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You Are......

"You bastardd!"

Raynes sees Delta kneeling face down on the ground and charges at Lokiel furiously. The Joker Demon, who's laughing deridingly, doesn't attack the battered knight; it solely dodges his attack while staring at him with a blissful expression.

"......can you distract Lokiel, for some time?"

Asch, who moved close to where Mira and Delta were, asks.


At that order, Mira had an epiphany. That『some time』means『time for farewell』. While bowing deeply with Delta in her eyes, Mira, too, joins the fight with the Joker Demon.

On the other hand.

Delta, who has collapsed on the ground, laughs out at Asch, self-deridingly. He already suffered a fatal injury, and it's not a level that one can treat. He didn't intend to die at a place like this. Much less for his enemy, furthermore, for someone who's not even alive.

"Hahaa......it is laughable, right? I am going to die shielding for a doll"

He looks back on it, thinking, what an excessively stupid action it was. For the sake of creating a country where nobody is misfortunate, he had resolved to not have any qualms about having some sacrifice. However, when it actually comes down to it, let alone a thousand people; he couldn't even overlook a single woman.

"......you have too much dislike for wrongdoings"

Asch, mutters. From that expression of his, one can't read any emotion.

"Really......I wonder why"

While feeling his consciousness fading away, Delta, looks back on his action just now. Instinctively, that sepia-coloured hair entered his eyes――

"......fufu. Asch-sensei. I remember now"

The face of the girl you carried.

Your face that's making the same expression as you are now.


"In the end......it is also, carved into your heart, isn't it"


"Fufu......fufufu......it feels like......it has been decades......since I last laughed"

While he's puking out blood. While his face is turning pale. Delta laughs, from the bottom of his heart.

"......is that so"

Asch, mutters, whisperingly.

"Fufufu......however......sensei......you're also......laughable――"More importantly, there's something I want to ask you before you die. I had a flash of inspiration"

Saying that, Asch moves his mouth close to his ear and whispers.

"......fufufu......even......at times like these......you are......Asch=Dahl......huh"

Delta finishes saying

and quietly shakes his head.

"Kukuku......as I thought......which means"

The Dark Magician laughs, with a satisfied expression.

He starts searching inside his clothes.

That behaviour of his, that's unrestrained by anything.

That smile of his that's filled with madness.

Became the final scene Delta saw.


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