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Great War Of The Demon God: Final Showdown

Nanor Kingdom

Lei Perspective

"Go, Four Gods!"

At Baron's command, the Four Gods come towards me. Azure Dragon, White Tiger, Black Tortoise, Vermillion Bird. Even the Vermillion Bird I defeated just now bloody resurrected.

"Here I go, Baron"

I also start running towards the Four Gods. At the same time as that, I spread out the weapons that appeared around me. When I stick my right hand out horizontally, one of the weapons flies over from behind, and I grab it.


The White Tiger swings its arm down towards me. There are claws about the length of my height growing at the tip of its paw, and it tries to slice me with that. I catch those claws right from the front.


I swing the sword I hold in my right hand, Durandal, upwards and collide with the White Tiger's claws. The White Tiger lost to the momentum and got thrown backwards, but it immediately regained its balance and swung its opposite paw down at me.

It's such a powerful single strike that the force of it striking the ground will cause a crater on the ground, but it's meaningless if it doesn't land on me. I'd already jumped in midair and dodged it. I then spear-throw the crimson red spear I hold in my left hand.

"Perforate, Gáe Bolg!"

The moment I threw Gáe Bolg, Gáe Bolg splits up over and over again, becomes so many that it's troublesome to even count, and rains down on the White Tiger.

The White Tiger was blown away without even a death throe.


The Azure Dragon that flies in the sky flies over at me over there. The Vermillion Bird is flapping its wings behind it and flinging its feathers over at me. I strike down the feathers that fly over at me with Durandal, but the Azure Dragon, which came close to me at that opening, swung its tail down at me.

I caught it with Durandal, but I couldn't withstand it fully and got slammed into the ground as it is. I'm struck hard on my back and cough repeatedly, but there's no time for me to be down on all fours on the ground. Before I knew it, the Black Tortoise wrapped with a snake around its body was close by, holding its leg aloft and about to crush me underfoot.


"Tch, like I'll be crushed by you! Mjolnir!"

I erase Durandal and re-summon a shining hammer in my right hand. I slam the hammer into the leg the Black Tortoise swings down at me, trying to crush me underfoot. In that instant, the Black Tortoise's leg is blown away, and it loses to the momentum and topples.

Without letting that opening slip, I throw Mjolnir towards the Black Tortoise's head. Mjolnir makes its way while spinning at quite a high speed, crushes the Black Tortoise's head and the snake that wraps around it, and returns to my hand.

The Black Tortoise that lost its head, collapsed heavily and shook the ground.


I don't know whether it's because its companions were defeated, but the Azure Dragon heads over at me in anger. I summon swords in both hands.

"Demon Sword Balmung, Demon Sword Gram!"

I cross my swords for the sake of catching the Azure Dragon that heads over, trying to bite me, and catch it. Tch, what strength. My swords aren't broken through, but I'm being pushed backwards bit by bit.


"Like I'll loseeeeee!!"

I take a step forward and launch the Azure Dragon's fang upwards from below. Losing to that momentum, the Azure Dragon turns its face away. I erase the swords in both hands, re-summon a sword

"Slice, Amenohabakiri!"

I draw the sword that's inside a sheath, Amenohabakiri, in one fell swoop. A single streak of slash flies from the Amenohabakiri that's swung with Iai¹ and severs the Azure Dragon's body. Even so, the Azure Dragon doesn't die, and it charges over at me with the remaining upper body, but I slice it.

The minced Azure Dragon turned into light and disappeared.

The only one remaining is Vermillion Bird. Perhaps that fellow has the memory of being done in by me, it doesn't attempt to get close to me recklessly. It's just flinging flame feathers over at me while circling in midair. That's okay too. I'll just slice it from here.

I take a hands-aloft stance², without holding anything in my hands. The Vermillion Bird that saw that and thought I showed an opening shoots its flame feathers all at once. It's a number of feathers that goes as far as to cover my vision entirely. However, I don't move from here.

The reason is simple. It's because I'm sure to win!

"Slice, Excalibur!"

When I swing down from the hands-aloft stance², a streak of flash was released from the shiny sword I hold in my hand. That flash blows away the feathers, that went as far as to completely fill my vision, like they weren't there right from the beginning, and charges forward as it is.

The flying Vermillion Bird was wrapped up in the torrent of light and disappeared as it is.

I carry on to look in Baron's direction. Baron is flushed with anger.

"Now then, all that's left is you, Baron"

"Don't fuck with me, don't fuck with me, don't fuck with me! Like I'll allow someone like you, to ruin my plans! God Domain Magic, Light Dragon Transformation!"

The moment Baron activated his magic, his body changed. An ominous miasma poured out from his body, his arms enlarged, a tail grew out, and wings sprouted.

How do I say this, rather than a Dragon, that's a Devil.

"GURUuu! Here I go!"

Baron starts running towards me. I suppose he didn't move just now because he compressed this sense of intimidation and body.


"I ain't planning to lose"

I summon a large number of weapons behind me. I release all of them towards Baron!

"Nuu! How aggravating!"

Baron dodges, repels, and blocks the spear, axe, sword, the various weapon that fly over at him, but they're no ordinary weapons. They're the strongest weapons I can imagine. He's naturally unable to defend against them completely.

To start things off, the spear pierces Baron's right arm. Baron pulls out the spear, but before that, a sword falls from the skies and penetrates his left knee. Baron, who now has a hard time dodging, repels the weapon with his arm that's reinforced with Magic Power, but it's steadily getting shaved off. The axe falls and chops off both his wings, and the sword stabs him.

"Fuckkk! You bastard! To someone like you, this here meeee!"

"My bad. I have things that I can't yield as well. That's why there's no way I can let you destroy the world!"

Baron makes his own power explode and blows away the weapons that had stabbed him. And then, he heads towards me. I materialise a straight Holy Spear in my hand.

"Dieeee! Goddess' Apostellll!"

"My bad, but you're the one who's going to die! Release, Rhongomyniad!"

I thrust the shining spear in my hands towards Baron. Baron punches over at me, but it penetrates his arm and carries on to thrust into his chest. The moment it stabs Baron's chest, I release the power in one go.

"Gaaaaaa! St-, stoppppp! I-, I'll-, I'll-, disappearrrrrr! I, the Demon Godddd!"

"My bad. I'll have you go down with me! Haaaa!"

Rhongomyniad, which stabs into Baron, shines and covers the vicinity as far as eyes can see with light entirely. It even ended up covering Baron's ominous miasma entirely and erased it.

There's nothing around, just a pure white space.

"......it's over huh"

I end up sitting down on that spot. It's been 14 years since I reincarnated into this world. One way or another, it was actually shorter than my previous life. However, it was a richer life than my previous life.

Nevertheless, what comes to mind is everybody's faces.

Alexia, Ferris, Caro, Aerith, Helen, Priscilla, Eclat, Kana, Mari, Chrona, Filia, Marin.

The precious people I didn't have in my previous life. Everybody is probably going to cry for me. I might've ended up breaking their heart. That's the one thing I feel apologetic about.

However, I wish for them to live cheerfully. My share as well. For the sake of the lives that'll be born from here on out as well.

"......the sensation in my body is gone"

I'm probably in a lying-down state, unable to even sit. I have no sense of any directions anymore as well. I didn't have time to feel it in my previous life, but is this the sensation of dying? But

"It's unexpectedly, not bad"

I can die with a smile at the very end after all......


Nanor Kingdom

Sieg Perspective

"Uoh! Marco, Light, are you alright!?"

"Tsuu, yes, I am alright, Chichiue"

"Me too"

Is this......outside? Right when Marco, Light, and I were fighting the Demon Soldiers, the ground suddenly started shining, and right when I thought I got sent away, I ended up being sent outside the Shrine. Is this also some kind of trap?

Right when I thought and looked around the vicinity, the ground before my eyes started shining. When Marco, Light, and I readied up and looked, the one who appeared was

"What exactly was that just now?"


"Oh, if it isn't Sieg and Marco, and Light as well. Why are you here?"

Headmaster Sylphid. It seems the Headmaster was sent outside as well. However, who exactly did it? And then another magic circle appears. The one who appeared from there was

"Lei! Lei!"

Princess Alexia. On her both sides, if I'm not wrong, are Lei's spirits, Hikarin and Maririn. It's just that they seem strange. All three of them are crying.

"Alexia, what exactly happened?"

"......Shishoou......Lei, he......Lei, hee......"

Headmaster asks Princess Alexia what happened, but Princess Alexia just hugs the Headmaster and cries. And then at that moment


The Shrine that was before my eyes ended up disappearing. It ended up disappearing like the location where the Shrine was was cut out. And then, I ended up understanding. Through the fact that Lei isn't here. Through the fact that Princess Alexia is crying.

The fact that Lei remained in the Shrine. I don't know what kind of power he used, but the Shrine disappearing is probably Lei's doing as well.

......that idiot.

Princess Alexia's crying voice reverberated in the vicinity.


Second Great War Of The Demon God

The curtain was drawn on this war with myriads of deaths and more than twice the number of wounded.

The historical war that dragged in the entire world came to an end, and three years passed since then.


¹:居合(Iai): A Japanese martial art technique of quick drawing

²:上段の構え(Joudan no kamae): A Kendo stance


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