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The Academic City, Zagreb, where brilliant Magicians gather from all over the continent. This place, where there's a concentration of all kinds of education associations and research associations, churned out a number of historical Magicians. The class system, too, is not the so-called caste system of kings, nobles, commoners, and slaves, but one where the higher your achievement as a Magician is, the higher your position in this city will be.

In a place like this, the estate situated in the very middle is, the residence of a Magician called Hazen=Heim. The spaciousness of its courtyard occupies a tenth of the entire Academic City, and the status of the residence doesn't lose out to the royals of other countries. Amidst all that, there's a single lonely house at the far corner. The extraordinarily tasteful and worn-out row house, is the disciples' abode.


When he hears a voice and opens his eyes, together with the sunlight, a pair of slender and long legs enter his vision. The hotpants that prioritise ease-of-movement, are poison to the eyes of someone in puberty, and he hurriedly shifts his eyes to the side.

"Asch, are you awake? Are you fine?"

When he looks further down, the upside-down Liana is making a worried-looking expression.

"......if you define this situation where after returning, I got my movements sealed by your Otou-san's magic, hanged by a rope, spent an entire night, and have the blood of my entire body concentrated in my head like it's a given as『fine』, then yeah, I'm fine"


'Somehow, he seems fine', the older sister beautiful young girl thought.

"In the first place, why aren't you met with the punishment of being hanged upside-down? You may be parent and child, but since you're also one of the disciples, you should similarly be punished for breaking the curfew, right?"

"Tha-, that's――"As always, you just don't know when to give up"

Along with that voice, a black-haired man opened the door and came into the room. His gaze is sharp, and his overly well-arranged facial features, give off a cold impression somewhere. He's already over 40 years old, but there isn't a single wrinkle on his face, and nobody who's meeting him for the first time would doubt it even if they're told he's in his 10s.


Asch=Dahl's mentor, Liana's father, and the greatest Magician on the entire continent in both name and reality.

"The reason my daughter broke the curfew, was because she was trying to prevent your evil act, right? Besides, even if I were to hang Liana upside-down as well, none other than you, will beg for the reduction of my daughter's punishment, so doing this just saves on the hassle"

Like he saw through everything......no, seeing through everything, Hazen laughs.

"......what did you come here for?"

The worst-natured disciple, stares at his mentor, upside-down, with a bumped-out expression.

"What......I was thinking of occasionally, having breakfast alongside my disciple"


When he snaps his finger, several butlers line up numerous scrumptious dishes below Asch. All of them just came off the stove, and the fragrance of the whole-roasted Seven-Faced Bird, whole-roasted pork, and beefsteak, strongly stimulates his nostrils.

"Now then, let us parent and child occasionally eat together without any interruption, shall we, Liana"

Hazen, who said and got the ball rolling, starts stuffing his cheeks with the scrumptiousness in front of Asch.

"......er-, err, Otou-san. What about Asch?"

"Ooh, of course he can eat too"

When the beautiful young girl, who stroked her chest and breathed a sigh of relief at that response, was ecstatically about to remove the rope――

"Oi. Daughter, what are you doing?"

"Eh, I mean, you said he can eat"

"Of course he can eat. However, his punishment still has two hours. I can't allow you to remove the rope, nor allow you to give him a hand. Well, it's a different story if he dispels the magic and removes the rope with his own strength though"

"......in that case, he can't eat, can he"

"Aah, he sure can't eat......kukukuku......kukukukuku......hahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahaa"

Delightedly from the bottom of his heart, while putting the food in his mouth, the worst-natured mentor laughs continuously.

Asch struggles frustratedly. He struggles, but of course, he can't dispel the magic of the strongest Magician, and the rope and his body simply swing around.

"Kuh......what an ill-natured man. I've never seen such an ill-natured man before"


'In front of my eyes, there's a similar man', the daughter with an ill-natured father secretly holds.

"Loーok, loーok......"

Happily, he brings the chicken close to Asch's mouth and puts it into his own mouth, over and over again, he brings the chicken close to his mouth, and puts it into his own mouth. Looking at such a father, the daughter has a suspicion that perhaps, the reason Asch's personality is twisted, lies partially with him.

The strongest mentor who finished teasing his disciple, places his hand on his belly in satisfaction.

"Fuu......it was delicious. Well, you probably learned your lesson with this. Oi, bring the dishes over"

"O-, Otou-san"

'After all is said and done, he's gentle in the end huh', the daughter strokes her chest and sighs in relief.

"Well, yeah. If his stomach starts grumbling in the middle of class or something, people will think that I'm not even feeding him at my house after all......oh, here it is, here it is"

While he scratches his head slightly and hides his embarrassment, he carries the dish that was brought over to Asch's mouth.


"Ha-, Hazen-sensei......don't tell me that's......guwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!"

What he's being forced to eat is, a carrot dish. Asch, he's in agony, of course, because he hates carrots more than anything.

"Kukukuku......how is it, is it delicious, Asch. Kukukuku......kukukuku......fuhahahahahahahaafuhahahahahahahaafuhahahahahahahaafuhahahahahahahaa"


Looking at her father's blissful expression, the daughter was certain that, as she thought, here lies the cause of Asch's twisted and distorted personality.


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