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Key To The Princess' Heart (Erotic: Remote Prank On The Princess)

I'm starting to slightly see what's going on.

First of all, my skill. I was thinking that it works in a bizarre way for a Hero, but apparently, this is the result of some kind of seal administered on the occasion of the summoning.

The powerful skills that the Kingdom's side judges as dangerous, that I should have a total of 10 of, have all ended up being sealed.

From the way they speak, I suppose the Princess and company only judged them as powerful, and they likely don't know the contents either....... It seems it's due to the seal that I can't come to another world, receive the cheats, and go 'Woohooー, I'm unparalleled!'.

I didn't have them to begin with, so it's fine though.

The Hero originally, probably actually does possess weapons-grade strength.

Well, it's not that I don't understand the Kingdom's worries either.

I don't know how badly the past Hero screwed up, but coming to another world and becoming unparalleled with their cheat......if it's a man, well, I guess they'll go after women.

However, it then begs the question of whether that's really with the other party's consensus, whether they had considered the other party's circumstances.

After all, Princess Alicia labelled the Hero an Orc. Rather, there are 'Orcs' huh, this Otherworld. I sure don't wanna run into them.

Since they're called 'weapon', they may have the power capable of very easily killing the humans before their eyes.

If they're desired by such a fellow......they may feel like sacrifices placed before the sacrifice-seeking Deity of the Forest.

I do feel, 'if you're gonna abduct me to another world on a whim, then I'm gonna do as I like' thoughh.

It feels like the Princess', or rather, the Kingdom's worries aren't unfounded either.

I guess, they don't think of the Otherworlder as fellow humans huh.

I wish both sides would just compromise a bit more.

Wait, no, but, the position on this side is an『abducted victim』, you know? There's probably no changing that. Which means I don't have any obligation to subjugate the Demon Lord.

As I thought, the premise is that I don't care about the Otherworld.

In addition to that, having the abilities that I should have originally sealed, even though it's a journey with my life at stake, is just absurd.

The safe utilisation of my power and whatnot is something that I, the Hero, should think about.

Do they have any right to manage it to that extent?

I mean, I do understand the worry of what if things turned unfavourable for the Kingdom's side though.

But, this here Princess Alicia, she has her premise set to『make use of me in defeating the Demon Lord, and dispose of me after things are over』 right from the very beginning.

......as I thought, it's absurd.

It looks like they have their own reasoning, but in that case, rather than researching on sealing the Hero's power, bloody research on getting approval from the Hero you summon.

......no, did they make horny Goblin demands to the otherworld Summoner, who did just that, in the end?

If you were to let me say it as one of the shitty Heroes,『I'll defeat the Demon Lord, so give me women in exchange』.

If that happens, the burden on the Kingdom will be massive.

It'll probably be troubling if the Hero does whatever they like.

I guess the Kingdom didn't consider that the Hero would subjugate the Demon Lord for them out of kindness huh.

For me, at the very least, I don't have any resentment towards the Otherworld itself and those people with a different sense of value who are just staying there.

If I'm told that being forcefully conscripted, being forced to train with no questions asked, and heading to my death is only natural, I'll just think『don't fuck with me』.

Around those parts, it might be better to put everything out in the open and discuss about it.

A discussion regarding my treatment. If I did that, they might unexpectedly......no, hold up, hold up.

It seems the Hero Summoning costs so much money that the Princess of a country calls it a grand project.

In that case, the wish of not wanting to train and not wanting to subjugate the Demon Lord probably won't go through.

That's the one thing that I assume they'll definitely not give in on. Otherwise, they won't call the Hero.

Then, what are the Hero's side's wishes upon swallowing those demands of the Kingdom?

'I'll defeat the Demon Lord, so you guys will do something for me in exchange'.

That will be days of entertainment, hospitality, women.......

In the end, the horny Goblin treatment huh. For the Kingdom, they're a weaponised human that causes inconvenient problems.

In the Kingdom's eyes, they'd want to completely manage the Hero huh.

And as the result of their research, it seems they have gotten hold of a technique that seals the Hero's power.

As a result of completely managing the Hero's power, they'll swiftly dispose of the Hero who defeated the Demon Lord before they cause any problem, huh.

......as I thought, I've got no choice but to search for a method to remove the lock called the seal or whatnot on the Transportation Technique and skills while pretending to submit huh.

It seems the Holy Kingdom or whatnot will allocate a woman to me, but the safest is undoubtedly to return to Japan.


"Hero-sama, nice day to you"

"Nice day to you, Princess-sama"

The Princess-sama, who appeared on the training grounds, bows elegantly. I, too, responded to the Princess with a cheery smile.

We're feeling each other out, going, 'Fufufu. Kukuku'.

"From what I hear, amongst the Hero's skills is one that is related to me. May I ask you to explain it again?"


Now then, I'll verify all kinds of things since the Princess is before my eyes.

First, I'll direct the Transportation Technique's target to the Chivalric Order Captain.


【Equipment Designation】Current clothes

【Possession Designation】Current in-hand item

With this, what about the Princess' side.......


【Equipment Designation】Current clothes

【Possession Designation】Current in-hand item

Oh? I'm able to target two people.

I carry on directing my target to the soldiers who are around as well.

The target......ah, the target came off the Princess when I mark the fourth person.

I see? It seems I can store up to 3 people for the【Otherworld Transportation Technique】's targets.

......it sure is kinda underwhelming. Can't I do it to everybody within a designated range?

It has its limits here for how detailed I can go with the designations?

Which means, the number of people I can transport to Japan in one go is three.

......as I thought, isn't this a skill for the Hero to use to return to the former world?

Including me myself, I can bring 2 people back to Japan or something.

No, I guess I can just send them over whenever I want.

Still, 3 people huh. Furthermore, when I try to decide on the fourth target, the very first person's target comes off.

It's better if I made it so that I can keep the Princess' target, right?

There's the issue with the skill I falsely reported as well after all.

I'll fix the first target on the Princess.

In which case, I guess I should leave an empty slot and keep the surveillance up to 2 people for the most part.

I don't know how to feel about simply using it only for surveillance though.

As of now, this Transportation Technique is the only one I can use as an offensive skill.

Uーn....... Honestly, it does feel like the only problematic one is the Princess.

As long as nothing significant happens, I don't think the Chivalric Order Captain will try to get rid of me under his own discretion. It's still based on my impression of him though.

I guess I'll leave two empty slots while I surveil the Princess and practice it so that I can use it on the enemy in a flash, or rather, designate it beforehand so that I can?

"Hero-sama? Is something the matter?"

"Aah, no. I am just not used to using the skill itself"

"Is that so? Fufufu, are you perhaps nervous?"

......Princess Alicia smiles brightly at me.

I wonder if that's what it is. Does she think that I'm in love with her and she's trying to win me over? What a black-hearted Princess.

Well, leaving that aside for now.

I guess I'll fill up the designations of the bogus skill【Summoner's Blessing】.

I've gotta get a grasp on how the Equipment Designation works; how far I can go.


【Equipment Designation】

◇Clothes She Is Presently Wearing

◇Blindfolds And Earplugs (Exist Only During The Period In Japan・Disappears Upon Returning)

◇Silver Breastplate (Gaudy Accessories, Disappears 5 Seconds After Returning)

◇Silver Mantle (Beautiful Fabric, Disappears 5 Seconds After Returning)

【Possession Designation】

◇Silver Shield (Gaudy Accessories, Emits A Dazzling Light For Just 5 Seconds After Returning, Shields The Princess' Body, And Disappears)

【Objective Designation】Spend 0.001 Second In Japan


『The influence on the Princess from sealing the Hero's skills──』

I guess something like this. I went for the profound-sounding and incomprehensible route for the message as always. Let's set up the pieces for later beforehand.

It looks like the Princess is the type that reads deep into the message and goes down the spiral. I want to get a feel for that Princess' reaction.

"Well then, Princess Alicia. Here I go"

"Eeh, Hero-sama"

"【Summoner's Blessing】, activate!"

And, I activate Skill No. 3【Otherworld Teleportation Technique】.


A magic circle appears around the Princess, and it looks as though the Princess disappeared for just an instant......but, since she returned to the Otherworld in an instant, I guess something of this extent would be within the margin of error?

And then the Princess was wearing a silver breastplate, a mantle, and holding a shield before she knew it.

Her shield shimmered, and then it disappeared right away.

Un. I wonder if the performance is a success. Looks like it is.

The problem is that there's the possibility that they will ask me whether I have any idea about the magic circle.


The Chivalric Order Captain and the soldiers around raised surprised voices. Princess Alicia sure is surprised as well huh.

As I thought, they didn't manage to grasp the details regarding the skills? The talk about how they don't have any analysis-type magic might be true.

"Is-, is that the Hero-sama's skill just now. What a mysterious sensation it was"

"I am surprised as well since it is also my first time using it"

It's a lie though.

"From the looks of it, the Princess-sama was covered in protective gear and was holding a shield huh. It shimmered and disappeared after attempting to protect the Princess"

"Yeah. Is it, a skill that protects the Princess-sama?"

"Protect me?"

The Princess tilts her head. How genuinely adorable.

"I do not think that it is a skill that will be very useful on the journey to defeat the Demon Lord though......I wonder if it is the influence of the Princess-sama summoning me?"

"Yeah......huh? ......influence?"

"Nn? Is something the matter?"

"N-, no......it is nothing"

Based on her reaction, she saw the message huh. She's glaring into midair. As I thought, I guess the message is anonymous.

It feels like she's looking at her status without behaving like she suspects me after all.

If so, I can send a message to the Princess at any time, under the pretext of the price of the summoning, the influence of the skills' seal.

I can do all kinds of things if I combine that with the skill

I want to get the information about the sealed skills out of her one way or another. 

The Royal Family are the only ones capable of the Hero Summoning, and since it was Princess Alicia who plotted the sealing of the skills, the one who knows the most is probably this Princess. I can return to Japan if I can just remove the Teleportation Technique's lock.

"Princess-sama, there is something I would like to ask"

"Eh, yes, what is it?"

"The Hero will come to be able to use 10 skills, right? Training and all is fine, but I think mastering those skills will be the shortcut to being able to use me, the Hero, as a war potential more so than anything. How exactly did the past Heroes learn their skills?"

When I ask that, the Princess squints her eyes for just an instant and tries to cover it up with a smile right away.

"Does the Hero-sama dislike training?"

"No, that is not the case"

Of course I dislike it, you know? I won't say it out loud though.


"According to the legends, skills are apparently something you master at the end of a mundane and solemn training. We, the Kingdom, will also provide plenty of assistance, so please do work hard on your training"

"......is that so"

If it isn't a lie. I know you've sealed the skills. As I thought, this Princess sure is black-hearted!

"However, at this rate, let alone the strength to defeat the Demon Lord, it feels like I do not even have the strength to go up against monsters. The fact that 1 out of the 10 skills, is a skill that protects that Princess-sama is also......there is no way I can make the Princess-sama travel together on the journey to defeat the Demon Lord either after all"

"Yeah. But, hmm, shall I talk about it?"


Talk about what?

"Hero-sama, the journey to defeat the Demon Lord......for most of the trip, there are plans for me to go alongside the Hero-sama!"

Uh-huh. I know.

"Eeh!? Really!?"

Like, 'I'm hearing it for the first time!'.

"Yes. We will be together huh!"

"I am happy about that. But will it be alright?"

"I do not know when it reaches the stage where it comes time to get up close to the Demon Lord......but, there are plans for me to assist the Hero-sama on most of the journey, you know?"

"The Princess-sama will provide support, is it. Err, not that Chivalric Order Captain, but the Princess-sama?"

It is the cliché though. For the Princess to travel together with the Hero's party.

"Yes. Assisting the Hero is also the Royal Family's obligation. Hence, while discussing the journey's plan with the Chivalric Order Captain, I will take the responsibility and be your guide"

'Guide', more like the person responsible for managing the weapon, right.

"I am really happy about that, Princess Alicia! I am getting pumped up!"

"Ufufu, geez, Hero-sama"

Uーwa. This smile, it's coming up with my tragedy-abyss plan on the inside, and it's the main culprit in the Hero-overthrowing plan huh.......


Under the Princess' observation, the evening's training is basic swordsmanship training again. Is swordsmanship all we're going to do for weapons?

It seems like this mundane training will continue for a week for the time being.

A week. I mean, if we're talking about fighting monsters, that much might be good though.

I made a request, saying that I want to try going to the castle town, but I got politely rejected, saying that since it may cause mayhem if the Hero goes, I have to wait until they do a bit more preparation. It seems the current me is being grounded in the Royal Castle huh.

Those aspects make me feel stressed as well.

Thinking, 'On top of being called out to another world, why do I have to be grounded'.

I want to walk around a fantasy-esque castle town more.


Well, since the environment is stressful, of course, I have to release that stress.

After all, the Hero is a horny Orc and a horny Goblin.

And then, of course, I shall have the one responsible take that responsibility.

I'm gonna vent my resentment for the skills' seal. Or rather, I don't have any other entertainment after allー.

'It's unnecessary since you're probably exhausted from the training, right', you say?

'How about you just rest obediently'.

It's meaningless to have come to another world if I can't go anywhere, isn't it.

It seriously feels like they're seeing the Hero as a weapon, you know.

Maybe it's because I know her true nature, the Princess' attitude feels disingenuous as well.

In any case, I'll have her let me relieve the stress of today's mandatory training. I do simply just want to try doing erotic things.

Now then, what shall I do to you today, Princess Alicia. Kukuku.

◆Otherworld Transportation Technique


【Equipment Designation】

◇Clothes She Is Currently Wearing

◇Nipple Piercing (Disappears When One Wakes Up, Or When Somebody Enters The Room. Continuously Delivers Concrete Sexual Stimulation Within The Range That The Target Does Not Wake Up)

◇Clitoris Piercing (Disappears When One Wakes Up, Or When Somebody Enters The Room. Continuously Delivers Concrete Sexual Stimulation Within The Range That The Target Does Not Wake Up)

◇Blindfold Of Lewd Dreams(Disappears When One Wakes Up, Or When Somebody Enters The Room. Continuously Shows The Target『A Dream Where While She Is Being Violated By The Hero Humiliatingly, She Accepts The Hero While Feeling The Humiliation, And She Ends Up Feeling Pleasure Continuously』Until They Wake Up. An Effect Where In Exchange For A Continuous Sleep Of 6~8 Hours Where She Will Not Wake Up Except For An Emergency, The Target's Stamina Is Fully Recovered)

◇Hairclip Of Humiliation (Transparent. Disappears When Somebody Notices, Or Falls From The Hair. Gives The Target The Abnormal Status Of『Falls Into A State Of Mild Arousal When Thinking About The Hero』)

All that's left is to add on a new【Message】to this......I guess something like thisー?

It'll be interesting if any and all tools that possess the text-designated effect will manifest in reality.

But the gears and whatnot in the afternoon turned out exactly as I wrote in the text after all.

Rotor-like piercings are bizarrely magic tool-ish, and anything goes for the designation.

It'd be a cheat if I could designate my own equipment with text like this though. Even subjugating the Demon Lord will probably be a piece of cake then.

The past Hero might've been capable of that.

By the way, the dream I show her is that.

In Princess Alicia's eyes, the Hero is a horny goblin, so I expect her to probably think that she's reaping what she sowed even if she ended up seeing such a dream. Also, it's my kink.

I don't know about the Princess' dating history, so I won't write the sorts of things like 'protect your virginity' in the message.

I do also feel, 'If she has a partner, then she has a partner, who cares', but she's my stress-release target as of now after all.

I might get bored if I only just send her off and instantly bring her back even though it's a Transportation Technique.

I think there are a bit more things I can do, but well, those will also come after the verifications.

And so, I'll surveil and wait for the Princess to fall asleep and.......

【Otherworld Transportation Technique】, activate!



Because of the magic circle, a blindfold was worn on the Princess. The only one that's highly conspicuous is the blindfold huh.


The sexual teasing has become even more concrete than yesterday.

Perhaps it's thanks to that, the Princess' reaction sure is good as well. But if all the effects designated on the equipment have been implemented like a cheat......the Princess will be sound asleep for 6 hours.

Well, I've made it that so she wakes up in the case where something happens though.

It's uncertain whether it's possible or not, but while the Princess is dominated on the inside, seeing a dream where she's violated by me and ends up enjoying it, her physical body is teased on three points, her nipples and clitoris.

I have to think about how I can get the complete upper hand against the Princess after all.

Also, it's mainly my kink when it comes to this act.

After all, the Hero is a horny Goblin that's labelled a Demon.


The Princess starts moaning lewdly in her sleep.

They're above her clothes, but that sure is good in its own way as well.

Not only the Princess, if I can find more......parties that I can do all kinds of things as much as I like to, then there are all kinds of things I want to test out.

It's just that, as expected, I'm reluctant when it comes to doing this and that to ordinary people, so......I want to make bad people my target if possible.

Hoping for bad people just for the sake of exerting my power sure is a twisted thought process huh.

It makes me think that both the Chivalric Order Captain's words and the Princess' worries are correct.

Nonetheless, I'll pass on living a summoned life where I think about nothing but the Otherworld's convenience though.

"Aah......! Hann......!"

Oh, the one just now sure was a little intense huh. The piercings' stimulation might be even stronger than yesterday.

Hahaha. Have a nice dream, Princess-sama.

I can surveil the sight of the Princess sleeping in heat like this all day every day.

It's probably the one and only pastime・entertainment for the current me.

"Haa, ......ann......aa! ......ann, comingg......!"

After staring at the Princess' sleeping figure for a while......a movement that was just a tad bit intense came into sight.

Oh? Don't tell me, just now, while she's sleeping......she lightly climaxed?

"Haaa......! Aann......"

, it was at that moment.

──【Key To The Princess' Heart】is temporarily unlocked.

──Skill No. 4【Leveling】unlocked。


A somewhat, intriguing message was displayed in my status.

What exactly, is this? Key To The Princess' Heart? Furthermore, Skill No. 4?

Without knowing what's going on, I tap the【Key To The Princess' Heart】entry.

When I did, an explanatory note regarding that appeared.

◆【Key To The Princess' Heart】

・The Skills' Lock That Was Inserted Into The Hero Summoning's Ritual

・Temporarily Unlocks Through The Princess, Acknowledging The Hero In Her Heart

・Locks The Skills Through The Princess', Consciousness Of Rejecting The Hero In Her Heart


Next, I look at the explanation of【Leveling】.

Skill No. 4【Leveling】

・A Skill That Leveling System-ify, Assesses, And Masters All Training

・Converts Training・Combat And Sorts To Pure Experience Points, And Proportionately Progresses・Improves When The Levels Are Raised

"This is......"

Is it, literally as I read it? Skill No. 4......sure is game-like huh.

It's just that, if I have this, I suppose even the days of training will turn into something quite meaningful. Don't be sealing a skill like that.

And then【Key To The Princess' Heart】

Is this, the lock that's sealing the Hero's skills?

I ended up discovering a clue on removing the lock through pure luck.

......this is, that, right?

Currently, because of the effect of the accessories that I made the Princess equip, she's seeing a dream of being violated by me. On top of it, it's a dream where she ends up accepting and enjoying that act.

And then she ended up lightly climaxing physically just now with that happening inside her dream.

As a result of that, she ended up removing this【Key To The Princess' Heart】's lock subconsciously.

Oooh....... I'm starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel where I can return to Japan, you know!?

Don't tell me the goal is to train the Princess?

No, the proper route is probably to aim to date the Princess with a legitimate method and have her open up her heart.

Looks like it might be essential from here on out to give training in the middle of the night and build a close relationship in the afternoon with the Princess.


And then, the next morning. It's the third day of my Otherworld life.

Just as before, the Princess who slept before me woke up after me.

Well, she may have been made to sleep soundly through the effect of the tools though.

"......it's the worst......"

Those are the very first words that the awoken Princess muttered in the morning without moving her body.

"......it's the worst. It's the worst......what kind of dream am I seeing......it is the worst......"

It's the worst dream huhh. I sure am very curious about that.

Tell me about it in detail, Princess. What exactly, was done to you by me inside the dream?

"Nn, hann......!"

Because of the influence of being thoroughly stimulated for the entire night continuously, the Princess twitches her body simultaneously as she moves her body and shows herself feeling it. Looks like she felt it a bit strongly, even more so than yesterday.

"Why is it happening every day......nn!"

The Princess' cheeks are flushed, and inside her mouth that opens whenever she sighs, her highly viscous saliva forms strings.

The Princess fidgets above the bed and checks out her own crotch with her fingertips. Those movements are erotic, you know.

"Nn......, it's horrible, it's the worst......it's worse than yesterday......"

I sure would like you to tell me what and how is it worse than yesterday. Please commentate it, Alicia-sama!


, it seems she looked at her own status over there. Princess Alicia opened her eye widely.

I suppose she saw the message board.

The following paragraphs are the message I sent to Princess Alicia.

『Price Pertaining To The Summoning: If you separate too far from the Hero, you will be temporarily transported to another world(Hero's World) due to the turbulence・backlash of the summoning』

『Price Pertaining The Summoning: The sexual act with the opposite gender, will induce the turbulence of the Summoning Ritual』

『Influence Pertaining The Skills' Seal: Increased Libido』

......amongst these, the influence of skills' seal, should serve as an answer regarding her own present condition.

"No way......"

Princess Alicia, clutches her own body tightly like she realised something.

When she did, the bump on her breasts that was stimulated continuously for the entire night was over there.


Perhaps her body still remained edged, the Princess ended up raising a feeling-it voice.

Uーn, how adorable and erotic. Thanks for the meal!


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