I opened the door slightly at this very moment when I diverted Yurai's attention.

I peek inside and designate the bandit group's Head, Yurai, as the target. And then I shut the door right away.

Alright! With this, it'll be even more perfect if I can quickly wrap up the settings! Hurry, hurry!!

◆Otherworld Transportation Technique


【Equipment Designation】

◇Actions Obstruction Clothes

1. Clothes that give the wearer an electric shock when the Hero verbalises 『Stun-gun』.

2. In a form that, in any case, obstructs the target's movements.

3. Rank A

【Possession Designation】

◇Dull Weapon

1. It is the exact same design as the weapon he current has equipped; however, it has the effect of being unable to hurt anybody.

2. Rank C

【Objective Designation】Stay 2 seconds on Earth.

With this, preparation is done.

Alright! Charge! Goー Goー GO!

I push the door open and charge at Yurai!

I have a chance of winning as long as my head and heart don't get crushed!

I'll overcome the first-timer killer¹ and increase my damn level!



It's my very first death matchhhhh!!

Take thissss! Give me your headdd!

"Shit! The hell's going onn!"

At least a single slash! Face to face, even if it's a sneak attack! The experience points should accumulate with just that!

Relying on the 【Bandit Killer Sword】 for my attacking efficacy!


It landed! I slashed him! But it's shallow!

"Don't fuck with mee!!"

Yurai counter-attacked me despite it being something that happened out of nowhere.


I was punched and sent flying by his counter-attack.

Like the Chivalric Order Captain, it's a movement that's beyond human understanding.

I crash into the furniture and sorts that are there from the momentum. The difference in strength was evident.


It hurts! But these, too, are experience points! It'll serve me well one day! But it hurtts!

"You bastarddd! Who the hell are youuu!!"

Yurai closes in on me while yelling angrily. I'm dead if I get caught like this.

"──Skill No. 3, Activate!"


Yurai's figure disappeared at the same time as the emergence of the magic circle.

I stand up somehow in the meantime.

"......-att, is this!?"

He, who was made to promptly return to the Otherworld, had changed into a difficult-to-move-in-looking attire.

In his hand, he's holding a weapon with the same appearance but dulled.

"──Skill No. 6【Karmic Curse】"

A black-purple magic circle emerge in the space between us.


The souls of the deceased killed by him appear from there.

"The hell, is this! Don't fuck with me!'




Amongst them, there's a vengeful spirit that still retained its human form?


"Wha-......, wh-, why, youu......!"

Are they acquainted? I mean, of course they're gonna be acquainted. Is he the type who remembers the people he killed clearly?

"Aaah!? Don't be showing up here in a different form! I'm the one who raised Yuri up, aren't I! A bandit's daughter is a bandit!"

Ah. Yurai's ex-wife, is it?

"......it's almost a minute"

The Dazley I'd transported returns.

'Psst', smoke started spreading from the 【Magic Smokescreen Manifesting Sphere】 I made him hold.

Furthermore, the 【Magic Figure】 makes a loud sound.


I, too, grimace at the horribly ear-piercing sound.


I'm robbing Yurai's thought process with all various items and skills.


The deceased's souls commence their attacks alongside the female spirit that still retained her form.

I close in on the distracted Yurai.

"GuuU!? Gyaa, what, whatt, you bastards! Don't fuck with me, don't fuck with meeee!"

Eat this, one more attack!


"Gah, kahah! You bastarddddd!!"

I slash the surface of his body with 【Bandit-Killer Sword】.

His blood splurts out......but, even so, it's still shallow!


Yurai is rampaging about despite being assaulted by 【Karmic Curse】.

I calmly caught his counter-attack this time around.

His weapon is a 【Dull Weapon】.

The 【Bandit-Killer Sword】 I have won't get broken.


'Clink!', the swords clashed, and a metallic sound reverberated.

The impact from catching it......I send it right back!

"──Skill No. 2 【Absolute Counter】!"

I manifest Fighting Spirit and follow up on an attack on Yurai.

"Gyah! You bastard, guaaaaaah!"


Why, why, why

The female spirit repeated 『Why』.

Maybe she wants to ask the man, whom I suppose is her ex-husband, something.

"Shut uppp aaaaah!"

But it's precisely because those words don't reach Yurai, that they turn into hatred and attack the surviving living person.



I manifest an electric shock with the 【Actions Obstruction Clothes 】's effect.

In contrast to the Yurai who stopped moving, I step down even harder this time around, and I slash at him!

'──slash!!'. The sword I swung down went.


I cut off his left arm cleanly.

......this isn't my capabilities, right?

For me to sever a human body. I guess the effect of 【Bandit-Killer Sword】 worked.

"This is the end. 『Stun-gun』!"

"AGAh, GAaGYA......!"

With another dose of electric shock just to be on safe side, Yurai finally loses consciousness. 


"......haa, haa....... Alright......!"

After that is to use the Transportation Technique on the bandits one by one and restrain them.

Mouth gags, handcuffs, shackles, magic seals, stun-gun designations, and done.

"Alright, with this"

I finished the beatdown and restraining of the 8 of the 11 people I confirmed ahead of time.

It was a battle that had made loud sounds, but nobody else rushed over. It seems they don't have any more comrades.

I suppose all that remains is just the bandit head's daughter, Yuri=Godey.



Just in case, I gave an additional dose of electric shock to all 8 bandit members beforehand.

Here we go, with this, there won't be any problem.

I change the Transportation Technique's target to just Yurai and secure 2 empty slots...

I manufacture new equipment with the Transportation Technique for the sake of my next assignment.

◇Stealth Mantle

1. A mantle that has a camouflaging effect of blending into the scenery.

2. Has the effect of blocking off one's presence.

3. Has the effect of blocking off one's body scent.

4. Rank A

◇Bandit Subjugation Taser Gun

1. A taser gun that shoots out prongs at the target and gives them an electric shock.

2. Has the effect of auto-aim. However, the subject of the aim is restricted to Yuri, or otherwise, bandits.

3. The electric shock does not activate if the opponent is not a bandit.

4. Rank B

......alright, preparation is done.

Let's quickly go and rescue the Demihuman kids.


"I don't wannaa......!"

"Higgu, uguu, eggu......!"

The voices of the crying kids were audible.

Thank God! They're still alive!

I get close to the basement's door and peek at the state inside.

Immediately after, a voice other than the kids was audible as well.

It's the female bandit Yuri's voice.

"Ahaha! What's the matter? I've said that I'll spare you, right?"

......nn? Spare?

Does she actually have a redeeming side, that female bandit.

Your dead Okaa-san²(?) has turned into a spirit and is rejoicing upstairs! While cursing your Otou-san³!

"I don't wannaaa......! aAAAH! Let us go back! Let us go back homee!"

"I've said I'll let you go back, didn't I? Just one of you♪"

Ah, she's forcing an either-or decision on them huh.

Saying that she'll let either one of them go home?

Those two, based on their vibe, they're probably fellow friends.

Are you a scum or something. Let them both go home, you kidnapper.

Me, personally, I think kidnapping is the worst crime.

What's your opinion on that, Princess Alicia.

"Here. Pick up that knife. The one who kills their friend can go home, you know? Ahahaha!"

"I don't wanna, I don't wanna, I don't wannaaaaa"


............is she a monster.

Eh, what? That woman, is she saying she'll let only the one who survived amongst fellow friends go home? Isn't it too jerkish?

Furthermore, they're kids you plan to use in some kind of transaction, right?

Which means you have no intention to let the one who survived go home either.

Oh no. She might very well make the cornered kids kill their friend if I don't quickly go.

That'll be way too painful.

I readied the 【Magic Flash Orb】, that's a countermeasure against multiple people, and the 【Bandit Subjugation Taser Gun】, and opened the basement's door.

Vigorously, yeah! Bang!

"How long are you going to keep doing that, Yuri!"

I tried raising a loud voice overly familiarly like I'm saying, 'Papa is here!'.


The beautiful woman is opening her red eyes widely in surprise.

"Who the hell, are you!"

"It's me, you know, me"

I aim and fire the taser gun at Yuri mercilessly.

Eat shit, you scummy woman.

"Wha-, hah!?"

The prongs that were shot out hit the female bandit!

What a godly aim! It's compensated by the item though!

I immediately activate the taser gun!



Fuhahaha! I'm undefeatable in the Otherworld with a modern weapon!

Electric shock sure seems to be effective huh, Otherworlders!

"Is there anybody else?"

I don't see any bandit other than Yuri.

Are they not coming out because they can't get in the way of the boss' daughter's fun.

Or are these simply all of the bandit group members.


In any case, I quickly wear restraining tools on Yuri with the Transportation Technique.

......alright! With this, I finished the beatdown of all of the bandit group's members!


"You girls, are you alright!?"

I rush over to the metal cage that the Demihuman young girls were imprisoned in.



The kids shrieked in fear at me as well.

『No way, even though I came to save you』

is something I can no way say. There's no way they can understand anything in their situation.

Just the very sight of a human might be a source of fear for them. There's even Human Supremacy and such after all.

"Looks like you're fine huh"

I smiled at them brightly so as to put them at ease.


They were afraid of that as well. Well, they seem energetic.

They haven't been corner until 『I've got to kill my friend and survive......』.

In that case, I think rehabilitation will still work.

Though it'll probably leave a trauma in them.

The metal cage is locked.

To open this up, here we go.


【Possession Designation】

◇Metal Cage Key

1. Key to the cage that imprisons Layla and Tina.

2. Rank C

here, here, and here we go.

Unleash yourself, my text entering skill!


Yuri is limp from the electric shock.

She's a young and beautiful woman, but as expected, her insides are way too scummy.

But since she's an evildoer, I feel like there's hardly any worry of being cursed back even if I do horrible things to her.

......the possibilities sure are endless!

It's worth using the Hero skill on a woman who, even though her outer appearances are up there, is an evil woman on the inside!

Like the experiments of the countermeasures against Princess Alicia and whatnot, I want to do it with this female bandit beforehand.

"This, is the key to that cage. However"

Leaving Yuri aside for now, I turn to the kids again.

I showed them the cage's key and spoke to them.

"I still don't know whether I restrained all the people who captured you girls, so can you wait a bit? Err......Layla-chan, and, Tina-chan"

In a voice that doesn't scare them as far as possible.

I wonder what I should do to free the girls safely.

"This is the cage's key, and this is the 【Monster Repellent Bangle】. It's a forest around this hideout after all. You're probably scared and want to run away immediately, but wait for me"

A countermeasure so that the girls don't get attacked by monsters even if I can't get their trust and they run away from me.

"But you girls, likely don't know the way home, right?"

I wonder if I'm talking too fast.

But there might still be enemies around.

While being wary of my back, I go about it quickly.

I'll pass on being assaulted from behind at a time like this.

"I want to help you girls"


"You might be scared, but just for a short time is fine. Will you trust me?"


The Fox Demihuman・Tina, despite nestling up to Layla, comes off in a posture where she's shielding her friend one way or another.

......what a strong kid, I thought.

"Will you......help us......?"

"Of course. I defeated that female bandit who was saying horrible things to you girls, right? I'd like it if you could think of that as the proof. ......yeah"

I use the Transportation Technique on Yuri again.

【Possesion Designation】

◆Soothing Water × 2

1. A water bottle filled with water that a child can hold.

2. Icy and delicious. That is all. Harmless to anybody.

3. Rank C

◆Map All The Way To Layla and Tina's Home

1.A map with the way to safely go back to Layna and Tina's home from the hideout displayed in an easy-to-understand manner.

2. Has the effect where the current position shines dimly with magic.

3. Rank B

"......it's harmless, right"

I take the water bottle I created in my hand.

The Transportation Technique, it didn't make it poisonous or something with its auto-complete, right.

Just to be safe, I guess I'll taste it for poison beforehand.

"Nnkuh. Puhaa"

......nnー, it's just water. But it's plenty.

I realise that my throat is parched as well from the earlier battle. Fuu.

"Here, it's water. It's a water bottle with water. It's not poison"

I open the metal cage and hand the water bottle to the girls.

The cage opened normally with the key I created.

It feels like I can do lock-picking anywhere.

I wonder if I'll get cursed if I do that.

"Drink the water and calm down, alright"


The map all the way to their home is......ooh?

I managed to create it normally. Anything goes huh, this skill.

It looks like there's a relative bit of distance to their home.

Now then, what I should do.

"Will you, help......us?"

"Un. I'll help you. I came for the sake of that"

It's good and all that they took the water bottle they were handed, but the kids haven't digested the situation yet.

"For the time being, come on out from this cage. ......are there any other kids besides you girls who have been captured here?"

"......we don't know"


"You don't know of any other children who were captured with you girls, right?"

"......un. Just me and Lyala......"

"Got it. Thanks, Tina-chan"

As far as it goes, I say with a smile.

Though she was afraid of me just now.

"......who are you......?"

"Me? I'm, the He-,"

Proclaiming to be the Hero, is highly risky for these kids, right?

After all, Princess Alicia is a Human Supremacist.

『The Human saved the Demihumans, and the Demihumans, too, are indebted to the Hero......』, if she finds out about such a relationship, it feels like that's the very first thing she'll target.

Like taking them hostage or something.

She'll make use of a strategy like 『The Hero who became the Demon Lord brutally killed the Demihumans, why!?』 or something on me.

Having a connection with the Hero, feels like it'll not serve these kids' future well.

"I am......, Shino. My name is Shino"

"Shino, san"

The two of them listen to what I have to say while nestling up to each other.

"Un. But I still don't know whether I managed to properly subjugate the bandit group. Also, you girls' home is far as well, so......will you wait for me until I eliminate the danger?"

Layla and Tina nodded to me snappily.

What smart and strong kids.

I've got to send them all the way home properly.


"Now then, here we go"

I turn to the unconscious female bandit, Yuri, again.

The Transportation Technique's designations, here we go.

◇Numbing Effect Straitjacket

1. A straitjacket that manifests an electric shock when the Hero verbalises 『Stun-gun』.

2. Is unable to deal a damage that causes one to die through electric shock.

3. Rank A

◇Lie Exposing Collar

1. A collar with a blue magic gemstone attached to it.

2. It shines red when the wearer lies and remains blue if they tell the truth.

3. Rank A


Restraints, and on top of that.


Female bandit Yuri's appearance is that of a beauty.

It feels like it's worth it to tease her as well.


◇Vibrator-Attached Chastity Belt

1. A chastity belt with a vibrator inserted into her nether region and rectum.

2. When the Hero recites 『Vibration』 and 『Weak』 『Medium』 『Strong』, it initiates a vibration with a matching strength and gives the wearer concrete sexual stimulation. 

3. Has the effect of not injuring people and not letting them to feel pain.

4. Rank C

"Un un"


If we're talking about restraints, it's got to be this.

It's able to dull her movements as well after all.

After that, here we go.

【Possession Designation】

◇Godey Bandit Group's Hideout's Magic Map

1. A map of Godey Bandit Group's hideout.

2. In the case where there is a trap, it indicates the content and the way to avoid it in detail.

3. The current position shines dimly with magic.

4. Rank B

◇Godey Bandit Group・Member List

1. A list of every Godey Bandit Group member.

2. A list that lists the people other than the bandit group that enter and leave the hideout as well.

3. Rank A

"And alright!"

I don't know what I'm alright-ing about though.

But eroticism is indispensable.

Even if she's an evil woman on the inside, as long as she's a woman with good looks, eroticism is indispensable; I activate the Transportation Technique.


The 【Numbing Effect Straitjacket】  I wore on the female bandit is, in a form where her arms with long sleeves go around her abdomen, and those sleeves are tied with chains, robbing her upper body's freedom.

And then, I obtained the hideout's map and the member list.


I run my eyes through the member list.

There are 11 Godey Bandit Group members in total.

Ooh, I finished subduing everybody.

"I guess I completed the Princess' mission for now?"

However, I, who have nobody to rely on other than the Princess and the Chivalric Order Captain, was given the additional mission of sending the Demihuman girls home safely.

Furthermore, without being noticed by Princess Alicia's forces if possible.

Otherwise, it might drag the girls into trouble one day.


Yuri is about to regain her consciousness.

Is it because of the stimulation of the chastity belt equipped on herー?

Because I made her equip it with the vibrators already inserted with the Transportation Technique?

Hmーm......? Ain't that erotic.

The options to attack Princess Alicia hereafter sure increased huh!


¹: 初見殺し(Shokengoroshi): A boss where you'll most definitely die the first time you fight it.

²:おかあさん(Okaa-san): Mother

³:おとうさん(Otou-san): Father


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