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Great War Of The Demon God: I Love You

『If you use this power, I suppose you will be able to defeat the Demon God. However, you will......』


Nanor Kingdom

Lei Perspective

"......no way! How do you have get that power!"

When I defeated the Vermillion Bird that came flying, I heard a surprised voice from the other side of that. Well, I suppose it's only reasonable for him to be surprised. It's a power that I don't possess originally after all.


As I'm facing Baron's direction, I hear an uneasy-sounding voice from below. I turned over there, and Alexia was looking up at me from below.

Don't make such an uneasy face. When I smiled at Alexia while patting her head while thinking that, Alexia started crying for some reason. I panic at that......not; I could tell one way or another.

Haa, I wonder why I can tell at times like these even though I always end up apologising to everybody without knowing anything.

I suppose it's probably, because Alexia also realised. That this will be the last time.

"God Domain Magic, Space Severance"

"Wha-! Yo-, you bas-......"

Baron shouts something, but I ignore it and activate my magic. It'll be temporary, but I moved Baron to another space. He can probably do the same thing as well, so he'll probably return in no time.

I face Alexia and look at her. Alexia was crying more than I'd ever seen before.

"Alexia, I have something I need to......"

"Noo! I don't want to hear it!"

Alexia moves away from me, covers her ears, closes her eyes, and shakes her head. It's like she doesn't want to hear nor see it. However, I have to talk about it. This will be the last time after all.

"Alexia, listen to me"

I forcefully remove Alexia's hands and pull her close to me. I hug Alexia tightly, making sure she doesn't move away anymore.

Alexia is throwing a tantrum and struggling in my arms, but after I stroke her back like I'm pacifying a kid, and after a bit, perhaps she calmed down, she no longer struggled.

"Alexia, the current state of mine, it's called Deification, and albeit temporary, my abilities become capable of using the same power as Goddess Astell and Demon God Baron"


Alexia just buried her face in my chest without saying even a single word. However, I continued as it is. It's because what I'm about to talk about from here on out is the most important.

"And so. If I, a human, attempt to acquire such power, a compensation correspondent to that is necessary. If I use this power......"

"Noo! I don't want to hear any more! Don't say any more!"

Alexia, who knows what I'm going to say, starts struggling in my arms again. However, I hug Alexia even tighter than just now and carry on talking.

"When one uses this power, the body of the human who uses it can't completely withstand it.....and will end up dying"

When I finish my last words, Alexia, who had been struggling until just now, stops moving as well, and albeit slowly, she raises her head.

"Hahaa, Alexia, your eyes are swollen because you cried too much, you know. It's a waste of your beautiful face"

I touch Alexia's cheek while teasing her, but Alexia grimaces and cries even more instead.

"......why......why Lei......there should be others as well, right. And yet......why......"

Why, huh. That's something I thought about numerous times as well. Why me. I saved somebody in my previous life, and as thanks for that, I reincarnated into this world. And before I know it, I'm participating in the war that holds the fate of this world.

"I thought about it numerous times as well. 'Why me'. But, somewhere in the middle, I stopped thinking about it. Even if, by any chance, somebody who isn't me takes up this role, I think I'll probably fight just the same as well. That's why, I don't regret this life.

It's because I was born as Leivelt・Runwalker, that I managed to meet you as well, Alexia. Aerith, Ferris, Caro, Chrona, Helen, Eclat, Priscilla, Kana, Mari, Marin, Filia. I managed to meet everybody as well. Besides"

I move away from Alexia slightly and crouch down. I carry on to touch Alexia's belly.

"There's also a new life here after all"

"uu! That means......"

Alexia raises a surprised voice at my words. I suppose that's a given as well. I, myself, wouldn't have noticed if I hadn't become this state. As I was gently touching Alexia's belly in such a manner


, the space started cracking. Baron's coming back huh.

"Alexia, there's no more time. That fellow will isolate this space from the world when he comes back. I've got to get Alexia out of here before that"

"......I don't wanna. I don't wanna separate from Leii"

......it sure hurts. Because I died unexpectedly in my previous life, it ended with just a tad bit of regrets, but I'm leaving behind too many precious things this time around. My heart hurts when I see Alexia's sobbing face.



I hug Alexia tightly one last time and kiss her. Firmly. So that I don't forget Alexia's warmth.

Crackkkk! Crackk!

He's already coming back as well. I move away from Alexia

"God Domain Magic, God Gate"

and activate my magic. A shiny magic circle activates underneath the feet of Alexia and others. All that's left is, to sense the location of Sieg, Marco, and Shishou who are in the Shrine Where Demons Lay and activate the same gate. They'll probably be able to move without opening the doors sealed by Baron with this. I'll isolate the Shrine Where Demons Lay from this world.

Perhaps because this will be the last time, Alexia squeezes my shirt and weeps as well.

Hikarin and Maririn, who were looking at that, are also crying for me similarly.

"Hikarin, Maririn, thanks for everything thus far. It's because the two of you helped me, that I was able to do my best until here"

If there weren't the two of them, I'd probably have died already. I'm thankful for the two of them, as well as the Light who isn't here.

"Alexia, tell everybody for me. Even if we can't meet ever again, I wish for the happiness of everybody. I love everybody"

"ーーuu! Leii! Me too! Me too! I love you, Lei!"

Alexia was being enveloped by the light while she was extending her hand at me. ......aah, me too, Alexia.


"Humph, doing something troublesome. Even though everybody is going to die in the end"

As I'm staring at where Alexia and the others were, there's a cracking sound behind, and Baron appears. He came back huh.

"I won't let them die"


When I say while turning around, Baron's face turns furious.

"Because I'll defeat you"

"Cut the shit. I don't know where you acquired that power, but you think you can win me?"

"Of course. Bring it, Demon God Baron. I'm going to beat the shit out of you! God Domain Magic, God Of War Armament(Ares Arms)!"

"I'll show your corpse to the entire world! God Domain Magic, Four Gods Summon!"

It's my final battle.


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