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Great War Of The Demon God: Point-Blank Dragon Ruler's Bellow

Celia Kingdom

Levine's Perspective


『How irritating, geez!』

I release numerous lightning balls, but Erase flaps her eight wings and obliterates them with just the wind pressure of that. Tch, you're the annoying one.

『Here I go, Drago Claw!

I release Dragon's Claw towards Erase. However, Erase releases it over at me similarly, they collide, and the aftermath rains down on the Dragons in the vicinity.

『Ahaha! Die〜!』

Erase fucking charged effortlessly, through the aftermath of that over at me. She carries on charging into me. I catch and stop Erase, but......tch, how powerful is she!

I got overwhelmed as it is and subsequently blown away. The place I got blown away to was, Celia Kingdom's outer wall. I ended up crashing into the outer wall and blown into the Celia Kingdom as it is.

An outer wall serves no purpose against the Dragon species, but the humans that were nevertheless necessary for the fighting are fucking panicking.

Erase targets me and flies over from the collapsed outer wall without holding back like she's saying, 'Like I give a damn'. I fly and dodge her dive from the skies that's trying to crush me underfoot.

As soon as Erase's forelegs slammed onto the ground, the ground sunk, and fissures emerged centering around that. It's a tremor that goes as far as to shake the Celia Kingdom. That tremor reverberates all the way to the ocean, sending waves.

Tch, don't be damaging the town, Erase!』

『Then, hurry up and die, Levine!』

『You're the one to die!』

Erase and I clash and punch each other over and over again. Looks like all the Dragons that'd become this fellow's dependents are defeated. Erase is the only one remaining.

Even when my scales are ripped off, even when my blood is gushing out, I don't stop.

『Ah〜, you're really a painn! Just die, Levine!』

Guh! Her power fucking increased again here! Erase and I were grabbing each other's hands, jostling each other, but I got overwhelmed as it is.

Erase flies while pressing me onto the ground. Shitt, how powerful is she! I was released as it is and stomps my abdomen above me. Making a 'crush' sound.


I puke blood from my mouth, but Erase bloody stomps over and over again. She then crunches my neck, and just as I thought she was swinging me upwards, she slams me onto the ground as it is. Blood is pouring out from the spot where I was stomped.


Watching me getting slammed onto the ground over and over and over again, Hilde raises a voice I ain't ever heard before until now. It's my first time hearing a voice like that.

『Do-......n't......yo-......u co-......me』

"Bu- butt!"


What the hell am I doing! Showing the uncool side of me in front of the woman I lovee! Blood is pouring out from the stomped wounds, but I ain't bothered 'bout something like that.

『Whe-, where are you getting such strength!? Even though you were on the brink of death just now!』

Keh, you wouldn't understand. In front of the woman he loves, a man can become infinitely stronger!』

I, forcefully raise my face and bite Erase back despite being bitten by her. And then, I carry on to fly into the skies.

GUuu, yo-, youu!』

Erase bites even harder into my neck. Blood is spouting from my neck and dyeing the earth, but I flap my wings without bothering about that. I then carry on flying into the skies.

『Around these parts will probably do』

I fly until a height where clouds are visible around us. It probably won't damage the vicinity if it's here. While biting onto Erase, I accumulate Magic Power in my mouth.

『Wha-! Don't tell me! I won't let you!』

Perhaps Erase realised my plan, she's biting into my neck like she's trying to rip it into pieces. But, it's a little too late. My preparation is done!

『Eat this, Erase! It's a point-blank Dragon Ruler's Bellow(Dragonix Roar)!』

......I'm entrusting Eclat to you, Hilde, Leivelt.


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