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Edited Chapter 106:

With the pentagram as its basis, a symbol polished that's until it has no redundancy was formed. 


With the pentagram as its basis, a symbol polished until it has no redundancy was formed.


The captured average students. The control over their life-and-death, is grasped by one of the very few malignant youngsters on the entire continent of all people. As for how they feel, they're, quite literally, paralysed with fear.

"Kukuku......well, I'm the type that pays back what was done to me, but I won't do more than that. It's not like I was killed, so I'm not going to kill you......not going to kill"

While smiling ominously, he points his finger at the ground, moves it skilfully, and draws a Seal. Immediately after, an ebony light dwelled within, and a magic circle was crafted on the ground.

There’s not the slightest hesitation in that confidently drawn Magic Circle. Using a pentagram as its basis, a Symbol polished until it has no redundancy was formed.

The students, they did it repeatedly thousands......no, tens of thousands of times, but be that as it may, they were mesmerised, by that fingertip's movement. 'Just how much, do you have to practise to be able to draw such a smooth Seal', they thought.

Before long, the Dark Magician's hand stops, and a clump of black lightning courses around the magic circle.

<<Along With That Darkness, Summon, The Demon Berzelius>>


"Marfo-chan......wait! Wait up, the date is still......huh......"

A tiny stature about that of a five-year-old. A pair of small black wings snugly on its back. A sorry excuse for fangs that are peeking out. An adorable young boy like that showed up. In his hand, there's a single jet-black handkerchief.

"It's been a while huh. Berzelius"



The students shout in their hearts.

Just as they were thinking what kind of terrifying Demon was going to show out, what showed out was an adorable, no, an excessively adorable young boy. In actuality, Berzelius is a low-rank Demon. He doesn't particularly possess any strong combat power apart from his unique ability.

"Oi, Asch......"

With his body quivering, such a Demon Berzelius glares at him with an endearing face.

"......what is the matter?"

"Idiot――――! Moron――――――――――! Just as I'm having fun on a date with Marfo-chan after going through a whole lot of trouble......it has all gone to waste, hasn't it. It took 20 years to invite her, you know"


No matter how you look at it, it looked like he's being dumped, was probably not Asch's imagination.

"I always say it, right? Why can't you confirm my schedule beforehand!? I'm not free either, you know. Today of all days......today, this very day, this very moment. It's divine timing, you know, divine"

Berzelius, who repeats『divine』even though he's a Demon.

"I-, I am really sorry. I will be careful next time"

Strictly speaking, he can't confirm his schedule beforehand or whatnot since there's no means to contact a Demon though. However, all he can do is adequately handle the child who has gone hysterical.

It's a customary exchange, every time.

"Humph......so? What is it today?"

"Ye-, yeah. I want to make use of your ability for a bit"

Saying that, the ill-natured Magician whispers in Berzelius' ear.

"......hmーm, got it"

The familiar starts walking like he finds it a pain. Walking back and forth in front of the students. Before long, he stopped in front of a single student.

"This child. He's terribly weak to tickles. Furthermore, under his foot"


The expressions of the students who had slightly let their guard down because of Berzelius' mannerism changed. While observing those looks in satisfaction, the ill-natured Magician, opens his mouth.

"That is correct. He reads people's hearts.『Reproach(Blame)』. That's what I call his ability. Now then, Barl-kun"

Asch, stands before him, removes his shoes......and tickles.


In agony. Barl, the bully, who's so weak to tickling that you can tell even from just his expression.


It doesn't stop.

The ill-natured Magician's loud laughter doesn't stop.

"Hahahahaa......rest easy. I'm, a fair man. I'll harass each of you for a full 30 minutes, with something you detest from the bottom of your heart. Everybody, do look forward to it......kukukuku......hahahahahahahahahahaaーーoww!?"

At that moment, Asch was decked ferociously from the back.

"What are you doing! It's because you only do such things that you're hated, right!?"

When he turned around, Liana was there with her face crimson red in anger.

"Wh-, why are you here......Jill! Even though I told you to properly keep a lookout......you betrayed me huhh!"

"What are you saying! You really do have a bad personality"

At the elder sister beautiful young girl who says and rapidly moves her face closer to him, he ends up unconsciously averting his eyes.

"I-, I mean! They were mean to me, so it's well-deserved retribution, isn't it. Today is the chance I can legally take revenge――"

"Such chances don't exist in this world!"

"Kuh......I got it......what should I do?"

"Quickly dispel your magic and let them throw in the towel"


"Don't act like a baby. It's already more than enough, right?"

"Tch......it's totally, not enough"

Despite grumbling, Asch dispelled the magic he placed on them. All of them immediately shouted『I surrender』with about-to-cry faces, and without exception, said their gratitude to Liana and ran off.

With a Holy Mother-like smile, the flax-coloured long hair beautiful young girl sent them off.

"Haa, only your evaluation went up again huh. Are you happy? Being adored by the likes of that"

"That's not it"

Saying that, she turned around and lightly pat Asch's head.

"I'm happy that you properly listened to me"

"......id-, idiot! Don't treat me like a child when we're only 2 years apart"

A young boy who gets embarrassed with his face turning crimson red, he is.


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