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Great War Of The Demon God: Battle Maniac Once More



Fuu, it's the 10th person with this. I look around the vicinity while having Kagerou, which I endowed with Fire Magic, ready. Around me are the Arcadia State's soldiers, and facing us are the Demon Races. Looks like this place is already doing fine huh.

Caro and I are here at Arcadia State. It seems that Goddess Astell's shrine, which is said to have Demon God Baron's seal, is not in the capital but somewhere a little ways away.

We thought of going all the way to that shrine from the capital, but I remember Lei said that it'll end up taking some time and that he got permission from the Pope.

And then, Caro and I moved all the way over to the shrine with the Teleportation Magic Circle. When we went outside the shrine, the battle had already started.

The Demon Races have also already formed files and are casting their Magic over at us. Apparently, the Demon Races also came all the way here with Teleportation Magic. I heard that the other side has a Demon Race who can use Teleportation Magic as well, so I wonder if it's thanks to that person?

And then, on Arcadia State's side, the Vermilion Bird Chivalric Order's Captain, Captain Martha is giving out orders.

It'd already turned into a messy battle, and Caro and I also joined the battle right away. Caro is putting up a barrier on the shrine so that the Demon Race isn't allowed in.

My role is to cut down the Demon Races that approach the gate. Although their numbers aren't that many, every single one of them is strong. However, it's not like I can't take them on.

I cut down the gigantic sword the Demon Race swings down over at me with Kagerou. If it's an ordinary weapon, it won't be able to block Kagerou, which I endowed with Fire Magic, and has reached a significantly high temperature.

And then, when I slice off the Demon Race man's arm, it bursts into flame from there. The man rolls on the ground, trying to extinguish the fire, but the fire only gets stronger and doesn't go away, and he dies as it is.

I think it's a horrific way of killing someone, but we're in a war now. I don't have the leisure to be thinking about something like that. Even at this very moment, the Demon Race is attacking us, trying to get across the gate. We're holding on currently with Caro's barrier, but if Caro's Magic Power ends up running out, it might not be able to hold on all the way through.

Before it comes down to that, we've got to push them back to a certain extent. As I was thinking about that, he showed up.

"Gahahaha! Good, good, this atmosphere! I like this atmosphere of war!"

A gigantic body to the extent that one can tell even from afar. An overwhelming sense of presence. The Arcadia State's soldiers see that Demon Race and end up frozen, and contrarily, the Demon Race's side gets a morale boost just from the sight of the man.

Seven Demon General Gilgas. It's one of the Seven Demon Generals that attacked Arcadia State one year ago. To think that he came here, again.

But, I'm thankful for that; when I think that I can have my revenge for that time. I couldn't do anything and left everything to Lei at that time. I only watched, unable to help nor run away. All I did was feel frustrated.

That Gilgas heads over to the shrine. The Chivalric Order casts their Magic at Gilgas under Captain Martha's order, but Gilgas erases their Magic with just the swing of an arm.

Gilgas brandishes his four arms that are twice the size of my torso and rampages around. He boasts a strength that's incomparable with the other Demon Races.

The soldiers who were struck by those arms, turn into meat lumps in an instant. Just having their shapes still intact and identifiable is good enough. Most of them end up being indistinguishable.

"Tch, ain't there anybody strong around. I thought I could fight Leivelt・Runwalker, but it looks like he ain't around. Did I draw the short end of the stick?"

Looks like Gilgas was aiming for Lei. It seems he wanted to take revenge or something, but that goes the same for me as well!

I ready Kagerou and run towards Gilgas. Gilgas notices me approaching, as one would expect, and swings his gigantic arm over at me.

It feels as though I'm in the middle of a tempest. Gilgas throws his punches, which are fatal each and every single one of them, over at me lightly. I narrowly avoid those fists. I can tell that the face of Gilgas, who saw the sight of that, is easing into a smile.

"Ain't too shabby, woman! Entertain me more, alright!?"

"Kuh, you battle maniac. I'm not going to hold back anymoree!"

Despite dodging Gilgas' punches, I'm wounding his arms bit by bit. Although I'm able to wound his arms that are tough enough to repel Magic with Kagerou, there's barely any effect.

"Ora ora! Here comes the next, alright? Gale Fist!"

This is......if I'm not wrong, it's a technique where one accumulates Magic Power in the fist and flings it. I move away from that spot right away. And then, in the next instant, there's an impact that goes as far as to gouge the ground.

It's because a clump of Magic Power crashed onto the ground. Gilgas is firing such a powerful technique over at me easily. How very troublesomely powerful! However, there's no way I can back down here!

While avoiding the pouring punches, I draw in close to Gilgas. Although the closer I get to Gilgas, the more intense it gets, I charge in as it is!

"Eat this!"

I endow Kagerou with Fire Magic and slashes at him. Gilgas crosses two of his arms and blocks, but I swing Kagerou down from the top of that. Immediately after, I succeeded in slicing off two of his arms.

Perhaps it was also beyond Gilgas' expectation, he's making a surprised expression. I carry on to send Kagerou back, swinging upwards from below. Kagerou succeeded in leaving a diagonal mark on Gilgas' body.


Perhaps it was painful as one would expect, Gilgas takes his distance from me. Haa haa. It's only for a really short period, but my exhaustion is no joke.

Well, it just means that that much focus was needed to overcome such a deadly predicament huh. It can't be helped. However, my effort was futile

"Gahaha! Ain't too shabby, woman! Entertain me more and more!"

......it ended up making Gilgas unnecessarily happy. He really is troublesome opponent huh.


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