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Dispute In The Beastfolk Country (2)

"......Hardt you fucking bastardd!! Fucking looking down me!!"

The golden-haired man in silver armour shouts angrily in front of me while looking at Hardt-sama. Damn, he's real pissed. He's glaring over at Hardt-sama, who's currently fighting the red-haired man and the Hero, with a gaze that can kill and not looking over at me at all.

Elsewhere as well, Bergius-sama was fighting its Dragon opponent in the skies, and Lou-sama was fighting with the man clad in lightning and the man in a white robe somewhere a little ways away.

And then, although I'm entrusted with the man before my eyes and the silver-haired woman behind him, he thinks overly nothing of me at all that it's laughable.

However, as I thought, these people are ridiculous. Just from clashing a bit, the houses and trees around the park we are ended up being blown away. 

The Beastfolks are at a loss on where to escape to, the soldiers can't get close, and the children are bawling. In the eyes of those people here, it's probably the moment their every day turned into Hell.

......and then, the fact that the ones who did that were none other than us. I thought of it as well in the country where Hardt-sama's hometown was, but that person values the lives of people other than himself too lightly.

I understand being merciless towards your adversaries, but he's that way even towards people besides that as well. I've briefly heard about what happened in Hardt-sama's past; I wonder if there's a difference in the sense of value from only hearing the story and actually experiencing it.

......I, find it scary that I don't know when that will be directed at us. We're currently enslaved, and I think we're trusted a decent bit, but who knows when that'll disappear. If it disappears out of nowhere, that person will probably kill us easily.

"Mars, what's the matter?"

Tierra calls out to me from behind as I'm thinking about something like that. ......I guess there's no point in thinking about something that I don't know how it will turn out. If push comes to shove......I'll even cross swords with that person for the sake of protecting Tierra.......

"Tierra, I'm leaving those kids behind to you. I'll take on those two as Hardt-sama instructed"

"......got it. Be careful, alright. I think you know since we'd heard about it, but the man is a Paladin, and the woman is a Holy Maiden"

I nod at Tierra's words. There are various things to think about, but in any case, let's settle the issue before my eyes for now. I pray to my occupation's ability and activate it.

An armour envelops my entire body in a jiffy. It fits my body like it was a part of my body to begin with and it's easy to move in. I'm holding a jet-black sword in my right hand, and a jet-black shield in my left hand. It's the Equipment Summoning I learned through my training with Liscia-sama. I'm able to protect Tierra thanks to this ability.

I put my strength into the sword I grab in my right hand and step forward. If I'm not wrong, he's called Lig, was it? The man covered in silver armour, had been glaring at Hardt-sama and hadn't moved since just now. I headed over, aiming at that opening, but

"uu!! Lig, watch out!!"

, Stella, the Holy Maiden who was behind, calls out to Lig. Lig, who noticed me because of her voice, swung his sword up frantically and caught my sword, but because his balance was off, I managed to repel his sword.

I carry on to swing my shield towards Lig's face which was left wide-open. The shield went straight into Lig's face, and I managed to send him flying.

I tried to follow up on my attack on Lig, who was blown away and tumbled to the ground, but Stella, the Holy Maiden, casts a Light Magic over, obstructing me.

Without being able to get close, I held my shield up and took my distance while repelling the Magic heading over at me. Stella goes over to where Lig, who holds onto his face, is and treats him with Magic. As expected of the Holy Maiden huh. The speed of her treatment is incredible.

"......you, you're a fellow who's by that shitty bastard's side huh. Seems you really want to be killed huh?"

"It's an order from Hardt-sama. I've been told to capture you guys. Won't you just be captured by me obediently?"

"......huh? How about you keep your bullshit in moderation? That bastard Hardt as well, you as well, fucking looking down on me! I'll fucking kill you!!"

Looks like Lig has a low boiling point, I provoked him for a bit and he snapped. You'd be beaten up to a pulp if you did something like that in front of Liscia-sama, you know.


Lig swings down at me haphazardly. I parry it with my shield and bring my shield right in front of Lig's eyes. Because Lig, who got parried, has a shield in front of his eyes, he can't take a step forward from there.

What a light blow it was. I couldn't feel any weight in this fellow's sword. Even though if it was Liscia-sama, on top of having my shield parried and my arm rendered numb, she'd close in right up to me and swing her sword at me even further.

"Tch! Occupation Technique Light Wave Burst!!"

"What an idiot. Occupation Technique Reverse Black Wall"

Lig gets fed up and tries to release his Occupation Technique at me without targeting my opening. Like hell such a sloppy technique will land.

I stick my shield out simultaneously as Lig's sword, which swings down at me, and activate my Occupation Technique. Black ripple-like objects emerge around my shield, and there's a white explosion the moment the sword made contact, but I reflected the part that touched the shield all back at Lig.

Lig got wrapped up in the strong gust of wind and got blown away. I dashed out simultaneously and cast a technique similar to Lig's Light Wave Burst, Black Wave Burst, at Lig.

However, Stella stood in front of the collapsed Lig and activated her Occupation Technique while holding the staff she holds in her hand out in front.

"Occupation Technique War Spirit Summoning!"

The moment Stella's Occupation Technique was activated, a pillar of light fell from the sky and repelled my Occupation Technique. And then, a female Angel descended like she's drifting down that pillar. Hardt-sama, as expected, taking on that is tough, you know?


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