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"Alright then"

A brief moment later. Asch, looks in Delta's direction.


"I have, all too easily, shattered your foolish plan. Do you have anything else?"

"......Asch-sama. You do not even have the strength to stand anymore and are being piggybacked by me, yet you have to gall to spew such phrases huh?"

The butler interrupts indifferently, but the idiotic Magician goes, 'Fuu', and makes a completely meaningless composed smile.

"......Asch-sensei. Why, are you, like that?"

Delta asks.

"Is that a philosophical question? It is only natural, for me to be me"

"Despite having such an enormous magic power. Despite having such profound knowledge. You don't even try to shift the world in a better direction. You are biased towards Dark Magic......simply, for the sake of your own desires"

"What's that? If you're buying time because you're being a sore loser, you should choose a better method. You, will be defeated by Mira here, and you will spew out Estelise-sensei's location. If you do it now, I can still spare your life at least"

"......yeah. It doesn't matter what is said to you"

Delta suddenly looks up into the sky and readies up.

"Fuu......you're a pure Magician. Do you think such you can win the speed of Mira, who surpasses that of an Advanced Warrior?"

"Asch-sama, I have said it numerous times since just now; because I am piggybacking you, I cannot move that quickly"



"Fuu......she's my magnum opus, you know? Do you think the magic of you, an inadequate protégé, can get through the magic of such her?"

Like nothing happened, the Dark Magician corrects himself.

"Your weakness is, as I thought, that tendency to let down your guard"

Delta says and holds his hand towards the ground.

While Asch was engrossed with Lily.

He was single-mindedly working on his other secret plan.

A pentagram draws on the ground, and a white light envelops the vicinity.

The scenery warps, and in the next instant, it changes entirely.

Asch's surroundings were, instantly, surrounded by soldiers.

"Space Teleportation Magic......"

The Dark Magician, mutters annoyedly, and the butler sighs at her master, who doesn't learn from his mistakes and lets his guard down every time. If Asch fought with all his strength normally, there's hardly anyone on the continent who can win him. However, thanks to that overly arrogant personality of his, he gets himself into unnecessary pinches and ends up having to improvise.

"......you are, Asch=Dahl?"

All the way behind the soldiers.

There stood a single man. Senate Leader, Zelve=Rolfan. For an old man, his eyes are radiant and youthful. His temperament feels difficult; he stares at Asch annoyedly with his arms folded.

"Fuu......nice to meet you. People address me with various alias like,『The Most Beautiful Man On The Continent』,『The Ultimate Gentleman』,『The Prodigious Dark Magician』, but call me whatever you like"

As always, the Dark Magician boldly, proudly, and courteously bows, irritating the Senate Leader.

"He sure is a ludicrous man exactly as the report says. Delta, this is your mentor?"

"......unfortunately so"

He answers genuinely sorrowfully.

"Who are you instead? I believe this encirclement, is not a conduct appropriate towards a noble Magician like me"


'You aren't a noble Magic, right', is the competent butler's thought.

"......by the way, Minister Zelve? What, is the meaning of this?"

What Delta is asking, are the weapons the soldiers are pointing at himself.

"It is a pity, Delta=Laplace. For you, to betray us"

"......I do not understand"

"The fact, that you were hiding Estelise. Why, did you not report that?"


"It truly is a pity. If we just captured her, it would serve as a trump card to ensnare Lioar"

"......we didn't need to make use of women"

He made an excuse reflexively. That was something, that even Delta himself, asked himself over and over again. However, no matter what, he just couldn't hand her over.

"How stereotypical, Delta=Laplace. Due to that stereotypical sense of justice, I made the decision to abandon you"

When Zelve leaves those words behind and raises his hand up high, the soldiers deployed around slowly close in on the gap.

"......Zelve-kun, was it?"

Asch mutters.

"Unfortunately, I don't have the time to give my name, to a man I won't meet again"

"It's his speciality"


"What Delta displayed, was not a stereotypical sense of justice. It's his speciality. A fool who doesn't even understand that, has no point in staying alive"

"......finished with your preaching? Do it!"

Zelve holds his hand up, and the soldiers commence their attack altogether.

"Unfortunately, I won't lose to somebody like that! Mira!"

"......I am begging you, can you keep quiet"

Piggybacking Asch, who acts cool and shouts energetically, Mira gave a large sigh.


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