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Interlude: Capture

Inside Narsha Country Castle Salreinkarlo. Estelise was, running in the castle pantingly. She thought that maybe Lioar was captured and infiltrated with her acquaintance's connections, but she was being made to dance on their palm. Not knowing that that itself was a trap, she's being chased by the guards, at a loss on where to run to.


At a certain room. The door was suddenly opened, and she was grabbed on the arm and pulled in. Over there stood, Delta and Klose Chivalric Order's Captain, Raynes.


There isn't any hint of bloodlust in the soft dignified voice. At that tone that puts anyone at ease with just a single sound of it, the bespectacled beauty simply nods.

At that moment, hurried footsteps and voices are audible from the outside.

"Catch her no matter what! Don't ever, let her escape from the inside of this castle"

The Senate Leader, Zelve, brings his aides' soldiers and strides down the corridor.

"For Lioar's aide to intrude......we managed to catch that old pest's tail at last"

The one who says and laughs is one of the people who are similarly in the Senate, Busda.

"......I cannot imagine that he will make such a careless move though"

At that opinion, Zelve agrees as well.


A reckless subordinate.

A friend who runs to their rescue.

An incompetent and immature companion.

it is extraordinarily difficult to restrain them from blundering. Zelve was made painfully aware of that fact by Busda, who's right beside him. And that will be the crux of plan to capitalise on that crafty Magician's blunder.

The sounds come to a rest, and there's a brief moment of silence. Raynes exhales, 'Fuu', and gently releases the hand blocking Estelise's mouth.

"Why......are you......"

Next to the knight who was holding onto his mouth, stood Delta. Sighing while looking like he's finding it to be a great hassle.

"Good grief......you went and did something troublesome......"

"Wha-!? More importantly, where did you hide Board Chairman Lioar――"

"That is what we want to ask. He's a crafty man as always. Even with Monitoring Magic(Surveillance), I can't uncover everything about him. It's to the extent that it even makes me wonder whether or not you being here is part of his plan"

"......what do you mean?"

Estelise makes a puzzled expression.

"He......Asch=Dahl will act"

"Wh-, why him!?"

"It's because you're his favourite"

Immediately after Delta said that, her face turned crimson red.

"N-, n-, no way that's true, right!? Listen up, alright? He's completely uninterested in politics! Even for this matter, I can go as far as to say he didn't display any concern, so there's no way such him will act just because I got captured, right?"

No, instead, he'd get irritated by the fact that he got dragged into the conflict. She can't at all imagine that he'll help herself, who's currently in the center of that mess.

"Yeah......he, rarely ever acts for anything outside of women and intellectual curiosity"

Delta sighed loudly.

"But......what are you going to do?"

Raynes asks with his arms folded.

"......in any case, we'll get out of this place and hide her. We don't know what kind of moves he will make, but we'll watch over his direction for a bit. We have things to set up as well after all"

"Are you still obeying the Senate's bunch......obeying Zelve?"

"Of course. When it comes to the point of creating a country of solely Sacred Faith Ideologist, their opinion and mine are in alignment"

"......are you, saying that for real?"

"Aah. That's, my sole reason for living, that and nothing else"

"......then, try killing her"

The Chivalric Order's Captain, he renders Estelise unconscious with a hand chop and sticks her body out towards Delta.


"What's wrong? She's an assassin of the Balance Ideologist Lioar, and an utter villain, you know. You should just kill her with your own hands"


Delta places his hand on Estelise's throat and squeezes it with all his strength. However, no matter how much he tries, he can't put his strength into that hand of his.

"You can't, right? I know that you have a personality that can't hurt women or children. And, that, is precisely the reason that I respect and obey you"

"......you're wrong......I'm......"

"I'm not wrong. Right from the beginning, you're different from the Senate's bunch. You're not that kind of man"

"You're wrong......you're wrong............you're wrong............you're wrong............you're wrong............you're wrong............you're wrong............you're wrong............you're wrong............you're wrong............you're wrong............you're wrong............you're wrong............you're wrong............you're wrong............you're wrong............you're wrong............you're wrong............you're wrong............you're wrong............you're wrong............you're wrong............you're wrong............you're wrong............you're wrong............you're wrong............you're wrong............you're wrong............you're wrong............you're wrong............you're wrong............you're wrong............you're wrong............you're wrong............you're wrong............you're wrong............you're wrong............you're wrong............you're wrong............you're wrong............you're wrong............you're wrong"

He covers his ears and mutters repeatedly.

"......I'll take her with me. As for you, you cool your head for a bit"

Raynes carried Estelise and left that place, and Delta stood there unmovingly as he muttered endlessly.


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