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Deputy Board Chairman

Reluctantly, Estelise shows Asch the letter.

"......what, that's how it is huh. It's only in name even if it says Deputy Board Chairman, right?"

"E-, eeh. Well, it's true if you put it that way"

"Did you think I'd hide behind the title and abuse my authority?"


In regard to that question, the teachers there had all uniformly thought he would.

"Haa......how disappointing. It's not an overstatement to say that I'm someone with the least affinity with what you call 'authority'. Even though I've already been with you people for, almost 2 months"

"......sorry. Yeah. It was my mistake"

The bespectacled beauty who honestly reflects and lowers her head. Now that he says it, it does also feel like he's that kind of person.

"Now then, it's almost time for class, right? Estelise-sensei, can I have you take over the class for me? The Deputy Board Chairman may just be in name, but be that as it may, I have to ascertain what Lioar's intention is"

"Ye-, yes! I got it"

The bespectacled beauty leaves the faculty office with a sigh of relief and a slight throbbing in her heart at that solemn sight of him.

Just as all the other teachers leave as well, Asch enters the Board Chairman Office and sits on the sofa.

"Now then......Mira, what do you think?"

"It is hard to imagine that he was abducted by an enemy. If it was an enemy, they would not come up with the idea of making a scum like Asch-sama the Deputy Board Chairman"


'Isn't there, some other, better way to put it', is what the scummy Magician who was called a scum wants to say.

"I think it is the extraordinarily unique Board Chairman's thinking, but I have no idea his intention"

"Hmm......whatever it is, it doesn't look like we'll be able to track him down. We've truly lost sight of his actions"

"Which means?"

"Don't you get it? He'll definitely be absent during Hogner Magic Academy's crisis. It's unnatural, right? It's as though he's saying to come and attack"

"Are you saying he is deliberately absent?"

"Maybe there's another reason. For example, he's actually pulling the strings behind the scene......or whatnot"

The Dark Magician smirks.

"No way. In the first place, I do not understand the reason. Why would he purposely make them attack the school that he himself serves as the Board Chairman?"

"Who knows. However, he's the one I'm the most afraid of. I can also say that he's simultaneously the friend I trust the most though......Mira, are there any documents that record the Board Chairman's authority?"

He asks, and the competent butler finds the documents and lays them out before Asch swift as the wind.

"In essence, the authority is immense. The authority to appoint teachers. The final judgement for the enrollment selection of the students. You can also conduct disciplinary actions like sacking and expelling at your own discretion......all the way to the miscellaneous task of selecting the uniform and classroom's table. As expected of Lioar-sama to perform these by himself"

"Hmm......I wonder if he left any message behind. Like to execute which of these authorities"

"......what do you mean?"

"No......it just felt like that one way or another......which means......"

"Which means?"

"......uh-huh, the uniform......as I thought, it's got to be the uniform"


'Board Chairman, you are, blind......', Mira couldn't be any more sure of it.


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