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Please Add Me Into That!


"Nn? Ooh, Filia? What's wrong?"

It'd been two weeks since I did this and that with my fiancées for the first time. I've been doing such things with somebody every night since then.

Two people a day fundamentally has become the norm. Well, that's inevitable as well. If I'm going to accompany all 10 people (excluding Eclat) in turn, it's going to end up being that number of people at the very least.

It seems the turn has been decided even amongst the fiancées, but for those who can't bear with it no matter what, they'll join in on other days as well. There are also days with three and four people when it comes to that.

I was uneasy for a time, thinking, 'will my body holdd〜', but perhaps it's because I've been doing it with multiple people every night, I'm getting used to it bit by bit, and satisfying everybody because the number of messing-around titles like, 『Sex Maven』and『Skilled In Bed』, increased......I should be.

In the afternoon, I've naturally been going to the respective countries to prepare for the war. It looks like there's still, no movements on the Demon Race's side, but the number of victims of monsters has been increasing recently in the respective countries. It seems that monsters that were seemingly asleep until now have also been appearing, and the monsters' movements have also become active.

One day as I was moving around the places for the counter-measure of that as well as the other domain's matters, Filia showed up. I've set up a Teleportation Circle at the Runwalker March, which is involved in the war this time around, as well. Because of that, it became easy to come and go.

Since I've made it so that Runwalker House can use it easily, there are occasionally cases where they come over.

"Sorry, coming in while you're busy"

Unusually, even Hahaue showed up this time around. She's carrying Krisha in her arms. Krisha is also soon to be two years old huh. She's another one of my adorable little sisters. But it really is usually for Hahaue to show up. I wonder if something happened?



As I was looking at the sweetly-smiling Hahaue, Filia leapt towards me. I catch Filia steadily, and Filia hugs me tightly and grinds her head on me. As I'm patting the head of such Filia

"Lei, do you have time now?"

"Time? Eeh, I have time since things just calmed down; did something happen?"

"Eeh, there's a little something I want to discuss with you"


"Excuse me!"

"Oh my, thanks, Chrona-chan"

We're currently in the reception room of the mansion. The ones here are me, Alexia, along with Aerith, and then Hahaue along with Filia. We've left Krisha in the hands of Priscilla, who's the most accustomed to handling children amongst my fiancées, and everybody else is also dandling with the adorable Krisha.

"Nevertheless, increasing your number of fiancées again〜. Are you properly paying attention to everybody like that? You can't increase the numbers too much and neglect somebody, you know?"

"Yes, of course, I understand"

All I can do is smile awkwardly and nod. Hahaue isn't really fond of me increasing the number of fiancées too much after all. Well, I guess there are fewer who are fond of it than those who are not. Over there

"Onii-sama! Please add me into that as well!"

, Filia says something incomprehensible to me. What exactly is she saying? As I was thinking that, Hahaue makes a gesture of clutching her head.

"Filia, keep quiet for a bit. Lei. This is the matter I came to discuss today"

"By this matter, you mean......"

"About Filia's engagement"

Filia's engagement huh. It's true that she's almost the age where she can find a partner. In reality, Chrona, who's the same age as her, is engaged with me and also doing this and that kind of thing. I myself also engaged with Alexia and Ferris at 8 years old after all.

"Well, isn't it about the time to search for it? Filia is also 11 years old this year after all. Ah, but, she'll enrol into the academy the year after, so I think searching for one there is also another option"

"She can find a partner if she thinks of finding one. There's no end to the number of Houses that want to tie a knot with Runwalker House, and there are nobles and such who want to have a connection, even if it's indirect, with you, the Hero, and the one who governs the domain. But, the problem is with Filia's standard"

"Filia's standard?"

What exactly is it about? I look at Filia, but Filia looks over at me with a sweet smile. Alexia and Aerith are saying, 'How troubling〜',  like they understood something.

"Eeh. The standard for a man that Filia desires is......you"


I'm the standard? Does it mean she wants to marry someone like me? It makes me happy as an older brother though.......

"It's a given that Filia had been watching Lei since she was young, right? Well, there was also a period where you were separated and apart though. According to Filia, she wants a person who's strong, gentle, reliable, and protect her like Lei"

"......it makes me happy that she wants somebody like me, but there's no end to the number of guys who are more amazing than me, right?"

When I ask everybody, Alexia, Aerith, and Chrona shake their head vigorously.

"Like hell there is. If there are tons of people like Lei, there would be an absurd number of countries in this world"

"There is nobody who is more amazing than Lei-sama!"

"Lei, why do you have such low self-esteem. But, I also understand what Filia wants to say. Although I myself have known Lei since Lei was a baby, perhaps it's because Lei is close by, I couldn't view the guys in the academy and such as men. They're all feminine and weak"

'Well, there were also normal men amongst them though', Alexia says, but I wonder if they themselves didn't realise that what they're saying is quite harsh?

"So, you are saying that there isn't a man that Filia herself acknowledges?"

"Eeh. Unfortunately"

"Hence, please add me into Onii-sama's harem as well!"

No, Filia. You're saying that with a sweet smile, but as expected, isn't that bad?

"Filia. You say it easily, but it's not like joining so kind of team, you know. It's true that there are Houses in the past that get married even though they're family members. In reality, both Aerith and I are also engaged. However, that came after I heard Aerith's feelings"

"Feelings......is it?"

"Aah. Joining the circle of Alexia and the others means, becoming my fiancée. I'm together with everybody because on top of asking everybody's feelings, I'm also in love with them. However, how about Filia? Isn't there a part of you that's saying it on a whim? Aren't you saying it because you don't want to get engaged?"

It may look like I'm easily increasing my number of fiancées from the outside perspective. But, there's also a standard in me as far as it goes. I'm by no means so unchaste, you know.

Filia hangs her head at those words of mine.


"If, you have even the slightest bit of such feelings, then I won't acknowledge it. That's, akin to insulting Alexia and the others, my fiancées, after all"

"That's not true! Onii-sama you dummyy!"

Filia said and ended up leaving the room. Alexia looks at me like she's saying, 'my my'.

"......isn't that going a little too far, Lei?"

"That's not true. I'm just pissed that I'm being used as an excuse to refuse her engagement"

"......I believe that is not what Filia-sama thinks though"

"I understand that as well, Chrona. But, compared to Chrona, who had feelings for me for a long time, and Mari-chan who told me she wants to be by my side and she's fine even if she doesn't go back to her own world, do you understand what Filia is saying is frivolous?"

"That is......yes"

Chrona also nods, albeit reluctantly. I suppose it's true that there are feelings of affection for me inside Filia. She wouldn't make such a suggestion to me otherwise.

However, to me, it only sounded like she's saying it frivolously compared to everybody else. Well, I think I'm also partly at fault for this though. After all, the number of my fiancées increases whenever we meet.

"What does Hahaue think?"

In any case, it's no use even if we advance the conversation just by ourselves. I have to ask what Hahaue thinks.

"Uーn, for me, I think it's fine even if Filia is Lei's fiancée if she'll be happy.

Of course, an engagement between fellow family members won't spread well, and there may be some kind of harassment from the other nobles who were aiming for Filia.

But, if I force Filia to get married, and the result of that will make Filia sad, then the former would be better"

It seems there were also nobles where the mother and the son got married in the past, Hahaue carries on to say. When I look to Alexia and the others

"I suppose the rest will depend on the feelings of the person herself. Well, I won't acknowledge it if her feelings are half-hearted though"

"I can't say anything since I myself am the same. Well, if Filia really have feelings for Lei, then I have no complaints"

"I am happy that I can be together with Filia-sama, but I would hate for everybody's relationship to turn sour because of that"

Alexia, Aerith, and Chrona voice their respective feelings. Well, I guess everybody is pretty much saying it depends on Filia. I have to talk about it with her once more for the time being.


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