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Sorcery Amplification

"Ohー, something strange sure came huh"

I look at what Stella, whom Mar is taking on, summoned and mutter by myself. If I'm not wrong, Stella was saying War Spirit Summoning or something huh. Does it mean the past legends have turned into that shitty Goddess' subordinates?

"You sure are carefree to look away while taking us on huhh, koraah!!"

Just as I was looking over at Mars for a bit, several fireballs flew over. I manifest shortswords in the skies with Dark Sorcery and block the fireballs while backing away.

Noel the Hero, who made his way amongst those fireballs and drew all the way to me, swings his Holy Sword up at me from a low posture. I hold shortswords in both hands in reverse-grip and catch Noel's Holy Sword.

Although the Holy Air released from the Holy Sword stings my skin, I don't have time to be worried about that. It's because Noel pulls the Holy Sword back and slashes over at me right away.

While averting the Holy Sword that swings down at me with my shortsword, I manifest other shortswords in the skies and release them towards Noel. Noel repelled all the shortswords with the Holy Sword he swung down and thrust nimbly at me.

The Holy Sword was thrust out with the full intention of gouging my heart out. I envelop and catch that sword tip with the jet-black sphere I manifested before my eyes.

"uu!? My Magic Power!"

Noel, who could tell what was taking place with that sphere, retreats backwards right away. However, the sphere that chased the Holy Sword and absorbed Noel's Magic Power, wells up massively.

"Sun of Erosion(Eclipse Sol)"

And then, numerous spikes extend from the sphere that welled up to its very limit. I'd been making them extend to everybody with Magic Power thus far, but I decided to give it a direction this time around and direct everything at Noel. Noel readied his Holy Sword and was about to unleash some kind of technique, but

"Don't be forgetting about me!!"

, the red-haired man stands before Noel and slams his fist that he covered with flame at the approaching spikes. To think that he would deliberately go and get skewered. That was what I thought, but it seems I'd underestimated their capabilities.

The tips of the jet-black spikes I released had melted into nothing. The flame covering his hand seems to have quite a high temperature, and my Sorcery ended up being dissolved.

"Good grief, bloody going out further in front than me more and more. I'll get scolded if anything happens to the Hero, you know"


The red-haired man, says something like that to Noel and goes out further in front than him. Magic Power is flowing out from the body of the man called Metro, and that Magic Power is turning into flames and burning the surroundings.

"Looks like you are acquainted with that Holy Maiden-sama and company; are you the man who declared war on the Goddess-sama?"

"That's right, so? Are you in love with that shitty Goddess as well?"

"Shitty Goddess!? Kukuu, ahahahahaa!! It's the first time I heard someone say something like that! It's not like I like that Goddess or anything. I don't care what happens to that Goddess after all. It's just that, even if it's such a Goddess, there are people who worship her. There's no way I can let you have your way with the hope of those people"

"......I see. Then I just have to kill you as well"

"Go ahead and try it if you can!"

Metro starts spouting flame from his entire body and closes in on me. I manifest several hundred shortswords in the skies and release all of them at Metro.

"Hah, don't think I can't do what you can!"

Metro starts hovering numerous flame shortswords in the skies simultaneously as he says that and clashes them with my shortswords that head at him.

"There's me as well!"

Noel, who covered his body in light in the meantime, drew close and swung his Holy Sword down at me. I create a sword in my right hand and catch it right away, but when it comes to a made-shift Magic Power sword, and a Holy Sword endowed with the aggravating shitty Goddess' power, it's naturally mine that loses.

I retreat backwards while letting go of the sword that was sliced easily. I increase the number of shortswords that hover in the skies and direct them at Metro and Noel, but Metro create shortswords with his flame similarly and blocks them by clashing with them, and Noel cuts everything that flew over with his prided Holy Sword.

"What's wrong? Is this all you've got? You can't win against us if that's the case! Roaring Flame Sorcery, Fire Deification!"

"Holy Heavens Sorcery, Holy Deification"

As I was thinking about what I should do, Metro activated his Sorcery while making a slightly disappointed-looking expression. Noel did as well along with that. Immediately after, I feel a Magic Power similar to the Divinity Tree and Lo back when it was a Divine Beast.

I knew it from meeting the shitty Goddess, but I suppose this is something like the Magic Power a God possesses huh. And then, the speed of the two of them increased drastically like they were different people from before.

Metro, who on his entire body......or rather, whose entire body turned into flames, appear before my eyes and punches over at me with his right arm. I do multiple coatings on both arms with Dark Sorcery, cross them, and catch it, but I receive an impact that seemingly burns me down to the core of my bones, and I get blown away.

Looks like the Magic Power I covered my arms with was meaningless, and I got burned to a crisp. Both my arms were charred black, and it burned all the way to my chest. There's quite an intense pain in my back and chest, and blood won't stop pouring out of my mouth.

Over there, Noel thrusts his Hoy Sword over at me. It extends straight at me like Relcend's breath and punctures my body. And then, carrying on

"It's over"

The Holy Sword pierced my abdomen. The moment the Holy Sword stabbed my abdomen, a scorching pain assaulted my entire body.

......haha, who would've thought that they had such a technique up their sleeves. The tables were unexpectedly turned on me, hasn't it. Both my arms are burned like charcoal, and the same goes for my chest as well. My back is in tatters from the impact of crashing into the rubbles, a Holy Sword is stabbed in my abdomen, and my body is being burned by the shitty Goddess' power from there.

I sure am gonna end up dying at this rate huh. ......haa, I wasn't planning on doing it here, but whatever, I guess. If I just keep about half of them alive.

"uu!? Metro! Get away immediately!"

"Tch, I know!"

Perhaps he could tell that my Magic Power welled up, Noel pulled his Holy Sword out from my abdomen and backed off. Metro also backs off alongside Noel's voice.

I order Bergius and Lo, whom I've subdued with Dark Sorcery, to have Mars and the company back off. At the same time, I use my blood and activate my Sorcery.

"Tentacles Of Blood(Bloody Tentacle)"

Dark red tentacles that I created with quite a bit of Magic Power and blood appear and grab the Beastfolks indiscriminately. And then, they squeeze and crush them. I absorb Magic Power from the blood that flows towards the tentacles and turn them into my supplements.

The wounds on my arms, chest, and abdomen return to how they were initially around when I killed about 200 people. Metro who was looking at that scene

"......it sure is true that we can't keep this alive"

What are you saying. There was no need for me to do something like this either if you guys didn't come targeting me as a Demon.

"Gii......le-, let go......"

Oops, come to think of it, there was a Beastfolk that possessed another God's Fragment, was it. I point my palm at him, who was captured by my tentacles, and change from an opened palm to a closed fist. When I did, the Beastfolk was squashed to a pulp. At the same time, I absorb all of his Magic Power.

The God's Fragment that rides on his measly Magic Power and flows into me. It mixes with my Dark Sorcery's fragment and increases it a level. If it's with this

"Dark Deification"

I envelop my entire body with darkness. I guess it's something like this from their looks of it?

......now then, let's start round two, shall we.


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