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Bogus Skill


Hearing some kind of lascivious voice in my ears, or rather, in my head, I woke up.

An unfamiliar ceiling and the Princess' sleeping figure project on the status screen.

"Aah, she was sleeping huh......"

Even though I'm the one who slept later, it seems the Princess is the one who's sleeping more soundly.

On the screen, she's still wearing the blindfold.

Not once did she wake up since then huh, Princess Alicia.

I wonder how long I'd slept. The sunlight is shining in from the window.

......rather, I didn't check out the scenery outside.

I have a feeling that it's probably a medieval-style townscape anyway.

While having my eyes on the state of the Princess, I go up to the room's window.

Uh-huh. It looks like a European medieval-style castle town.

The sun, it sure hasn't risen that high up yet huh....... I guess it's probably early in the morning.

Yesterday, it ended up wrapping up with me examining the skill with Princess Alicia for just a bit.

"Another world, huh"

I pretty much get it. I'm a modern-era Japanese after all.

It's also impossible for me to suddenly come to grips with it though.

However, for a situation like this, the only interesting part is right after being summoned......when I brandish my knowledge and skillfully work things in my favour. It's the kind that pretty much gets old when the second half comes.

It's not that desirable to people.

The lengthy, lengthy journey for the sake of defeating the Demon Lord.

If I were to say it using a roleplaying game, around level 40 is just right for defeating the Demon Lord, the final boss.

Up until around level 20, the levelling is fun. 

However, the road towards the final boss past level 20......having gotten used to the system and so forth, starts feeling tedious.

It's even more offputting to do it in reality.

After all, I've been told to do three months of training before departing on the journey.

Well, if the people around were well-intentioned to me, I might very much wish for the training as well.

I mean, yeah, it's true that if I were told to take off right away and go defeat monsters, I'd be at a loss on what to do.

It seems they've also taken into consideration that there's a need to defeat the Demon Lord.

If I question that, the situation will probably worsen even further when my evaluation for them is seemingly already at the bottom of the barrel just as it is.

For a while, my basic approach will be to pretend to submit.

Until I acquire the fighting strength strong enough to be called a weapon......I guess?

I've got to constantly be thinking about my plans for the future.


The Princess, she's probably pretty exhausted from the Hero Summoning's ritual huh.

Despite having three of her body's sensitive parts stimulated, for an entire night, she's still sleeping.

I'll have her let me take my time observing her erotic sighs and tremors.

Perhaps because her lingerie's material is thin, although I can't see right through it......the spots where I equipped the piercings, were protruding, and they were also shaking.

Myy, you sure are a pervert huh, Princess-sama. For you to sleep with vibrating piercings on your nipples and clitoris

Still, I never would've thought that she would stay asleep the whole way through without waking up.

I was thinking that she'd wake up once or something in the middle of the night......this is bad.

If the current sight of the Princess is seen by somebody who comes to wake the Princess up, there's no way I'm getting out of it, am I?

I should've set it so that they disappear even when somebody else visits the room.

Rather, getting rid of the equipment while I have the time now is also a way though. No, as expected, around a time when I don't know when people will come in, it'll be all over if that magic circle gets seen. It being my doing will definitely be exposed.

After all, this country's only irregular existence for yesterday and today, is me.

"......haa, nn......nooo......"

Thanks to the light that shone in from the window, I could clearly tell that the Princess' cheeks were flushed. It looks like she's sweating quite a bit as well. The Princess, she's sleeping while being stimulated continuously by the three piercings on her erogenous spots and mildly feeling the pleasure. It's amazing how she's not waking up.

She's probably at the end of her sleep. REM sleep, was it? In that condition, and with that stimulation, she's probably seeing an erotic dream.

......based on her profile, is she getting aroused whipping me, Beastfolks, and Demihumans in her dream? I'd hate it if that's the case.

I've never thought about whether I'm an 'S¹' or an 'M²', but if I had to say, I think I also prefer to torment the other party.

I sure have chemistry with the sadistic Princess huh! The problem is, the target of that though!


Ah, the blindfold disappeared! Looks like the Princess woke up.

Did she, climax at the end? Princess Alicia's body twitched. No, is it something like a twitch from waking up?

"Haa......, aa......?"

The Princess is, in a daze. This woman, she sure is adorable if it's just her face and her mannerism huh...... It's such a waste that her insides are like shit.


When Princess Alicia moved her body, she brought her inner thighs together on top of the bed.

She may not have woken up until just now, but be that as it may, she'd been stimulated continuously for the entire night after all.

I don't think her body's sensation will go back that easily just because she woke up.


After moving her eyes around restlessly, she slowly placed one of her hands on her own crotch.

"Nnn......! Hann......"

Ooh, erotic. Perhaps because she touched the spot that stayed aroused with her hand, her body jerked and trembled, and the Princess was feeling the pleasure. Without realising that it's all being seen by me.

"Haa......it's the worst......"

It seems she touched and confirmed that she'd soaked her crotch.

I don't know whether she's seeing a raunchy dream though; well, it might be something casual like a morning wood for me, a man.

It doesn't look like she's going,『How dare you, Hero......』, and tying it to me having done something.

No, I don't know what she thinks in her heart though. It's just that, she gives off the impression that she's simply peeved at herself for being aroused first thing in the morning.

I continue observing the Princess as it is.

I have a feeling that, rather than moving around poorly, I'll be able to be more informed about the truth about this world through surveilling the Princess after all.

If I can find out the Princess' plan to plunge me into tragedy beforehand, I can probably come up with a counter-measure as well.

Also, I'm simply interested.

I can peep at a beautiful woman's private life one-sidedly after all.

A beauty of another world on top of it. Making use of a skill on top of it.

...... it's probably more amusing than the otherworld itself, more amusing than anything.

Furthermore, it also comes with the benefit of being a counter-measure to assure my safety.

Uh-huh. There's no reason to not surveil the Princess.

Let's satisfy both my hobby and my benefit.

It'd be great if I could increase the number of surveillance targets though......I wonder how that'll go.

I don't really want to surveil men, but since it's a matter of life and death, I suppose I can't do that either.


On the other side of the screen, Princess Alicia slowly gets up.

Looks like she still has some leeway in her body that's edged for an entire night though; how very frustrating. Her occasionally letting out, 'Nn', sounds is erotic.

If only her personality wasn't shittyー.......

Even though if it's just her appearance alone, Princess Alicia is the best.

Summoned to another world, placed on a pedestal as the Hero, and then falling in love with the Princess...... that's the cliché.

If there wasn't the【Character Introduction】skill, my attitude probably would've been different, and I would've been all pumped up.

......by the way, I wonder, if I can get breakfast.

After being led to the room, I only had dinner brought to me, and there hasn't been any other interaction in particular.......

Are they thinking, I'm a taciturn guy?

Are they thinking, what does a monster eat?

No, it feels like they're treating me as a human on the surface though.

They're thinking about skilfully manipulating me and making me fight for the country huh.

......today, I guess I'll gather information about this world, as much as possible.


, something changed about the state of the Princess over there. Nn?


, the Princess mutters. Because of the skill, I sure can hear the Princess' voice clearly even if it's soft huh. I wonder if I can turn the voice off for this? Wait, that's not the point here.

Princess Alicia noticed the message I sent huh.

The message I sent was, 『For the Hero Summoning's ritual, the price paid by the Princess, who is the Summoner, is────.

It sounds profound, but it sure is an incomprehensible arrangement of words huh.

......now then, how will you respond?

"Price......, price?"

Hmm? She sure looks confused huh.

If she knew that it was a message from me, the Otherworlder she seemingly detests, it feels like she would click her tongue or something......does she have class when it comes to that because she's a Princess? No, she was saying that she's repulsed and whatnot yesterday after all.

"There's something like that......?"

She's kinda flustered, you know? She's checking her own body variously.

Her sweat......she was sweating from the start huh. No, it somewhat looks like it's a cold sweat.......

Ever so slightly, her face is turning pale.

What does the message board's message, look like to Princess Alicia?

I wonder if I can assume that it doesn't display that it's a message from me.

If I can one-sidedly send an anonymous message, it feels like the things I can do will increase even further.

Furthermore, she's conscious of the compensation for the summoning with that message.

If it goes well, I'll be able to control the Princess in my favour.

Before long, Princess Alicia started frantically changing her clothes. The morning live clothes-changing show begins!

Furthermore, the fabric covering her crotch, appears to be drenched because of the stimulation she'd received continuously until she woke up.

Naturally, the Princess, she removes that to put on a new pair.

Strings were forming from the underwear.


Her face was pale, but her cheeks are dyed red this time around.

Is she embarrassed? Well, the fun yesterday night, was forced upon her after all.

It's because you summoned a guy like that to another world.

Although she's a Princess, she sure doesn't get the maids to help her change huh.

I guess something like that depends on the situation.

I don't know if she wears a corset or something, but she'll probably get them to help during those situations.

It's great since, for me, peeping at her changing by herself is more satisfying.

However, it came to my mind now as I'm peeping at both the Princess changing her clothes and her crotch that's soaked and forming strings like this.......

......does anybody do for the Hero?

In all honesty, I don't think I'm an outstanding human, not even as a lip service compliment.

If their objective is conscription, isn't it better to summon an active serviceman or something?

As long as you give them the skills, it's better to summon a human who knows the fundamentals of combat if you're going to transform them into a weapon, isn't it.

Is it because it's easy for individuals with otaku¹ dispositions to accept another world?

......nah, I hear there are tons of people with similar interests even in the Japan Self-Defense Force.

In that case, instead of a mundane and perverted kid like me, they should summon someone decent.

If they were simply wishing for a skill-reliant weaponised human, there's no need for it to be me.

Is the target of the summoning random?

Does it have anything to do with the Princess, who's the Summoner, or the ritual?

In a famous game, they summon historical legends, but for them, they've been given the shackles of having to obey the Summoner's orders no matter what huh.

......aah, the current me, feels something like that huh.

I'm on the summoned side. I'm being desired for my strength as a weapon, but I have sentience as far as it goes.

......in the first place, there's also the possibility that my consciousness and body here, are a copy of my original self or something like that.

Oops, I went off-topic?.

When Princess Alicia finished changing, she left the room and headed off somewhere.

Nnー. I wonder if she doesn't go for a morning pee or something.

Rather, I guess I shall finish things up as well.

Having enjoyed all kinds of things to their fullest since yesterday, I've got to get myself some clarity.


Apparently, there are clocks in this world. It's just that, they sure don't feel like the battery-operated clock you find in the common household.

......I wonder, how advanced is their scientific technology?

It's an otherworld cliché for there to be 'Sorcery・Magic' in place of science.

At the very least, there's a summoning ritual.

Skills are only for Heroes, but I do hope that magic is useable as well.

For how shady the people around me are, I sure wish my combat capability to be a cheat at leastー.

──knock, knock.

, the room was knocked over there.

"Hero-sama, have you waken up?"

"Yes, I am awake"

"Breakfast is ready. I will lead you to the dining hall"

"Thank you"

Her attitude is, polite. I use the【Character Introduction】skill on the party who came to lead me to the dining hall.


Gender: Female

Age: 25


『A maid who works in the Royal Castle. Harbours wariness towards Otherworlders』

Wariness huh. Well, I guess you can say this is normal huh.

I can expect her to treat me normally if I can just get rid of her wariness, maybe?

I mean, well, I don't have to forcefully have this person open her heart up to me either though.

It sure would be great if only the Princess is a bigot, and the regular people are normal. Let it be like that, otherworld.

The breakfast......was a western cuisine kinda feeling. The contents sure aren't impressive huh.

I sure want a poison appraisal skill. As a counter-measure against assassination.

No, I'd hate for 1 of the 10 skills to be expended on that though.

Now then, the Princess......what is that? A library? She has a book opened. What is it? Is she researching something?

"I did not hear anything about any price! What in the world is going on......?"

, the Princess started studying the book frantically.

Fuu....... I grin devilishly.

I got it with this. The message board is anonymous!

And then, the Princess seems to be reading too much into the message.

If this goes well, I'll be able to order restrictions on the Princess' hereafter actions!

I guess I'll consider it a good sign. Well, my enemy probably isn't just the Princess though.

"Hero-sama. If you are done with your meal, please head over to the training grounds"

"......yes. Can I have you lead the way?"

"Yes. Understood"

"Thank you"

Pretend to submit, just pretend to submit. However, will I be able to endure something like combat training? I'm just an ordinary Japanese kid, you know?


The training grounds, well, feels exactly how a training ground would. It's within the castle walls, and there are several thick wooden pole dummies wrapped with rope.

And then, at the training grounds where I was led to, there stood a single man.

This fellow, is he the man who was talking to Princess Alicia yesterday?

"You're the Hero huh"


"Hello it is huh, my name is Luid. I serve as this country's Chivalric Order's Captain. I'll be in charge of your combat training as well. Nice to meet you"

"Hello, nice to meet you. I am Sasahara Shinta. It seems I am the Hero"

It seems the jock-ish man, is the training officer.

I look at him with the skill【Character Introduction】.

Personal information? It's not a situation where I can be bothered about that, so I'm gonna ignore it!


Gender: Male

Age: 42


『The Royal Chivalric Order's Captain. A Human Race nationalist. In cahoots with the Princess. Surveilling the Hero's words and actions; entrusted with the role of ending the Hero when push comes to shove by the Princess』

......wait, what a piece of shit!

This is my first time encountering someone who intends to kill me directly.

Is this country, no, castle? full of such people?

What is the existence of the Hero to them?

"Now then......Hero-sama. There's something I've gotta ask before we start the training. Otherwise, it'll cost one's life"

"It'll cost one's life?"

Right to the heart of it all of a sudden?

"Aah. What, are the Hero-sama's skills?"

"What, are my skills, is it?"

He's asking me that huh. I mean, it seems the skills themselves, they're a Hero's special privilege though.......

Does he not know? Does it mean Hero's abilities are not fixed?

"When it comes to the skills, does the kingdom's side not have a more accurate grasp of them?"

"Huh? Who said something like that?"

"No, it is not like I was told. The Princess-sama did explain to me that Heroes acquire 3 skills when they are first summoned. And then, they will acquire 7 more skills after that, up until a total of 10"

"Yeah, that seems to be the case"

"In that case, do those in the kingdom......not know about the 10 skills from the Heroes summoned in the past?"

They've summoned Heroes in the past as well; is that considered confidential information?

No, I got it through the flow of the conversation after all. I don't think he'll retort me here.

And then, the Heroes previously probably possessed skills as well.

If they possess the same skills as me, that means my hand is exposed.

......if possible, I hope that's not the case.

"I mean, yeah, but those are the past Heroes"

"They may be past Heroes, but they are similarly Heroes, right? If I had to say, I'm the one who would like to ask what the remaining skills are and how to learn them"

Captain Luid, frowns at me who asks that.

"There are documents regarding the past Heroes left behind. But, there have never been cases where the summoned Heroes could use the same skills"

"Is that so?"


Which means, the Heroes of every occasion possessed different skills as me huh.

Wait, there's no guarantee that he's telling the truth.

He might be baiting me? Assessing whether or not I'm lying.

"Is the kingdom's side unable to examine the summoned Hero's skills?"

"Examine? How?"

"Erm......like, analysing it? with magic or something?"

"I ain't ever heard of any magic that's capable of something like that"

"Is that so......"

"What does Hero-sama think magic is?"

"I mean, I have no idea at all"

Rather, as I thought, you can use magic huh. I wonder if I'll come to be able to use it as well.

That's what I'm talking about, that right there. An otherworld cliché.

Sword and magic. The weapon doesn't particularly have to be a sword though.

"'Magic', is a technique developed for defeating monsters. It ain't capable of something that convenient"

"A technique developed for defeating monsters, is it"

Then, did they not develop a magic for examining monsters.

It's common, isn't it; a magic that analyses the monsters they fight. Examining and displaying their weakness or something.

If they use that on the Hero, it feels like they'll be able to see the skills and such clearly as well.

"Yeah. I'll have the Hero-sama learn it as well. Or, have you already learned it?"

"No, I have not......"

Is it something you can learn just by being told to learn?

There's also the possibility they go, 'To think that you can't even use magic, how useless, die!', huh.

"In any case, first of all, it's regarding the skills. Tell me in detail"


Like hell I'm going to tell you in detail. Rather, I haven't got a grasp of them in detail either.

If I say the skill name, they might understand how it works from the past documents.

It's just that, the skills differ depending on the Heroes. It seems they don't have any appraisal magic either; in which case, I guess that means I can lie as well.

......I don't even know whether or not that's the truth though.

But, I don't want to tell him honestly. Or rather, I can't.

The skill that can pretty much do whatever I like as well as surveil the Princess and whatnot at the present stage.

......I wonder if I can select multiple people for the transportation technique's target?

I want to test it out, but......I don't want the Princess' target to be removed.

With her 'Princess' title, who knows when I can have an audience with her.

That being said, I also ought to take into consideration the fact that the Captain Luid before my eyes, is the person who's actually targetting my life

"Yeah. If I have to be honest, I was just summoned yesterday, and I have not gotten a concrete grasp on the skills"


Well, this isn't a lie.

The only one I tested out variously is Skill No. 3 after all.

There weren't any means for me to verify Skill No. 2, which seems important when it comes to combat.

"First of all, the first skill......the skill name is【Character Introduction】"

"Character Introduction"


Here, well, it's pointless to make up a bad lie. I mean, even so, I'll hide the details.

It's a useful skill for me in the present situation that tells me who I should be wary of. However, I suppose it's nothing but a hindrance skill for the kingdom.

That being said, it does feel like its performance is mediocre for a Hero-exclusive skill which only has 10.

I really want to know what skills the generations of Heroes have.

I'd feel slightly depressed if they told me there was an appraisal skill that was way superior.

"It is a skill that tells me the name, age, gender, and simple introduction text of the individual I am confronting"

"...... what's that?"

Ah, he's making a bizarre look. Shit, it's a skill that's useful for me, I tell you.

Primarily to be wary of fellows like you!

"Even if you ask me, 'what's that', all I can say is that that is literally it......"

Rather, I'm not lying.

I don't know what will happen if I make up a bad lie, but it's also a situation where I have no choice but to lie.

"...... what's that simple introduction text?"

"Err......for example, for Luid-sama, it tells me that you are the Royal Chivalric Order's Captain"

"What even, is the point of that?"

"Even if you ask me...... it's just that"


"It comes with the explanation saying that there are cases where this introduction text gets updated spontaneously. It feels like it is a necessary skill when it comes to communication in another world, in other words, a necessary skill in my day-to-day life"


Ah, the Chivalric Order's Captain, he's making a super bizarre look.

It's like he's going, '1 of the 10 skills of the Hero who's supposed to be summoned as a weapon is something like that?'

However, I didn't lie regarding this.

I'm simply hiding how much information the introduction text gives me.

"Well, whatever. What are the other two?"

"Yes. Skill No. 2 is【Counter】"



The actual name for my Skill No. 2 is【Absolute Counter】, but I make it more inferior-sounding as far as it goes. Skill No. 2, too, is my lifeline after all.

"What kind of a skill is it?"

"Yes. It seems that it is a skill that can reflect the attack on me back to the opponent who attacked. I do not know the details since I did not test it though"


He sure got slightly more cautious of me huh.

I guess he's probably coming up with a counter-measure when it comes time to kill me.

The actual【Absolute Counter 】's explanation is, 'reflects any and every kind of attack against the skill user back to the attacker'.......but, when it comes to this, I can't quite get a concrete idea of it unless I verify it.

As a result, now, there's also a decent chance that it's no more than the skill I explained out loud.

"Does it mean that even if I slashed at the Hero-sama now, it would end up getting reflected?"

"I would like to think so, but I think it is necessary to verify it"

"Yeah. We've gotta properly verify it. After all, it'll cost one's life"

"Yeah. It will cost one's life"

We don't know whose life it will cost though!

"The third one?"

"The third one is......"

As of now, he has no retorts for the skills and the skill names I've talked about. Although the details are different...... it's still unknown whether the other party is hiding information, or he's taking what I say at face value.

Now then...... here's come the moment of truth.

"The third skill......I don't quite get the meaning of it as well, and it is difficult to explain, but......it is a skill called【Summoner's Blessing】"


Uu, as I thought, a blatant lie is going to get exposed?

Did they get a complete grasp of my skills behind the scenes?

In that case, don't bloody let me do as I wish to the Princess that much.

Let alone using my tragedy as a consolation, for an entire night, she turned into my consolation, you know?

"What kind of a skill it is?"


Did it not get exposed? Or is Captain Luid, simply not informed of my skills that have been analysed.

Well, there's no turning back now that I've lied.

Or rather, lying is my only route.

"Skill No. 3【Summoner's Blessing】is a skill that bestows a temporary blessing to the one who summoned the Hero"

"......to the one who summoned the Hero?"

"Yes. The one who summoned me is......err, is it the Princess-sama I met yesterday?"

"......well, yeah. Only the Royal Family can perform the【Hero Summoning】ritual. And the Queen-sama is currently ill"

Oops, that's a piece of new information. That's how it is huh.

I mean, despite saying she'll let me meet her mother as well, the Queen didn't show her face yesterday.

If only the Royal Family can perform the Hero Summoning......I suppose there's no mistake that Princess Alicia, who was there at the place where I was summoned, is my Summoner.

"So, what's that, 'Blessing'?"

"I am the one who wants to know....... Ever since the audience room yesterday, I have not caught sight of the Princess-sama"

Well, I'm lying though.

"Is that, a skill that you can't use unless the Princess-sama is nearby?"

"That is, likely the case. I mean, I have not gotten a grasp of the details yet though"

That being said, what I have to do is obvious.

From the result of yesterday's experiment, if I just equip a shield or something on the Princess and set it for her transport and immediately return, it'll be all so mysterious.

It'll turn into a skill where I summon a shield that protects the Princess. I've thought about the details as well.

I might very well be able to experiment on Skill No. 3 in public.

......well, it's a risky gamble though.

I decide to lie at the portions where I need to pull the wool over his eyes.

"Nevertheless......Princess Alicia, she is a beautiful person huh"


"I mean, I had an audience with her right after I was summoned and at the audience room, and I also had a tiny bit of a conversation with her, but......even in my country, I have never seen a beautiful Princess like her"

In the first place, I've never even seen somebody with the occupation of a 'Princess'.

"Hmm....... What, Hero-sama. Did you end up falling in love at first sight with the Princess?"

"That's......well, haha. I may be the Hero, but I'm just a man after all. With a beautiful individual like that in front of me, I am more or less going to have some feelings for her"


Captain Luid, grinned at those words of mine.

That's right, that's right. This is my weaknessー.

You can just implement something like a honey trap and betray me at the end into the plan for my tragedyー.

With this, I managed to control Princess Alicia's approach to me, and made it easier to experiment with the transportation technique!


¹: オタク(Otaku). Geek


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