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The faculty office of Hogner Magic Academy that should be the same as always is, boisterous. In the middle of all that, he opened the door 5 minutes before work starts as always.

"Fuu......everybody. It's a lustrous and calming morning as well today huh. I suppose for you people who are working like you're crawling in mud, you won't understand this sensation, but I think it's also good to, occasionally, pay attention to your ears and feel the wonders of the universe within the pulsation of the land"

The manic Magician shows up while going on about unintelligible nonsense.

"Asch-sama......before feeling the wonders of the universe within the pulsation of the land, I think, it is better if you feel the solemn atmosphere of this faculty office"

Ignoring the words of the capable butler who promptly read the room, the can't-read-the-room master starts his customary greetings to the female teachers as always.

"Saroute-sensei, you look beautiful as well today. Yuraeje-sensei, you are energetic and lovely as always. Kooju-sensei, that suit, it goes well with you. Nana-sensei, shall we go somewhere for a drink tonight, Estelise-sensei, the time I couldn't meet you, it was like an empt――"

As he was in the middle of saying that, he stopped. She's nowhere in sight.

"......Mira, what's going on?"

Having taken three days of leave, today, she should come to work. For the sake of this moment, Asch practised the pick-up lines for when they meet for about 2 hours.

"According to the conversation of everybody in the faculty office, it seems she is absent without official leave"

"......I wonder if it's a date?"

"She is not Asch-sama"

The capable butler who throws out an extremely reasonable answer.

"Everybody, why did Estelise-sensei not come? Does anybody know"

He called out as such, but there was nobody who responded.

"That......it is the first time she is absent without official leave"

Rolard, the Principal, reports flusteredly.

"......I see. I got it, everybody will conduct their lessons for the students as always. Nana-sensei, can I leave the special class' lesson to you?"

"Ye-, yes. I understand......erm, where is Asch-sensei going?"

"I......remember that I have a little something to attend to, so I'll be excusing myself"

Right away, the Dark Magician turns around and heads towards the door.

"......ah, I forgot to say something. Because I'm a rather popular teacher, there's one student who will make a big hoo-ha if I'm absent. Her name is Lily=Schwarz, and she loves banana, so if she makes a big hoo-ha and there's nothing you can do about it, you can give it to her as a treat"

"Eh? Eh? Eh? Un-, understood"

The newbie teacher, who doesn't know how to doubt, consent to this incomprehensible instruction. 10 minutes later, she would be hit with a traumatic level bellow.

Leaving the faculty office, Asch walks down the corridor quickly.

"Now then......Mira, can you identify her location?"

"I will try, but I think it is difficult to do it right away"

"......then, what about Delta's location?"

"If it is that, then I can determine it right away"

"Alright, let's head over right away"

"......do you think it is his doing?"

"No, I don't know. However, he might be able to determine her location at least. He, has better searching capabilities than us after all"

"I see. I shall immediately, get the arrangements done to meet him"

"Do you not know his location?"

While asking, they get on board a carriage that was waiting outside the school building.

"Because Delta-sama has a complete grasp of the moves on our side, he will make a run for it if we head over to where he is. However, I learn that the Monitoring Magic isn't activated until he moves according to the intelligence on our side. If we do not predict where he is heading next and head over at the same time, we will not be able to get the first strike"

Marquis Dojin, a former Senate member who was met with the fate of an exile. After intoxicating him and giving him a bit of money, he goes on a rant, badmouthing about this and that.......as for the usable information, this was the only one. Of course, when it comes to what happened to him afterwards, that there's no need to know.

"......I see, I'll leave it to you. I'll be thinking of a pick-up line that'll penetrate her heart when I arrive to save her as her messiah"


'Help me out', the competent butler screams inside her heart.


Despite spewing good-for-nothing words, Asch's knees were shaking slightly.

"How rare. For you to be irritated"

No, maybe he is worried about Estelise and is flustered.

From Asch's expression, she couldn't read any more than that though.

"......Mira, don't yap about unnecessary things and quickly lead the way for me"


Mira, understands a fragment of his heart from those words.

That, Asch Dahl is, angry.


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