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Bandit Hunting Preparation (Erotic: Princess' Dreamworld Submission Sex Quasi-Experience, Forced Masturbation)

6 days have passed since I was summoned to another world.

The life on this side is, well, there's no getting used to it or anything.

It's a life where I simply behave and complete my training so that I don't get killed at the place I was abducted to.

I'm given my own room in the Royal Castle, have my meals prepared, and have training forced on me.

Though on the surface, I'm pretending like I'm motivated.

Since my approach of quite directly guiding the Princess to remove the lock on the skills through the Transportation Technique didn't go well, as I thought, the skill which seems to be nearly omnipotent, is not omnipotent......so it may seem.

Proving that it ain't all-powerful.

It sure is ambiguous whether or not I can actually create something like armour with Insta-kill Negation huh.

Which comes down to the question, 'How do I experiment with it?'.

I'll need a life that I can totally treat as disposable, won't I. I have absolutely no intention of testing it on myself, you know.

If I get started with that, then there's absolutely no way I'll stand before the Demon Lord's【Insta-kill Magic】without knowing whether or not【Absolute Counter】will work.

What are you going to do if a Demon Lord meta-skill is amongst the locked skills, and on top of it, it requires preparation like【Leveling】?

As I thought, putting a lock on the Hero's skills is a poor move no matter how you think about it, right, Princess-sama.

I've still yet to actually use the Transportation Technique's equipment in combat.

There remains the possibility that the Princess-use shield and such are paper no matter how much I exaggerate their durability in the settings huh.

As for the prank on Princess Alicia, since I want to give the Princess the impression that『the abnormality occurs at random』and『it's something I can endure through』, I decided to skip a few days.

It doesn't seem like there will be any problem at this current stage if I just train seriously on the surface.

Aside from that, I'm also very simply exhausted from the compulsory training.

The frustration I have before me right now is why I have to go through arduous training every day for the sake of another world.

Instead of pranking the Princess, I used the skill to check out the situation of those around for a bit as well.

But, since most of them either go back to their house where their family awaits, or they return to an apartment that they're sharing with fellow soldiers, as of now, I haven't found anybody besides the Princess whom I can perform experiments with for【Transportation Technique】.

The Chivalric Order Captain has a family as well, so it was a no-go.

You've got a wife and a child huh, Chivalric Order Captain.

You; can you hold your head up in front of your child when you have plans to kill the Hero one day.

Well, it does feel like the Chivalric Order Captain, too, is just at the bottom of the chain of command though.

The target suitable for the various experiments I came up with for the Transportation Technique, as I thought, is Princess Alicia.

For her, she has a spacious personal room as a Royal Family would, and also, there's nobody who will do something like intruding on the Princess' bedroom.

Perhaps eavesdropping before the bedroom is also disrespectful, the guards outside the room...... don't seem to be standing within view.

Hence, sending them off to another world and bringing them back while they're sleeping, equipping them with weird equipment......Princess Alicia is the most suitable experimental subject to perform such things without anybody noticing.

Rather, because the objective itself is also Princess Alicia's【Key To The Princess' Heart】, I realised that making anybody besides her the experimental subject, doesn't really have any point.

Having a ton of fun in another world with the skill is not my highest-priority objective.

My objective is to finish up on the Princess' training and find a way to return to Japan while I'm still safe and sound.


"It is time for today's training, Hero-sama"

"......yes. Thank you for always doing this"

I have no choice but to live a life where my time is managed methodically.

It's not like I'm not doing it because I want to.

I wonder if I have one rest day a week?

If I don't even have that...... there's nothing I can do about it, but as expected, I'm gonna voice my dissatisfaction at least. 

It sure doesn't seem like there'll be any rest day huh. Training and training without rest......because I'd managed to unlock the【Leveling】skill, it's still fruitful though.

This, if I'm simply inundated with training in the skill-locked state, I'd probably have no idea what this otherworld summoning itself is trying to make me do anymore.


As for the Royal Castle's people, I only have the bare minimum conversation with them.

I've tried speaking to them, but they feel distant. Rather, because they have their guards completely up against me according to【Character Introduction】, it's slightly irritating to have a conversation with them. You're the ones who called me out to another world, you know.

Why, do I have to be treated like an eyesore.

Hence, the ones I talk to, are pretty much solely the Princess and the Chivalric Order Captain.

That Princess and Chivalric Order Captain, they're the very main culprits of my abyss-of-tragedy plan though.

......rather, have the people besides these two, been ordered to not get involved with me?

The two people that I have no choice but to reluctantly rely on......if that's how it is, it'll probably make it easier to win me over.

The permission to make use of the library, still hasn't been issued.

In the first place, it's dubious whether she has the intention to get permission from the King, or whether she needs to get permission.

The Princess can probably give permission to make use of the library at her own discretion at least; that's definitely how it is from how it feels thus far.

In any case, there are soldiers and maids standing in front of my room at night, and because they're properly changing shifts, it'd made it so that there's somebody around 24/7.

And then, I get stopped when I try to leave the room in the middle of the night.

On that occasion,

"Even if you are the Hero-sama, please refrain from walking around at night in the castle where the Royal Family resides. I believe the things you need are all present in your room"

......so I was told.

I mean, of course there's no way they can allow a man they know absolutely nothing about to walk as he likes in the castle where the Royal Family resides.

I understand that. But then it brings me to, 'Don't call me out to another world then'.

Also, you can just let me out of the Royal Castle, right.

Leaving me in the castle, is your decision, right.

When I complain, 'I am hungry',

"I have confirmed that you have properly consumed dinner. Overeating, will probably impede tomorrow's training. I would like to ask for you to please bear with it"


Well, it's not like I'm really hungry though.

That's not the point here.

It seems that the movements of me, the Hero, are only permitted in my own room, the training grounds, and the dining hall for the most part.

And then, even in the middle of the night, there are guards standing outside as though I'm a criminal.

It sure is no more than being under house arrest huh. Is there any reason for my freedom to be restricted to this extent?

Furthermore, a journey with the plan that after I risked my life and defeated the Demon Lord, I'll be defeated by the Princess and Chivalric Order Captain who are supposed to be my allies for some reason.

......this is ridiculousー.


"Good morning, Captain Luid"

"Ou, morning, Hero-sama"

We exchange greetings out of courtesy. Haa, training today as well huh.

The levels' increments sure had gotten somewhat slower huh.

Also, it's very simply tiresome. I mean, of course I'm gonna be exhausted when I'm moving my body for the entire day.....athletes are amazing.

"Hero-sama, may I have you ready your sword for a bit?"

"? Yes"

I readied my sword as I was told. Perhaps it's also thanks to the『Swordsmanship』in【Leveling】that I'm readying my sword like this, it feels like I'd pretty much gotten the form down.

"It's something I've gotta confirm no matter what"


Confirm what? The Chivalric Order Captain......readied his wooden sword at me. It's the sword that's used for training.

By the way, the sword I'm holding is also, a wooden sword this time around. 

It seems there's a metal core in the middle, and it's quite heavy. It seems they've made it approximately the same weight as a real sword.


"Captain Luid?"

"Here I go!"

Huh!? Go what!?

, the Chivalric Order Captain closed in on the surprised me in an instant.

In an instant. It was really in an instant. To the extent that it makes me think, 'people can move this quickly huh'.



And then, the Chivalric Order Captain swings his wooden sword all the way through horizontally. I was struck around the elbow of my right arm without the time to even try to defend.

Ouchhhhhh! Why!? At the same time as I thought of that, somehow, that pain, solidified......and then it felt like it was flowing into the sword I had in my hand.

What!? I don't know what's happening; my hand that holds the sword trembles and suddenly thrusts out.

Since this phenomenon itself was the first time for me, I couldn't comprehend what's happening.


The Chivalric Order Captain, takes an exaggerated dodging action in response to the sword I thrust out.

A slight 'shockwave??' I wonder if that's what you call it, came out from the sword......I think. What in the world, happened!?

"Hmm....... Is that the Hero-sama's【Counter】skill?"


That just now, was......? The skill that reflects any and all attacks back to the attacker.

Its original name is【Absolute Counter】

This, is it not a fully automatic reflection! Are you telling me I also need the skills to land the reflection attack on the opponent as well!

It sure is far from being invincible huh! Rather, ouchh! Eh, are you telling me the damage gets through......no. Wait.......

"......it...... doesn't hurt?"


Nothing happened to the arm that should've been struck horribly by the Chivalric Order Captain.

I most definitely thought, 'Ouch!', and yet it doesn't feel that way. ......does it mean, I reflected everything? It should've hurt, it should've been painful, and yet, it's not painful now for some reason. It's an extremely bizarre feeling.

"......does the attack not get through, to the Hero?"

"I wonder. It did hurt though......"

"......if I do it seriously, will it be the same? I guess there's no way I can test it either huh. I see the Counter itself is possible to avoid"


Rather, what was that all of a sudden!?

You stopped right before hitting thus far, right, even for the sparrings!

Don't think you can do whatever you want just because the pain subsides right away!

"Why? As expected, even I will get angry, you know?"

"......aah, no, my bad. I was thinking that I've got to test that【Counter】skill of the Hero-sama beforehand no matter what"

"Why is that?"

Is it information gathering for when you kill me?

"Why, I was thinking of maybe having the Hero-sama......leave the castle and do some work tomorrow"

"Work, tomorrow? Ah, is it monster hunting?"

"......well, various things. In any case, it reached the stage where I'm thinking of bringing you out for actual combat. That's why, there's the need to at least confirm how useable is that skill that's Defensive-type-ish beforehand"


Actual combat, huh. I'm finally going to fight monsters......things that are kind of like the higher species of wild animals.

I suppose you can say it's the charm of another world, but it's a battle with my life on the line.

"Does that mean, I became decently skilled as well?"

"Nn? Nnー....... Well, I do indeed think that the speed the Hero improves isn't normal. Especially when I know about your first day"

"Thank you for that"

Isn't Skill No. 4【Leveling】, definitely necessary. Princess Alicia.......

"It's just that, even if I were to say 'decent', it's roughly the skill of ordinary soldiers or your run-of-the-mill Adventurer. It ain't of the calibre that you can publicly proclaim to be Hero"

"Is that so"

It's good enough, right? I'm an amateur in combat, you know. It's good enough for me, who hasn't done Kendo or the likes in the past, to receive such an assessment.

"The Chivalric Order Captain's movements were......somewhat remarkable huh"

"Were they? Well, innit normal?"

"Normal, is it? Uh, it feels like you were remarkably quick though"

It transcended human understanding......I wonder if I feel that way, because I'm an amateur.

"Aah. If you cover your body with 'Fighting Spirit', you can easily be movin' that quickly"

"......Fighting Spirit?"

"Ou. Hero-sama......you still can't cover your body with it huh"

Wait a minute! What's that!? What are you saying like it's a given!? Fighting Spirit!??

"Is 'Fighting Spirit', something along the lines of an aura......?"

"Aah, aura huh. There are those who refer to it in that manner as well. It doesn't matter either way though. It's one of the arts to battle monsters"

"One of the arts......"

"I've also heard things like Otherworlders can't cover themselves in Fighting Spirit, but......does such a human being even exist? Even Demihumans and Beastfolks can cover themselves in it, you know?"

Geh, Otherworlders can't use it!?

What; is that perhaps the cause of the discrimination of the Otherworlders!?

Indeed, it doesn't feel like I can do it even after all I've been told though!

"Well, but......the Hero-sama's【Counter】, was a 'technique?' that amassed my Fighting Spirit and returned it as it is, you know"

"Counter, was?"

It's true that I felt something like a shockwave.......

Does it mean the people over here can use that with their arts?

"...... isn't the Chivalric Order Captain, despairingly stronger than the Hero?"

"Well, as of now. Hero-sama too, after you slowly learned the remaining skills......someone like me will no longer be able to even hold a candle to you"

"Is, that so"

Those skills remain sealed because of Princess Alicia.

......this is bad. There's a bigger gap in strength than I thought between Chivalric Order Captain and the current me.

At the current stage, I can't imagine myself having any means to resist if he comes and kills me seriously.

Wait, I guess I just have to hold him back with Counter and send him off with the Transportation Technique.

But, because the settings take quite some time for the Transportation Technique, there'll be a delay.

I won't have even the slightest bit of time if he comes and attacks me with that much speed.

Even if I try to send him off with the basic settings, I can't bypass the confirmation for the data settings.

Even if I were to use it instantly, as I thought, the problem of it more or less taking some time weighs me down.

......I ended up having the fact that if push comes to shove, I have barely any means to get myself out of the sight of dangers with my capability shoved in my face.


Today's morning training, ended in a lacklustre manner, and we dispersed temporarily.

I suppose the Chivalric Order Captain also has a report to make regarding the Counter.


"Has that reached a level where it is useable in battles?"

"Yeah. More or less......eeh. Not bad, I think"

During lunchtime, as I thought, the Chivalric Order Captain went to report to Princess Alicia.

I peek at how it's going with the surveillance video of Princess Alicia, whom I re-targeted.

"Do I make him experience monsters subjugation as planned"

"Eeh. After that......bandits too"


......bandits? Bandits subjugation? Is it the cliché?

"......do you really think that that likes me?

"Well, it does seem like it?"

"I wonder. Is it not that if it is a woman, then anybody will do?"

"That is......well, even if that is the case, he probably does have an interest in Alicia-sama"

What with that Princess' jealous-maiden-ish lines. Though that's probably not her intention.

"I see......"

"Does Alicia-sama, have something else in mind?"

"No, nn. Is that so......um, Chivalric Order Captain"


"Tomorrow, I think I shall travel along with that as well"


Nn? The Princess is also coming to the monster hunting? Why?

"And why is that?"

"......not a word to others at this current stage, understand?"

"Eeh, of course"

I wonder what is it. It feels like it's something that's better for me to hear about beforehand.

"It appears that......there is a price to the Hero Summoning"

"A price?"

Ah, about that huh. Which means......I can foresee it. Why is it, that Princess Alicia said that she'll be coming along with us.

"When I, separate too far from that, I will end up being sent off to the world of that instead......so it seems"


"Now, I am researching the past cases of the【Hero Summoning】, but I have not grasped any clue on a countermeasure. As far as it goes, it appears that there is no problem if I make it stay inside the Royal Castle......"

"However, is that......true?"

"......it is likely true"

"Is there any proof?"

"That is......, uh, eeh, well"

The cat got the Princess' tongue there. When it comes to the Princess' proof, it'd be the increase in libido. Her face is very slightly red even now. You closet-pervert Princess.

"By having sealed the skills of that, I, apparently, have times when my health is unwell recently"

"Your health? Are you alright?"

"No-, no problem. I can deal with it by myself after all"

Deal with it huh. Uh-huh. You've been dealing with it huh. By yourself. I'd help out if you'd just asked though?

"Deal with it? Princess-sama, as expected, if you are saying that your health is unwell, I think you ought to call for somebody appropriate......"

"There is no need! I have a clear idea of how I am unwell, so there is no problem!"


As expected, I guess she can't say that she's unwell from her increasing libido huh.

Doesn't Princess-sama have a confidante or something, I wonder.

"However, even though your health is unwell......you will travel along for the monster subjugation and bandit subjugation?"

Like I said, bandit subjugation? What's 'bandit subjugation'?

"It cannot be helped. Although I had been researching it the whole time these couple of days......there are no past cases. Maybe, it is because I sealed the skills of that, that there are such side-effects"

"That is......well, probable huh"

Probable huhー. You can just remove the lock if there's a problem, you know?

"That is definitely how it is. Leaving aside the ceremony's price, how much of the same species is that with Orcs and Goblins for there to be a price for sealing the skills! It is because I sealed the skills of that that that is wearing the face of a human currently!"


Why did it turn into that? No, wait.

If I think about it in the Princess' shoes......I see.

She thinks that, as the price for sealing the skills, her own libido is increasing.

It wouldn't be strange even if she's going,『why!』, and thinking, 'how smeared with lust are the sealed skills'.

Looks like this is my mistake huh. The Orc ratio of the Hero inside the Princess ended up increasing.

"Besides, thinking about it from the past Heroes' documents......as I thought, bandit hunting ought to be the best way to win the Hero over"

"Hmm. Well, I understand. It is true that that is also how it feels for that Hero after all"

That is how it feels? What. I don't want to hand over my information as far as possible.......

How will bandit hunting, win me over?

"The summoned Hero, doesn't think of Otherworlders as humans. They think of women as outlets for their sexual desires, and they get violent with men. ......however, when the time comes when they attacked a man and subsequently ended up killing them, and a woman nearby says that that is 'murder' for them to hear, their mind instantly crumbles, so I heard. ......humph. Which means they have never murdered before. That's why their heart crumbled. That is what they often say huh"

Ehー....... What's that.

"They have an understanding of the world, however, they crave battles without having experienced battles. That is the Hero. ......yeah. They don't know a fight to the death, even though they don't know one, they crave a fight to the death"

She's saying that they charge in all excited, going, 'I'm gonna use my skills and battle!', but when they end up actually killing a human, they become depressed? It's an assessment of the Otherworlders that I don't not understand.

In other words, these fellows intend to make me kill bandits......intend to make me murder?

And then, over there, the Princess gently consoles the anguished Hero and captures his heart, kind of a plan?

Oi, you're scummier than I thought, you know!

I mean, these fellows, they might've been like that right from the start though!

I know something like a bandit subjugation is a cliché in a role-playing game!

But killing a human in real life......when it comes to that.....I mean, even I am going to have some reluctance!

"Well, it will also serve as a good experience. I suppose it wouldn't be right for him to ask for help on every little thing on the journey. As long as he doesn't end up falling to the bandits. There will be honest townsfolks who will be troubled if we don't hunt them. ......we have to have him get used to killing itself. There are rumours that the Demon Lord is in the form of a humanoid after all"

Uu......I see. Wasn't the Demon Lord, a plant?

Well, I guess not even the Chivalric Order Captain has seen its appearances before huh.

It sure feels like the Kingdom's side doesn't have very precise information about the Demon Lord.

A humanoid Demon Lord is born from a plant?

Is it the kind where it absorbs the magic power and whatnot of the vicinity, turn it barren, grow, bear a fruit that's like a clump of magic power, and the monster that eats that turns into the Demon Lord?

However, as long as the objective is to make me kill the Demon Lord in the end, it's necessary to make me get used to killing those with a human appearance, so it seems.

However, when it comes to directly killing a person......I wonder how it'll be.

Judging from the fact that the Princess is in this discussion, it seems I won't be punished for the crime of murder, and that's not the direction of the conversation either.

I wonder how it is public order-wise. I only know about the Royal Castle's vicinity's information after all.

Leaving that aside for now, killing bandits huh.

......seeing that I was summoned to another world, the world view of kill or be killed is the cliché.

Honestly speaking. In the corner of my head, there was already that possibility.

The Chivalric Order Captain also has killing me in his sights after all.......

I was thinking that, if push comes to shove, I've got to turn the tables around.

And then, defeating those existences known as bandits and performing the Legend-ish acts.

It's within the scope of my imagination from the moment I came to the Otherworld. The problem is, how reluctant am I towards that mentally.......

For example, if I know that it's a bad person who's alright to kill, I might not have that much reluctance.

......it feels like I can tell through【Character Introduction】.

It's a different story if it's the type where I have to kill ordinary Demihumans or Beastfolks for the reason that the Kingdom's side discriminates against them, but the other party is bandits huh.......

Even bandits probably have their circumstances though....... I guess the mindset of trying to save even such opponents, is an NG for the Chivalric Order Captain huh.

I have an avoidance towards murders, but there's the need to get used to it beforehand in preparation for when something unexpected happens......at the very least, I may very well have my life targeted in the end.


"Hero-sama. You will be heading for monster subjugation training tomorrow huh"

"That seems to be the case huh"

Mainly at your convenience. ......I wasn't asked about my resolve or whatnot. Will you cover for me if my legs give in in front of the monsters? I'm the summoned-Hero-weapon you spent money on, you know. I'd like to count on you for that.

"Regarding your battle with monsters......Hero-sama. In our world, there are people called Magicians who can use something called magic"

"Aah, as I thought, there are huh"

"Eeh. That being said, I, too, am one of those Magicians"

What? Well, since you've used something like the art of summoning, I guess it's a given huh.

"I have heard about it just a bit from the Chivalric Order Captain, but......what kind of a thing is, 'magic'? In my world, magic is recognised as an omnipotent power. However, I hear it is an art developed for the sake of fighting monsters in this world"

"Yeah. I suppose it would be the quickest to show you"

Ooh. She'll show it to me huh. That......as expected, is exciting even in this situation.

I follow the Princess and move to the soldiers' training ground set up at the outer perimeter of the Royal Castle. It's the place the Chivalric Order Captain and I are always training.

Over there, the Princess stands facing a scarecrow-like target that was prepared.

I don't know the exact distance; maybe about 15m.

"Oh Flame! Burn Everything To The Ground!"

Uoh! A bright red flame appeared from Princess Alicia's outstretched hand out of nowhere and flew towards the target in front! This right here is the cliché Offensive Magic!

Ooh......! Alicia's flame!

"Ooh......that is marvellous, Princess-sama!"

"Fufu, thank you"

By the way, why did the Princess learn that Offensive Magic? Is she planning to burn someone? Let's definitely come up with a fire countermeasure somewhere down the line.

"That magic, I want to learn it too, Princess-sama!"

This, I just very purely want to learn.

"I thought you would say that. However......to learn 'magic', you have to use a specialised tool which uses a specialised material"

"If you just have the specialised tool......you can learn it?"

I have a chance if that's the case!

I'd throw my hands up if I was told『You knead magic power like this, and turn it into fire!』.

"Eeh. We will, of course, have the Hero-sama learn magic. There are plans to attach a specialised lecturer to you as well......"

"Ooh, a lecturer huh"


"Is that, somebody of the Royal Castle?"

As of now, I sure haven't encountered any Magician-ish individual.

"No. It is someone of a noble family in a town a little ways away. A still young and beautiful female Magician called Mayria. That said, she is older than us though"



The Princess' eyes are somewhat stern though. What is with those eyes?

Ah, is she thinking that I probably got intrigued by the 'woman' aspect?

Well, based on the setting on the surface, I'm a Princess-person, so if I get intrigued by other women here, she'll think, 'as I thought'.

I guess the Princess' plan to win me over will also head in a different direction huh. Whatever, it doesn't matter to me.

"Has that person, come to the Royal Castle?"

"No. I am right around considering heading over to give my greetings to the other party as soon as the end of the Hero-sama's training is in sight"

"Eh? The Princess personally, is it?"

Can't you just call the other side over?

"......Hero-sama. I am the Princess, not the King. It is true that positions-wise, I am placed higher....... But I will lose my credibility if I just keep asking the other party to come over without considering their circumstances just because of that. It is us who have something we need help with, so I intend to pay a visit personally so as not to be rude. Especially when dealing with a noble, it will impede on my future if I am not tactful"

"Is that so"

If you have the idea of being rude to the other party, can't you do something about me, the Hero?

Well, Princess Alicia's attitude and words are respectful on the surface huh.

I'm the only one who knows what she's thinking about and what she's saying behind the scenes.

"And what is the tool for learning magic?"

Use it on me right away, that mysterious item!

"About that......"

The Princess averts her eyes and looks downwards over there. What? It's like she has something troubling on her mind.

"Actually, to make【Mana Sphere】, the tool for learning magic......an enormous amount of the resource called Magic Stones is required"


"The merchant's carriage that was transporting those Magic Stones, ended up being attacked by a certain bandit group"


Oh? She talked to me about the bandits more bluntly than I thought she would.

"......the bandit group, has attacked innocent merchant's carriage, and robbed their money and goods in that manner"

"Is, that so. ......do the Chivalric Order and such, not go and subjugate those bandits?"

You guys go and clean them up, yeah.

"The Royal Chivalric Order is, mainly in charge of security of the Royal Castle and the castle town. It is a prestigious job. Jobs such as subjugating bandits......are in charge by the respective noble's personal army, and the Adventurer Guild's members"

"Adventurer's Guild!"

They have them huh. Uwaa, I want to join, but I also don't wanna join.

"......however, the bandits' matter this time around...... I'm thinking of having the Hero-sama resolve the issue"


Eh, why? There are people in charge of that, right?

"Why is that?"

"For the sake of making the residents know the Hero-sama's power. 『The Hero-sama eradicated the bandit group that was tormenting the residents』......if we have you play such an active role, it will be easier to get the cooperation of Mayria=Youmisiria-sama, the Magician I mentioned before. Mayria-sama, is the daughter of Youmisiria Territory's Feudal Lord, and she's a noble. A brilliant Magician and a researcher of magic. ......when it comes to the Demon Lord subjugation, it will probably be very reassuring if we have her as an ally"

Nn? Ah, is this, that?

The member recruitment event for the Demon Lord subjugation's Hero's party?

I tend to misunderstand from the Princess' image, but the Demon Lord subjugation is a legit objective for the Kingdom.

It's not like the Princess called me just because she wanted to torture Otherworlders.

......which means, trying to acquire the cooperation of that noble she calls a 'capable Magician' is......only natural.

"If I play an active role in defeating the bandits, will the other party become cooperative?"

"Yes. The transportation of the Magic Stones itself, was one that's headed for Youmisiria Territory......however, because the place where the incident occurred is far away, Youmisiria is brooding over whether or not to dispatch their personal army"

"In other words......you want to crush the bandit group, pay a visit to the other party with the stolen resources, and get them indebted to us"

"......well, that would be it"

"What is the need for the Hero to play an active role?"

"When it comes time to subjugate the Demon Lord, do you think she will want to accompany a weak Hero? The Hero is a Legend......a meaningless existence unless you demonstrate your power"

That power has been stolen by the Princess-sama thoughー.

"Err, can I have you summarise it for me?"

"......from tomorrow onwards, I would like the Hero-sama to leave the Royal Castle and annihilate the bandit group alongside experiencing monster subjugations. Of course, we will provide support as well. Then, we will take back the Magic Stones, deliver those Magic Stones to the Youmisiria Territory......and I will ask for Mayria-sama to accompany us on our journey to subjugate the Demon Lord, as well as, to be the lecturer to teach and train the Hero-sama in magic. ......that is the plan"

"I see"

Ooh, am I finally, able to set off on a journey in another world outside of the Royal Castle?



"......I do not think the current Hero-sama is capable of repelling the bandit group in its entirety alone. The Chivalric Order will end up lending a hand as well, but that way, we will not be able to show off the Hero-sama's splendour. Hence, I would like to ask the Hero-sama to secretly depart from the Royal Castle, and to behave inconspicuously outside. We intend to make it known in the end that, 'the Hero-sama resolved every single thing by himself', but......a problem will arise if you playing an active role itself is actually a lie"

"A problem?"

Rather, they don't plan to let me move freely even outside huh.

Forcefully running away......is difficult huh. The Chivalric Order Captain's movements, are undoubtedly above the current me.

"It will bring about the Chivalric Order's distrust of the Hero-sama's power"


"It's actually the Chivalric Order's effort, and yet the Hero stole the credit......something like that, will end up going around the Chivalric Order itself. Before long, it will probably leak to the town. However, if rumour goes around that it was the achievement of the Hero-sama who walked around alone as a result of a squad that's inclusive the Hero-sama annihilating the bandit group......with the reputation the Hero-sama has to begin with, everybody will be convinced as well"

......well, I guess it's good enough that she's talking about the behind-the-scenes honestly here.

Somehow, it's that huh. Right now, I imagine that they're promoting the propaganda that......the Hero-sama is a powerful Legend who'll defeat the Demon Lord! An existence everybody ought to be grateful for! as much as they can.

The Princess seems to be rather considerate when it comes to the Hero's reputation.

......which means, I wonder how the abyss-of-tragedy plan at the very end will play out.

If we go by the cliché, it'll be the pattern where the Hero who defeated the Demon Lord transformed into the new Demon Lord, and every single person will go, 'kill the Hero!'.

It's the pattern which they have to apologise for until the end of their life in that world.¹ They might actually just very simply come at me with this method.

"It is a series of work, but......Hero-sama. I will be accompanying you as well"

"The Princess-sama will!? Is that not dangerous!?"

I knew though.

"Eeh. But, this is also my duty as the Princess. Besides......I, am worried about the Hero-sama"

"No way......Princess-sama"

Liar. Aren't you just cautious of the anonymous message and can't separate from me.

There's no doubt you'll stay in the castle and work me to the bone if there wasn't that.

No, well, since she's the Royal Family, I suppose that's also a given though.

...... it's just that, the Princess had plans to come on the Demon Lord subjugation journey right from the start.

Even though she's the Royal Family. Is there, some kind of a reason for that as well?

She might need things like fame and prestige as well.

The Princess who once subjugated the Demon Lord......no, the new Queen! something like that.

"Well then, perform the evening's training in moderation. Tomorrow, we shall depart the Royal Castle and leave the castle town first thing in the morning. I will arrange a carriage to use for hiding the Hero-sama beforehand as well"

"......understood, my beloved Princess Alicia-sama"

I bow courteously.

......somehow, it's been decided like it's a given, but tomorrow, I'm going to set off on a journey where I'll put my life on the line fighting monsters, and a journey where I'll kill people.

......I do think it's something necessary. It rubs me the wrong way, but I also have the feeling that that's how it is in another world.

However, for the most part, there's a glimmer of 'why do I have to do something like that?' feeling.

If I find that the bandit group or whatnot isn't to the extent that I have to kill them, then I guess I'll try to avoid killing them.

Rather, I wonder if she'll consider cancelling the abyss-of-tragedy plan if she sees me give up murdering.

If that's the case, I guess she'll find me as someone who's simply useless and lower her evaluation of me huh. Haーa.


I'm going to participate in life-or-death battles from tomorrow onwards.

In that case, I want to get my hands on a new power......a new skill beforehand.

In that case, there's only one thing to do.

That is, to train Princess Alicia with all my strength!

I'm going to get serious this time around.

Not just for an erotic objective. This is an issue with my life and death on the line.

First of all, what I ought to test is, a reenactment of the time I removed the initial lock.

The lock didn't come off with a pure love dream.

...... it's possible that, for Princess Alicia, having pure love with me is so overly absurd, that the quality of the dream might've ended up dropping. In that case, the dream to show her will be the same humiliation type as the first time.


【Equipment Designation】

◇Clothes She Is Currently Wearing

◇Blindfold Of Humiliation:

1. Disappears when one wakes up, or when somebody enters the room.

2. Continuously shows the target『a dream where while she is being violated by the Hero humiliatingly, she accepts the Hero while feeling the humiliation, and she ends up feeling pleasure continuously』.

3. The sense of time in the dream progresses at the same rate as in reality.

4. The Princess inside the dream has her erogenous zones scoured in every nook and cranny, and when her erogenous zones are found, she responds strongly and attains pleasure. She accepts the Hero while feeling humiliated even on that occasion.

5. Manifests its effect in conjunction with【Muzzle Of Moans】

6. The effect where in exchange for a continuous sleep of 6~8 hours where she will not wake up except for an emergency, the target's stamina is fully recovered

7. Rank A

◇Muzzle(Ball Gag) Of Moans

1. A piece of equipment to use on the Princess' mouth. Ball gag model.

2. The effect of not allowing the Princess' voice to reach further than a meter in diameter

3. Works in conjunction with the dream【Blindfold of Humiliation】shows her, and vocalises the words the Princess inside the dream says in the Princess' voice.

4. The effect of providing support to the Princess' breathing. Functions in a way that she doesn't suffocate.

5. Disappears immediately in the case where the Princess has the risk of breathing difficulty.

6. Disappears when one wakes up, or when somebody enters the room.

7. Rank B

◇Bracelet Of Masturbation

1. Equips on both arms. Disappears when one wakes up, or when somebody enters the room.

2. Makes the sleeping target performs self-consoling acts with their own hands.

3. However, it is unable to cause serious injury to the target themselves.

4. Also, it links with the content of【Blindfold Of Humiliation 】's dream, matches the moment the target finishes in the dream, and guides the target to climax without fail.

5. The effect of moving precisely to scour the target's erogenous zones, provide sexual stimulation, and arouse the target.

6. Rank C 

◇Collar Of Dreaminess

1. Disappears when one wakes up, or when somebody enters the room.

2. The effect of making the awake equipped target vividly recall the content of the dream she had seen that day before disappearing however.

3. Rank B

◇Soft Fetters

1. Fluffy fetters that won't injure the skin.

2. Disappears when one wakes up, or when somebody enters the room.

3. Works in conjunction with the dream【Blindfold Of Humiliation】shows her, and pushes for the target to open her legs.

4. Rank D

◇Hairpin Of Sensitivity

1. Transparent. Has the effect of not being perceived by those other than the Hero.

2. Disappears when it is noticed by somebody other than the Hero, or when it falls off the Princess.

3. Has the effect of when the target is called『Princess Alicia』by the Hero, she recalls the dream she saw through【Blindfold Of Humiliation】clearly on the occasion she has it equipped.

4. Has the effect of making the target very lightly aroused when she closes in on a 1m radius of the Hero.

5. Rank A

◇Transparent Clitoris Piercing

1. Transparent. Has the effect of not being perceived by those other than the Hero.

2. Disappears when it is noticed by somebody other than the Hero, or when it falls off the Princess.

3. Has the effect of faintly vibrating when there is no danger to the target's life, and when the target is in a relaxed state.

4. Has the effect of making the target recall the dream she saw through【Blindfold Of Humiliation】in the case that it vibrates.

5. Rank C

【Possession Designation】

◇Shaking Stick

1. Hand-held size stave. Disappears when one wakes up, or when somebody enters the room.

2. Links with the content of【Blindfold Of Humiliation 】's dream, decides the strength of the vibration, matches the moment the target finishes in the dream, and guides the target to climax without fail.

3. Rank C

【Objective Designation】Princess Alicia climaxes. Otherwise, if she wakes up or somebody gets close to her room.


『Influence Pertaining The Skills' Seal: If you don't periodically reduce your sexual desires, you will see a lewd dream you desire at the bottom of your heart』

The settings are, such a painn! I ended up going all out.

There are way too many things I can do. Did I, leave anything out.......

Next time, I want to go more simple.......

That being said, my life is also at stake here.

I'm gonna do my best for the sake of acquiring a brand new skill! Good grief, what are you making the Hero work hard on.


And then, I quietly waited for the Princess to fall asleep.

Because I took a slight nap in the afternoon, my eyes are pristine. Standby OK.

Alright, the Princess started sleeping!【Otherworld Transportation Technique】activate!


The magic circle enveloped Princess Alicia and outfitted her in full equipment, the same as always.

A beautiful young girl wearing a collar, a blindfold, and a ball gag in lingerie, holding the shaking stick in her hand. On her legs, she's wearing fluffy fetters.

"Nnguh......nn, nnguh!?"

Perhaps it's because she's been made to bite a ball gag, the Princess raised a muffled voice.

A surprising Princess. Now then, I wonder if the muzzle's effect has been properly manifested.

Working in conjunction with the dream......it probes what kind of exchange the Princess is having with me in the dream.

It's something like a gameplay commentary huh. The me this time around, is serious, you know.


, a voice besides the Princess' groans was audible.

Ooh? It's a success. I can hear the monologue(?) of the Princess in the dream.

Even though she has her mouth stuffed with the ball gag and can't speak, the magic tool verbalises the voice of her speaking in her dream in exchange.

It's already an incomprehensible usage.

It's completely meaningless if it wasn't for this skill. Really, what's the Hero doing, what are you making the Hero do. It's something I'm doing on my own whim though!

"Uu......, nn"

""You, again......! Don't mess with me!""

I wonder if the setting is 'Again', inside the Princess. I didn't lay my hands on you in reality, you know.


""Don't touch mee......""

As she was saying that, the Princess started fondling her own breast with her right hand, and stuck the stick in her left hand on her crotch.


The moment the stick hits her crotch, her body responds with a twitch.

""As I thought......the Hero is......a lump of lust......the same species as an Orc......""

The verbalised voice sure is slightly choppy huh.

This might be because the dream is intangible.



Perhaps the stimulation was slightly strong, she twitched her body and bent her head back.

""Wh-......why......now, ......how......""

"Nn, nnguh,"

""Noo, ah, ......wait...... what's happening.......""

The Princess, who's being toyed around inside the dream, consoles her own body with her own hands.

And then she moved to open her legs slightly.

She switches her right and left hands, changing the stimulation on her breast to the stick.

For the stimulation on her crotch, she starts performing it with her own fingers.

"Uu......, ......uu"


In a double-layered voice, the Princess leaked out her moans. I suppose her body is being increasingly stimulated in the dream.

The movements on her physical body in reality are also gradually becoming intense.


""Haa......yo-, you're wrong....... I'm not feeling anything......""

The Princess, says something like that for her lines in the dream.

Despite saying that, her hand in reality was stimulating her crotch like crazy, and she was responding twitchingly with her legs open.

""......no wayy......no......! Somehow......my body is......""

"Nn, guh, fuu, guh"

I suppose the Princess is resisting inside her dream as well, but it seems she can't resist very well. And then, the stimulation on her body is gradually getting stronger, and in response to that, she has a perplexed look.

The Princess' face is flushed, she's perspiring, and her body is quivering.

Both her hands are mainly stimulating her breast and crotch directly, and her appearance is quite erotic.

""Le-......let go......can you......still call yourself a Hero......""

"Nn, nn, guh, uu"

Looks like the me inside the dream, is firmly restraining the Princess and persistently stimulating her breast and crotch.

""I-, I didn't know......such......sensation...... you're wrong...... it's embarrassing......""

"Nn, guh, nn!"

""You're wrong-......I, am not feeling it or anything......it feels good......!""

It seems her lines and her feelings are slightly mixing together since they're both her voices in the dream.

The Princess admits that she's feeling good without hesitation.


""Ah, I',m comingg......!""

, the Princess climaxes without hesitation over there and quivers her body.

Since she accomplished the objective, the magic circle manifested, and the Princess returned to the Otherworld alongside her climax.

......it sure is quick huh, this time.

Don't tell me the Princess is actually masochistic, and rather than pure love, she prefers it to be forceful or something.

I should've designated climaxing multiple times as the goal huh.


""Haan...... you're wrong...... you're......wrong. I...... didn't climax.......or anything......!""

You've returned to the Otherworld because you came though.

Well, it's a setting where she's being violated by me, so I guess there's no way she'll admit it huh.


""Wa-, wait a-......stop-, I'm still......""

, the Princess pushed the shaking stick with both hands, onto her post-climax crotch in reality.



""Pu-, putting it in aga-......how......insolent......I am......the Princess, you know......!!""

It seems the real deal started in the Princess' dream.

Perhaps it was a strong stimulation, she made a reaction which looked like she came with just that, and she sprang her body.


""Haa......beast......I will not......feel it from......someone like you......!""

"Nnn, nnn!!"

Even as she's saying that, the Princess repeatedly alternates between stimulating her own crotch strongly and relaxing her hands. ......based on her movements, right now, at this very moment, the Princess in the dream might have it inserted in her, and she's being pistoned aggressively.

""Ah......you can't! Noo, ......what is......being done......to me......""

"Nnn! Nn!"

""I......around my body......like this...... you're wrong-, I am......not slutty......""

"Nn, uu, nnguh!"

The Princess in reality, is leaking her voice like crazy from the ball gag's crevices.

And then, her body is responding by twitching like she's having a hard time enduring it.

""Noo...... you're wrong-......wait......it feels......goo-......nn, it's coming again......""

"Nn, nn, nnn!"

""I'm-...... I'm coming......!!""


The sleeping Princess, who's receiving the stimulation on her crotch and holding her legs up, opened her legs up in an M-shape and thrust her crotch towards the ceiling. She's bending her back backwards, bending her head backwards as well, and enduring the pleasure of the climax.

""Nooo, noo......it feels good......ah!!""


""I will......definitely......not forgive you....... Doing......as you like......with my body......!""

"Nn, nn, nn......!"

Despite having a dream where she's resisting, the Princess is single-mindedly arousing her own body, with her very own hands.

""Stop-......it...... don't touch, that place......noww......!""

"Nn! Nn! Nn!"

The Princess' voice inside the dream, is one that sounds like it's begging for mercy, but also one sounds like it can't defy the pleasure.

""You're wrong......! Something like that......is not true......! Definitely not......! Ah, it feels good! You're wrong-......aaan!""

"Nn, nnnnguu!"

Princess Alicia, once again, climaxes aggressively. She's only being violated in her dream.

In the real world, the one who's giving her pleasure, is she herself.

""Aa.....Hero......stopp, ...... I'll definitely......not forgiv-......noo......it won't go as you wis-......""

"Nn, nn.....nnn!"

"Sto-, stop it alreadyy......ah, ...... I'm feeling it......so......stopp...... you're wrong......I, it feels good......"

"Nn, nnguh, nnn......!"

""Ah, ah, ah......not inside......ah......aa! Haan! ......I'm comingg......!!""


That night, the Princess, climaxed over and over and over again in her dream and in reality.

However, even though I went this far......the【Key To The Princess' Heart】did not unlock.

......next time, I might need a different approach.


¹: I think the author is trying to say an ending that authors have to apologise for.


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