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〜Yae Side〜

"I'm backー"

"Excuse me"

On the first day of summer vacation, I went window shopping at the shopping mall with Mutsumi. Honestly, it'd be nice if I could buy things, but my money is......even though there were both cute western clothes and panda soft toys......let's ask Kazu-kun if I can get additional pocket money next time.

"Mutsumi, welcome back. And you're Yae-chan huh. My name is Kanae. Welcome, make yourself at home"

"I am Nakamatsu Yae. Nice to meet you"

And after going back once to get my stuff, we head to Mutsumi's house. The one who welcomed us was Mutsumi's Okaa-san. She was a serene but gentle-looking person. And above all else......

"Un, as I thought, you're parent and child"

"Yae-chan, where are you looking when you're saying that!?"

"My my"

Kanae-san is an owner of magnificent melons as well. As I thought, maybe it's hereditary when it comes to these as well. Although both my Okaa-san and I are no chopping boards, as expected, we're small compared to the two of them.

"Fufu, a woman's value is by no means determined by just that, you know? That's why Yae-chan doesn't have to make such a face. In any case, go and put your stuff down"

"......got it. Ah, also, I hope this is to your liking"

"My my, thanks for going out of the way to get this"

What I handed Kanae-san was a can of cookies. I went all the way to the train station and bought it with Kazu-kun when the stay over was decided.

"In any case, I'll lead you to my room. Come with me"



I'm currently at the bathhouse with Mutsumi. As for why, it's because Kanae-san said, 'how about going to a nearby bathhouse since it's a rare chance? I'll pay for it', and gave us money. That's why as a result of indulging in that kindness, a stark naked Mutsumi is beside me.

"It's a nice bath huhー"

"Un, it feels good"

My eyes drift towards the two objects that float in the bathtub even as I answer as such. Really, what did she eat for them to develop this much.

"I wonder what the two of them are doing over there"

"If it's besides talking, then it's probably board games. Anything else and Kazu-kun's defeat is set in stone after all"

"Is that soー"

Kazu-kun is neither strong nor weak at board games only. I think it's probably because you can slowly think.


After the conversation cut off for a bit, the two of us end up speaking out at the same time, and we unconsciously look at each other.

"Yae-chan, you can go first, you know?"

"I can go later, you know?"

"Uun, I want to hear what Yae-chan wanted to say first"

"At night, before sleeping, I have something to consult Mutsumi"


That's right, the objective of my stay over this time around is not only to have fun playing with Mutsumi. Rather, this consultation is the main deal. This alone is something I can't consult Kazu-kun no matter what after all.

"I'll say what it is then, okay?"

"Un, sure. It's rare for Yae to come with something to consult though"

"I think so too. So what was it that Mutsumi wanted to say?"

"Nn? There are a few things I want to ask Yae-chan. But there are people here after all, so I was thinking maybe I'll ask later"

Although it isn't that big for a bathhouse, there are quite a few people. I don't know what Mutsumi wants to ask, but maybe it's something private. It looks like she prefers somewhere without people after all.

"Then how about we get out soon? We can talk more that way"

"Yeah. Let's get out"

And then on the road from the bathhouse until Mutsumi's house. The moon wasn't visible from the clouds that were covering the skies.


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