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Curse Reversal → Curse Reflect

Hero's Self-Awareness And Hideout's Discovery

The wound on my arm had started healing when I checked my stabbed left arm.

It's not completely healed; a scab has formed, and a scar has been left behind.

『After suffering an injury, the wound naturally heals as time passes, and it is right in the middle of that』

That's what it looked like.

There are no burn marks on my right hand. Is it because my consciousness hasn't caught up with the state of my body that the burning sensation remains?

Suffer damage → Change that into Fighting Spirit.

Does the wound heal through that process?

【Absolute Counter】 simultaneously serves as Healing Magic as well!

"But, I can't fight the Demon Lord who uses 【Insta-kill Magic】 like this"

I'll probably end up dying instantly at the stage where I suffer damage after all.

The first thing that came out of my mouth with a corpse in front of me were such words.


I looked down at his corpse.

I checked his pulse as well; he's undoubtedly dead.

Furthermore, I'm the one who killed him.

"Somehow, meh......"

I don't have the experience of seeing a human's corpse. I don't have the experience of killing one either.

However, I feel nothing to a surprising extent.

Is it because it's self-defence? It was a situation where I'd have been done if I didn't do him in.

Does the comprehension that it's inevitable prevent me from feeling guilt?


I have a feeling that that's not it. That was the out-of-place feeling I had towards 『me myself』.

"Perhaps, I am unexpectedly cold-hearted"

There was the question of why I was summoned as Hero.

『A scum who doesn't feel anything with a corpse in front of him』

......that might be the answer to that.


I go and pick up his shortsword that I'd kicked away.

This is House Darkus' family heirloom shortsword or whatnot huh.

"......I've gotta go and return it to Henry's house"

I thought strongly as I gripped the shortsword tightly.

I shall go to his house, return this shortsword, and then tell Henry's parents what happened to him from start to finish.

......I have to do that.

Oii, there's no response!』

I hear the bandits' voices from the monitoring video and snap back to reality.

Aah? Isn't it too fast?』

『But it's impossible for it to have no response. Did they notice it?』

『They either noticed and removed it, or otherwise, they might've been killed by the monsters』

Hehe. Well, they looked like nothing but a couple of stupid young masters after all』

『Yeah. There were probably too many monsters that gathered over at them because of the 【Monster Attractant】 and they ended up being killed and eaten or something』

......Monster Attractant?

I directed my eyes at Henry's corpse.

Come to think of it, the monsters' attacks that were frequent up until just now have stopped.

『Well, guess that's how it is. He's a kid who's that aggravating just by simply existing. 【Monster Attractant】 probably ended up hella effective as well!』

Gyahaha! Which means it's the fault of himself who has an aggravating personality huh! Totally! He looked like an intolerable fallen-from-grace noble after all!』

『If the curse is strong, it's better to go and retrieve it after a short while. The monsters might still be around』

Does it mean the bandit bunch placed some kind of Magic Tool on Henry?

『Yeah. The final response before it disappeared was over there』

The bandits discuss while looking at something.

They had a grasp of the direction we're in with a Magic Tool?

『Then, let's go and study their corpses after resting for a bit』


After I finished hearing the bandits' conversation from start to finish, I rummaged through Henry's corpse.

Come to think of it, I heard 『crack』, the sound of something snapping oddly around the time Henry collapsed. Don't tell me.

"Is this it?"

Henry's coat's collar.

Underneath it, I found a brooch that snapped into even halves.

"Is this the 【Monster Attractant】?"

It wasn't that this place was a forest with a high monster spawn rate; it's because of this that we were being attacked by a large number of monsters?

At that time, I felt anger to the unnatural extent of 『I'll fucking kill him』 towards Henry, but it ended up dispersing in an instant.

That emotion of anger was the effect of 【Monster Attractant】, wasn't it?

Henry ended up using 【Monster Attractant】 on me as well. Of course, unconsciously.

And then, through Skill No. 2 【Absolute Counter】's 『Curse Reflect』 effect, that curse ended up returning to Henry.

As a result, Henry lost himself in rage, went on a rampage, and ended up in that state.

I guess I should call it lucky that I managed to survive.......

"We've been thoroughly played, haven't we"

Those guys devised the plan of aiming for when we got exhausted from fighting a large number of monsters huh.

Furthermore, based on what they say and do, it appears that this brooch also had a homing-like function.

If I continue daydreaming, the bandits might be here in no time.

It's gonna end up as a 2vs1 battle if I don't come up with some kind of counter-plan.

"【Otherword Transportation Technique】, Target Designation"

I try using the skill on Henry.

But it looks like I can't designate a corpse as the target.

"......no choice but to do what I can for now"

I decided to come up with a strategy right away.


"Is it over here?"

After a short time went by, the bandits showed up.

"Oh, there he is!"

"Nn~......haha! As I thought, he fucking died huh!"

The bandits see his corpse and laugh.

"Where's the black-haired kid's corpse?"

"Ain't here. Did he escape?"

"Tch! Even though we might've been able to lure the woman out if we caught that kid!"

While spewing such vile words, the bandits started stripping anything valuable from Henry's corpse.

......now then, time to start the skill experimentation.

Being cautious of the 【Karmic Curse】's demerit, there'll be no hypnotism or slavery-type equipment.

◆【Otherworld Transportation Technique】

【Target】 Dazley

【Equipment Designation】

◇Present Clothes

◇Monster Repellent Brooch (Cursed)

1. Equipped on the target's clothes but is transparent. Has the effect of not being perceived by those besides the Hero.

2. Has the effect of not letting monsters get close.

3. The longer the period it warded off monsters is, the longer it endows a curse of attracting monsters to the wearer when the brooch is removed or broken.

4. Breaks automatically when 4 days pass since equipping it.

5. Breaks when the Hero verbalises 『Destroy Brooch』.

6. Rank A

◇Sight Deceiving Blindfold

1. Has the effect of blocking the target's vision.

2. Exist only during the period on Earth and disappears when they return to the Otherworld.

3. Rank C

◇Burning Needle (Manual)

1. A needle that is punctured in the clothes' right sleeve.

2. Burns when the Hero verbalises 『Oh Needle, Burn』.

3. Disappears when it is removed from the target's clothes.

4. Rank C

◇Hairpin of Perception Obstruction (Hero)

1. Transparent; Has the effect of being imperceivable by those besides the Hero.

2. Disappears when it leaves the body or is noticed by somebody besides the Hero.

3. Has the effect where the wearer becomes unable to perceive the Hero and becomes unable to visually see his figure.

4. Rank B

【Possession Designation】

◇House Darkus' Gold (Fake)

1. A block of gold. A design where one can tell it has monetary value in the Otherworld just from the looks of it. Larger in size. Also, it has House Darkus' family crest, and it is in an engraved form.

2. If the one who acquired it is someone who makes a living as a bandit, it gives them the urge to bring this gold block back to the bandits' hideout right away.

3. It transforms into a 【Magic Tear-Gas Bomb】 when the Hero verbalises 『Gold Transform』 and detonates.

4. Rank A

※Effects of 【Magic Tear-Gas Bomb】 are as stated below.

1. A Tear-Gas Bomb that manifests Magic Tear Gas which solely targets bandits when it detonates.

2. The Magic Tear Gas has the effect of causing no harm to those other than bandits even if they breathe the gas in.

3. Rank B

【Location Designation】 Earth・Forest・Location where the temperature is no different from the place they are currently・Location where there are no witnesses.

【Objective Designation】 Spend 0.01 seconds on Earth.


『This gold block is, something sent by the Head of House Darkus to Henry Darkus.

Specially set up with a Summoning Ritual, so that it is gifted to Henry's side if the condition is fulfiled.

With the wish that, one day, it will be the asset of Henry when he is cornered』

......I'll wait for the right opportunity and activate 【Otherworld Transportation Technique】 with the above content.



A magic circle envelops the Bandit Dazley who was rummaging Henry's corpse.

But it seems he doesn't realise the fact that he went to another world and came back because the time is overly short.

"O-, oi, are you alright"

"O-, ooh!? The hell was that just now!"

"I don't know. A magic circle emerged on you after you searched that kid's corpse"

They're shuddering at the sudden state of things.

"What the fuck, actually happened!"

"Nn!? Oi, what's that you're holding?"


Dazley then noticed the gold block he was holding before he knew it.

I mutter at that timing.

"『Oh Needle, Burn』"

There's no response from 【Burning Needle (Manual)】.

The designated condition should've been fulfiled, but it didn't go smoothly.

Is it impossible to use it remotely?

The effect of recalling the lewd dream with a phrase as its condition manifested on Princess Alicia though.......

As a result of Burning Needle's designation being auto-completed, it won't activate if, for example, I'm not 『at a range where my words are audible』 or something?

"Gold? Aah? Why?"

"Like I know!"

Alright. This one's next.

◆Otherworld Transportation Technique

【Target】 Zirky・Dodd

【Equipment Designation】

◇Sight Deceiving Blindfold

1. Has the effect of blocking the target's vision.

2. Exist only during the period on Earth and disappears when they return to the Otherworld.

3. Rank C

◇Hairpin of Perception Obstruction(Hero)

1. Transparent; Has the effect of being imperceivable by those besides the Hero.

2. Disappears when it leaves the body or is noticed by somebody besides the Hero.

3. Has the effect where the wearer becomes unable to perceive the Hero and becomes unable to visually see his figure.

4. Rank B

◇Numbness Effect Overgarment

1. Shirt with the exact same shape, tear, and dirt as the shirt he is presently wearing.

2. When the Hero verbalises 『Stun-gun』, it gives the wearer an electric shock.

3. The electric shock manifests a degree of electricity that renders the target unconscious but does not take their life.

4. Rank B

【Possession Designation】

◇Memo To Henry (Fake)

1. A memo with the following text written in the Otherworld language.

『This gold block is, something sent by the Head of House Darkus to Henry Darkus.

Specially set up with a Summoning Ritual, so that it is gifted to Henry's side if the condition is fulfiled.

With the wish that, one day, it will be the asset of Henry when he is cornered』

2. Has the effect of making Bandit Dazley or Zirky・Dodd want to immediately read the content of it once.

"Isn't it kinda creepy"

I wait for the right timing while observing their state.

"Aah. But come on. This, it's gold, ya know"

"Yeah. It's better to bring it to the Head"

"I mean, is it though. Are we gonna bring him, such a suspicious thing?"

"But gold is gold, right. I don't really know though"

"......show it to me for a bit"

The 【House Darkus' Gold (Fake)】 gets passed from Dazley to Zirky.

Now's the time if I'm gonna do it. Transportation Technique activate!



Transport, Return.

......I really, am not using this skill as a Transportation Technique huh.

It feels like I'm wasting it, but whatever.

"Woah, the hell actually happened, seriously!"


The bandits can't follow the mysterious state of things.

Despite yelling this and that, I left a memo this time around, so they noticed the existence of that right away.

"What's, this?"

"Aah? The hell's going on"

"Isn't there somethin' written"


The bandits read aloud the memo that appeared.

"Hooーo? What's it mean? Does it mean this gold was prepared by this kid's parents in case somethin' happens?"

"I don't know how they implemented those kinda magic, but I see"

"Cornered or not, gold and shit ain't gonna matter when he's attacked by monsters. Haa! It's because nobles think that money can resolve everything!"

"Totally! If you're that worried 'bout ya son, why is he being an Adventurer at a place like this! What a stupid parent!"

"Guess we'll gratefully take these then"

"Aah. Let's bring it to the Head. It'll probably make for some good money!"

Ooh. It's a success. It went smoothly.

I wonder if it's easy to steer them for these kinds of things as long as the person themselves doesn't find that way of thinking to be strange?


I shadowed the two bandits.

It's because although I have the monitoring function, I'll get lost in the forest if I don't chase after them with my eyes.

Looks like the Perception Obstruction-type alongside Monster Repellent is properly working.

It's an amateur's tailing, but they show no signs of noticing.

And then, I managed to discover a certain building.

"That's the bandit group's hideout huh"

I monitor Dazley and Zirky and verify the inside.

Let's keep a bit of a distance. And I'll hide behind a decent-sized tree.

Monsters' attacks sure are scary when I separate from them.

Maybe I'll climb a tree or something.

There's a single mansion built deep within the forest.

It seems that over there is the bandit group's hideout.

I don't spot any other civilian houses in the vicinity.

Dazley and Zirky proceeded into the hideout after they finished greeting the lookouts.

Err, 1, 2, 3.......

About 5 people have gotten together and are drinking alcohol.

It sure comes off as a slightly desolated tavern, that kind of an impression.

I wonder how many people are there in total. I want to verify their numbers first.

There are probably guys who are working outside like Dazley and Zirky as well.

I think it's better to assemble a crew when it comes to attacking carriages or whatnot though.

It's precisely because they're acting collectedly that they're a bandit group; Dazley and Zirky, their roles are just to monitor the Adventurer's Guild?


The bandit group inside the hideout have 5 people who are drinking alcohol collectedly.

In the room at the back are a scary-faced man and a young woman.

From how it looks, I'd say the man's the Head.

I activate Skill No. 1 【Character Introduction】 across the monitoring function!


Gender: Male

Age: 43


『Godey Bandit Group's Head. Dotes on his daughter. Had a wife, but she is already deceased. Makes a living through murdering Merchants・Travellers・Adventurers and robbing their valuables. Also, he hunts Demihumans and Beastfolks and sells them off to nobles as slaves』


『Repeatedly plundered valuables from Merchants, Travellers, Adventurers and murdered them』

『Raped women before murdering them, and murdered them』

『Killed his estranged ex-wife out of anger』

『Enslaves Demihumans・Beastfolks through hunting and illegally trading with nobles』

Hiee! It's someone with a history that makes the Sword Saint look adorable!

Invoking the theory that the Sword Saint is still better off although he has the suspicion of being a bit of a lolicon.

If it's now, I can get him with the Dazley・Bomb and Zirky・Bomb made with 【Possession Designation】 that I loaded tons of abnormal status-type bombs through 【Otherworld Transportation Technique】.

I can probably just make the return to the Otherworld as the trigger.

I'll look at the daughter's information as well before that.

In the case where she's an innocent person, the 【Karmic Curse】 will end up activating on me if I implicate her.


Gender: Female

Age: 22


『Godey Bandit Group's Head's daughter. An immoral Human Race Supremacist. Has sadistic interests. Her hobby is to torment the Demihumans・Beastfolks her father captured. Reprimanded by her father for making them die and breaking them over and over again but does not reflect on it. Also, she enjoys cornering the same gender even if they are humans, and there have also been a lot of victimised human women』


『Torture of Demihuman・Beastfolks. Lynching. Murder』

『Torturing of the same gender, as well as spearheading the rape of the same gender bandit group members』

......why were these fellows left alone?

They ain't a bunch that should be left alone just because they're far away or whatnot, right.

"Hooo! Ain't that gold! A gold block; you guys sure got your hands on something amazin' again huh!"

"Hehehe! It seems to be somethin' entrusted to a kid who's nothin' but arrogant talk by his noble parents"

The bandit group's Head・Yurai placed the 【House Darkus' Gold (Fake)】 on his hand.

Because I can't use it remotely, the effect I implemented into that gold is a dud, but.......

If Dazley and Zirky are there, maybe I can defeat him if I make them hold another tear-gas bomb.

, over there.


, some kind of sound was audible from the monitoring video.

There are people in this room other than Dazley, Zirky, Yurai, and Yuri?

I have to carefully verify whether there are people who will be implicated by the item I envision to be an Area-of-Effect-type.

I control the monitoring video and verify the vicinity.

Where Bandit Yurai and company were was a basement-ish location of the hideout.

"Oh? You went and caught new slaves again?"

"Ooh. We can finally kick off our next job with this. A new transaction with 'em packaged with the Magic Stones, hehe"

Nn? Next job? Caught?


What was projected on the monitoring video was, a frightened small girl......placed inside a metal cage. Furthermore.

"......it's a Demihuman"

She has animal ears. It looks like she has a tail as well.

There were two whole small Demihuman girls placed inside the cage.


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