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Delta goes silent and readies himself.

"You tricked me through and through. Who would've thought that you'd use such a method"

The Dark Magician mutters proudly while putting the former Warrior Angel, Liplareuran, on standby beside him.


"The application of Monitoring Magic(Surveillance) huh......you, put up an illusion in this vicinity and made it so that Dark Magic can't be seen with naked eyes. And then, you placed the suggestion of,『sealed your Dark Magic』, on me. That which appeals directly to the brain, is stronger than some lousy magic. If I didn't have the confidence, I'd have completely, believe that I couldn't use Dark Magic"

"......that Demon is?"

The one Delta was pointing at was the familiar, Berzelius. It's probably possible to summon Liplareuran if one understands the trick's gimmick. However, he shouldn't be able to summon a familiar before that.

"I said it, didn't I? That I have excellent students......Cis"


Happily, the Holy Mother beautiful young girl approaches Asch.

"She controlled the familiar and probed your heart. While another key figure is, distracting you......isn't that so, Lily=Schwarz-kun"

When he calls out, the honour student beautiful young girl pouts and averts her face disgruntledly.

"......it was an act?"

Delta questions softly.

"I......simply trusted what Mira-san said. I was simultaneously thinking what Asch-sensei said is a lie, so I'm half-believing and half-doubting though"


"Furthermore......you've believed in yourself a little too much, haven't you? Are you saying that, you believe us so easily with just those words just now in such a situation? Isn't that so, everybody"



The students are all silent alike.

......it was an act?

That was, the number one question they want to ask Lily. They'd completely believed that it was that Dark Magician's doing. No, even if the worst part of it wasn't him, he played a vital role, and it's the fault of Lily who was attacking him the most.

However, the can't-read-the-room beautiful young girl they'd relied on suddenly removed the ladder. Before their eyes was, an overwhelming Demon accompanied with a terrifying amount of magic power and bloodlust. The students are all really in a predicament alike.

"......yeah. It's a given, isn't it. W-, we believed in you, Asch-sensei" "Ou-, our acting was brilliant, wasn't it? Ahaha, ahahahaha" "No-, now then, time to start the retaliation huh" "As I thought, Estelise-sensei is unreliable, Acsh-sensei is the best"

Altogether, they start buttering up to him.

"......kukuku. Of course, I've prepared a present for you people who believed in me. Now then, Liplareuran. Show them your dance!"

The Dark Magician makes a peal of dry laughter and shouts.

The Demon flutters its corrupted wings and flies at high speed, slicing the golems one after another into halves.

In an instant, 18 golems. That's how many was annihilated in an instant.

The Destruction Demon flies further up into the sky and creates a towering body of darkness in the sky.

"......if you don't want to die, don't move"

Asch's voice reverberates softly, and the students all swiftly froze alike.

That darkness was released to the ground one after another and annihilated the golems one after another.

The remaining 82 golems were, instantly annihilated.

"......『Conviction For The Crawlers』"

Delta muttered with a streak of sweat.

"I suppose that was, the magic name Hazen-sensei crowned it when he was an Angel. If it were me, I'd name it this......『Vengeance On The Mockers』"

The Maximus Magic in which, once upon a time, the Warrior Angel annihilated several thousand Dark Magicians in an instant with. That is, now in the hands of the most dangerous Dark Magician on the continent.

At that fact, Delta shuddered unconsciously.


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