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To The Beast Country

"Oohー, this is nice huhー. It is an entirely different view from when I fly by myself"

""Kuku, including the time I was alive, you are the first to ride on my back, you know""

"Haha, sorry, Bergius. It's because we're in a bit of a rush"

""I don't really mind. You are my master. Flying with you on my back is no big deal. More importantly, it is better to do something about that fellow, you know. I don't need him vomiting on my back""

The one Bergius, who places and transports us on its back to the Beast Country, refers to in a taken-aback manner is

"Uppuu, I-, I feel sick......"

Mars who is feeling so motion-sick that he's about to vomit at any moment. Tierra is beside Mars, stroking his back for him, but he doesn't seem to be getting better at all. Even though Tierra is completely fine.

But, it has an entirely different charm to it from when I ride on Lo's back. Although I also like that feeling of stepping firmly onto the ground and sprinting, it's also nice to fly in this blue sky.

"Well, you should lie down or something for a bit, Mars. You'll probably feel slightly better. So, Tierra, how are your legs?"

"......zo-, zowwy......"

"Geez, Mars. Yes, I can't walk well without a stick because I'm still not used to moving it, but compared to the time I was using a wheelchair, it became significantly easier to live. I also came to trouble Mars less after all!"

Tierra answers my question with a smile. She's presently wearing a pair of black boots that goes all the way below her knees, without using the wheelchair Magic Tool she'd been using thus far.

These boots are no ordinary boots; they're a Magic Tool created in reference to the Magic Mechanical Soldiers that Chrono and Hepieniel created, and by pouring her Magic Power in, Tierra has become capable of freely moving her legs.

It's just that, because she doesn't know how to walk since her legs' disability is by birth, she's presently at the point where she's practising walking while having Mars teach her.

It seems it has various other hidden functions, but for that, Chrono was saying he'll teach Tierra after she gets slightly more used to how to use the boots. What other kind of functions it has. I don't know either.

I handed an additional piece of equipment to such her ahead of time. I had talked about this beforehand, so she accepted it even as she's being slightly reluctantly. Mars also accepted it evenbreathing heavily.

What I handed over to them was, a beast ears set that was also created by Chrono and Hepieniel in collaboration. Only Beastfolks are able to go in the Beast Country that we're going from now on.

Because of that, there's the need to disguise. I made them create it over there, saying that it's necessary. Furthermore, it was actually pretty well-made; this too, if you pour magic power into it like Tierra's boots, the ears twitches, and the tail moves like they're real.

After that, it also serves as a hearing aid that picks up noises from afar.

"It-, it's somewhat embarrassing huh"

Tierra who wears the beast ears and feels embarrassed. I've handed her a pair of cat ears the same colour as her navy blue hair. I wear a pair of dog ears, and Mars

"Wh-, why is it this for me?

Mars who trembles while looking at that which he holds in both hands. Inside Mars' hands held a pair of rabbit ears the same colour as his hair. I don't know why Chrono and company chose rabbit ears, but I handed that to him because it's amusing. I'm happy that he's so happy that he's shaking.

As Tierra and I are watching Mars, who put on the rabbit ears, while holding back our laughter in for a bit

""It's in sight""

, Bergius says. The place Bergius is flying to is structured with the mountains forming a circle, and the centre of that circle was wide open. It's difficult to see because we're flying quite high up in the sky, but it seems there's a town like I'd heard. It may be surrounded by mountains, but it's pretty vast nevertheless.

""As planned, I'll drop you halfway through, alright?""

"Aah, please do"

As one would expect, all hell will break loose if this giant-bodied Bergius heads towards the Beast Country. I personally don't really mind, but I do feel like taking a look at the town for a bit, and I was also asked by Mars and Tierra, whom I brought along. Let's properly keep to my promise here.

We have Bergius drop us roughly halfway up the mountain on the outer layer and separate from Bergius there. It's the debut of Lo, who had been sleeping in my shadow, from here on out. I tell Bergius I'll call it if anything happens and have it go back.

After that, we ride on Lo's back and head downwards after climbing the entire mountain. There weren't any monsters that attacked us on the way either, and we managed to go until it was a distance that we could walk. I have Lo return to my shadow again over there. It's because all hell will break loose if Lo gets discovered for the same reason as Bergius.

Even though I say it's a walkable distance, it's about a 2 hours walk since it's a distance that Lo won't get discovered. Tierra looks like she has it a little rough, but well, there's no choice but to have her bear with it for a bit. I can just make Mars piggyback her if push comes to shove.

The monsters became fewer when we entered the inner layer, and we managed to arrive slightly earlier than planned. ......at the Beast Country Azels that's more rural than I imagined.


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