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New Magic

8:30 comes, and the chime signifying the start of the lesson rings. At the same time as that, Asch yawns loudly and reveals those jet black eyes of his.

"......fuu. Looks like I kind of ended up falling asleep huh. It kind of happened since I had been doing research overnight. Now then, let's begin......by the way, Lily-kun. Are you, messing around?"

The Dark Magician, asks the beautiful young girl who's lying face down on the table and not getting up.

"......please, don't talk to me now"

She etches the sight she ended up showing the competent butler just now, into her dark history.

"Are you feeling unwell? If you are sick, I'll have my butler bring you to the infirmary"

"......please leave me alone"

"Are you alright? If you who are usually uselessly energetic are in such a condition, I, a gentleman, am going to be worried"

The can't-read-the-room Magician who unusually shows his concern from the bottom of his heart, exclusively at times like these.


"......as I thought, you seem sick. Mira, bring her to the infirm――"

"U―――――u! Please leave me alone! Why, do you pay attention to me only at times like these! Is it on purpose, no, it's on purpose, isn't it!?"

"I......I don't quite understand what you're on about, but you're fine, right? If that's the case, then okay......but I'll ask one last time, do you really not need to go to the infirm――"

"Asch-sama. Women have times like these. Please take a hint once in a while. Well, I think expecting that from you is equivalent to expecting peace on this continent though"

Mira can't help slipping in some sarcasm.

"Is-, is that so. Of course, I can honestly and confidently profess that I'm number one on the continent in understanding a woman's feelings. Do as you like, Lily=Schwarz-kun"

'What is this manic Magician on about', is the collective thought of the students and Mira. Honestly or not, you're infinitely thick-headed, despicable, and inconsiderate.

"Leaving that aside, how about you get on with the lesson? Did you not arrive early, for the sake of that?"

The competent butler reminds him of the initial plan.

"Ooh, that's right. Everybody, today is a fun lesson. I'm going to hold a New Magic exhibition"

At the Dark Magician's words, the student's eyes start shining.

"Sensei! Is that, for real?"

"Aah. I seek the youthful and flexible imagination of you people"

When he says that, cheers erupt from the students altogether.

"Object object object object! I object!"

The beautiful young girl who was lying face down on the table until just now, Lily, raises her hand and shouts. Her depressed mood seemingly completely cleared by the phrase『New Magic』.

"Haa......what's with you. Your emotion is worrying in a way even when you become energetic"

'Indeed――', is the secret collective thought of Mira and every student.

"Isn't studying the fundamentals first what's actually important!? The other teachers have also been saying that and teaching in a way that they don't touch on New Magic"

"......it's an honour student-like you-like answer huh. And then it's a horribly foolish and mundane answer"

The Dark Magician moves closer to Lily and opens his eyes widely.

"Wha-, what did you say!?"

"If I were to go further, those fools in a teacher's clothing, ought to hand in their resignation letter promptly"

"Ple-, please don't mess around!"

"Do you know, why they're saying 'Don't lay your hands on New Magic'?"


"It's because that's how they were taught. By that teacher's teacher. That's why, they're only able to teach students the convenient excuse of 'studying the fundamentals is what's actually important'"

"......isn't that how it is in reality!? I think fundamentals are important"

"You can just do both, can't you"


"Do just fundamentals since studying the fundamentals is important? How stupid. Bear this in mind, a first-class does both. Taking on the challenge of trial and error built on top of fundamentals. This, is the very and the only way to make your capability soar"


"Challenge. Challenge, is the very and the only way to surpass history......『Rix=Darling』. No way your character is so rotten that you'll refuse challenges, right?"

Grind Grind.

Grind Grind,

Grind Grind, on her head.

"Gu, gugigigigii"

"Let me take that frustrated-sounding groans as your agreement. Now then, everybody. Get out to the courtyard and develop your own respective New Magic. Let me hear your results at the end"

"It's impossible for something like that to work out one way or another in just one day, isn't it!?"

"Fuu......it's pathetic to be a sore loser, you know, Lily=Schwarz-kun. It's not like I'm saying to show me a complete form or anything. Any form is fine. It's that idea that's actually important. Well, that inflexible brain of yours probably won't come up with anything though"


About to cry. A beautiful young girl who had everything of hers rebutted as always and runs to the courtyard with all her strength so that she doesn't show her crying face.

The other students also follow after Lily.


"Just because your own magic development is not making progress......you plan to steal other people's ideas?"

The competent butler pricks him.

"No way......do you think the shabby ideas of their calibre can convince me and create magic?"


"They're decoys. For the sake of luring the enemy in"

"......I misjudged you. I had thought that Asch-sama would cherish the students at least"

"What are you saying? I do cherish them. So much so that it'll rip my heart apart if I lose them. It's precisely so, right? Wagering what you cherish, is what makes a gamble interesting"


The Dark Magician showed a twisted smile.


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