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Great War Of The Demon God: Sword Saint vs Demon King

Nanor Kingdom Demon's Land

Sylphid's Perspective

"Here I go, Sylphid!"

The moment Gradiel said that, he closed in on the gap in one go. His Demon King's Sword then swings down from above, and I catch it with the Wind Dragon's Sword Air that I clad with the Gale Empress' Wind.

This sword is a greatsword created from the Wind Dragon Ruler Anima's claw. Just by pouring Magic Power into it, I can release a gust of intermediate level wind.

The moment my Wind Dragon's Sword and Gradiel's Demon King's Sword collided, Black flame and wind blew fiercely. My wind scatters the approaching black flame into the vicinity, and they crash into the ground and wall. And then, the landed black flame incinerates those very spots.

"What an annoying flame huh!"

After repelling Gradiel's Demon King's Sword, I'm the one who slashes at him next. Gradiel sets his Demon King's Sword vertical and catches the Air that I slash at him by mowing down from the left.

I follow through as it is with Air and carry on to slash upwards at Gradiel from the bottom right. Gradiel jumps back and dodges it.

I naturally chase after and thrust at him with Air. Perhaps Gradiel had anticipated that as well, he managed to catch it without being particularly flustered.

"You are different from 300 years ago huh, Sylphid. Even though you couldn't hold your own against me back then"

"Humph! While you were holing up in the Demon Country, we were working hard! So we can stop you guys even without the Heroes when you guys appear again!"

I release wind bullets simultaneously as I move away from Gradiel. It was an attack that blew the Regalia soldiers away during the war, but Gradiel slices it without any difficulty.

"I see. I will be going at it seriously as well then. Sylphid"

When he says that, black flame orbs start floating around Gradiel. And then those flames were aimed at and released at me. I dodge the tens of black flame orbs, but the orbs explode from where they made an impact.

Tch, the vicinity is enshrouded with smoke from the explosion, and my vision has deteriorated. I immediately blow the smoke away with a gust of wind, but the black flame orbs close in on me even during that time.

It sure is a pain to dodge this many of them huh. I, who thought that, make a gale blow around me and form a wall. Upon colliding with my gale, the black flame orbs explode one after another, but something of this extent probably isn't his all.

And then, in the next instant, the gale that was blowing fiercely in the vicinity was sliced apart. The one who appeared was, of course, Gradiel. I caught Gradiel's sword that carried on to slash at me, but I ended up being blown away. He has become stronger than just now?

I thought as I fixed my posture in midair, but I didn't have the time for that. Because Gradiel had closed in right before my eyes already.

I averted my body and dodged the Demon King's Sword that approached with a thrust, but my arm was grabbed by Gradiel, and I was hurled away. I crashed into a wall with my body, but Gradiel's right arm that touched my body that was clad in gale also ended up battered from the gale.

Without worrying himself about such injuries, Gradiel swings the Demon King's Sword down at me. I immediately moved away from that spot and dodged it, but the wall that I crashed into was blown into smithereens.

I'd been surrounded by black flame as far as my eyes could see before I knew it. When did this happen?


And then, when Gradiel points his Demon King's Sword at me, the black flame, that's just burning in the vicinity, actually changes into spike-like shapes and extends towards me!

I blow the vicinity with a gale again, but they're so sharp that they pierce even that. I dodge the black flame spikes by jumping, but new spikes appear from those extended spikes like they're fissioning from them, and they extend at me again. What a troublesome technique!

"Prominence Zone. Until they pierce you, those black flame spikes will keep on targetting you, you know? Of course, I won't just be watching either!"

As I keep on dodging the black flame spikes, Gradiel, of course, attacks me as well. I had a shallow thought of, 'if this fellow gets dragged into the spikes as well', but naturally, this is Gradiel's technique. They extend in a way that they avoid Gradiel.

In addition to Gradiel, who's annoying just as it is, I have to avoid the black flame spikes around.

"Tch, it can't be helped huh! Air Pressure!"

I, who found it troublesome to dodge anymore, manifest a defensive gust of wind in the surroundings and cover myself with it. And then, I drop a lump of super-compressed wind on top of myself.

The super-compressed wind pours down above Gradiel and me, crushing us. Along with the black flame spikes that were extending towards me as well.

Both Gradiel and I were enduring it with one knee on the ground, but I was doing a tad better because I had covered myself with the defensive gust of wind. I ready Air while enduring the weight that pours down from above.

"How about, this!"

And then, I mow Air down at Gradiel. I managed to lob off the incapacitated Gradiel's head as it is. However, what's with the sensation just now? It didn't quite feel like I sliced anything.

However, Gradiel, who lost his head, was crushed as it is, and the blazing black flame disappeared as well. I stop the wind that's pouring down as well. Did I defeat him with this? That's the upper limit of how strong I've gotten, but it's way too underwhelming compared to 300 years ago. What exactly is it?

"......I give up. I can't spend any more time on it when I don't get it even after thinking about it. Let's go after Lei and the others"

I hurry up and leave the room. I've got to quickly go after them. I didn't realise it at this time, but what had been left in this room was, just an empty armour.


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