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Ferocious Attack

"Still......it sure is strange"

Asch, mutters while staring at the Neurovaro that's playing around with Cis.

"What is?"

Dan asks.

"Although this Magic Beast is ferocious, it's highly cautious. As long as you don't get close to it by yourself, it seldom ever voluntarily attack people"

"Isn't it because of Mira-san and the others' group?"

"She won't do something so foolish. Which means......"

While saying that, he starts circling the vicinity to get his head moving.

The one who noticed the next abnormality was the honour student, Jispa. The sight of several Komodragons flying from the sky above, all of a sudden. A noise enters her head, all of a sudden.

"What's the matter?"

Ascertaining that the diligent young girl's expression has clouded, the Dark Magician asks.

"N-, no. It is just a little rare for there to be Komodragons"


While staring at the flying Magic Beasts, Asch quietly folds his arms. Indeed, Komodragons don't reside around this area. Which means......

"I see, that's what it is huh......everybody. Start preparing for battle"


"There are enemies. I don't know the reason, but it's probably better to assume that they intend to attack us"

Asch shows the students a dauntless smile.

"No way......why!?"

The honour student young girl shouts with a flustered look.

"Who knows, I don't know"


"'Danger', is something you don't notice normally. You don't know the reason it approaches either. Like a shadow, it's right by your side before you know it......『Sylvester=Lodz』"

The narcissistic Magician who recites proudly.

"......isn't it Cis' fault?"

Jispa, glares at the beautiful young girl who's patting the Magic Beast. At that voice that she has most certainly heard, Cis is closing her eyes, without making any reaction.

"That may be so. Indeed, it's not unthinkable that they're the Aristo believers' assassins that are still chasing after her, the Holy Ark"

While answering as such, Asch walks around the vicinity in circles again.

"As I thought! It's Cis' fault, isn't it"

"However, what about it?"

The Dark Magician, opens his eyes widely and asks.

"What about it, you say......"

"For example, even if it's her fault. What do you want to do?"


"Hand her over as a sacrifice and beg for your life?"

"uu......I didn't say something like that, did I!?"

Jispa who has her pathetic side seen through and snarls at him reflexively.

"In that case, all you can do is fight. Because the enemy won't politely explain to you the reason they're attacking"

The ill-natured Magician, stares delightedly, at the honour student young girl's twisted expression.

"Se, sensei! You'll protect us, right?"


"Why, you say......aren't you a teacher?"

"Aah, I'm your teacher. However, I'm not your daddy"

Asch says unfeelingly.


"No......it's a good chance instead. You guys handle it by yourselves"

"Wha-, what are you saying!?"

She shouts with her shoulders trembling.

"It's a chance that doesn't come often, you know. What you call 'a fight to the death'"

The Dark Magician, with his arms folded, makes a carefree smile.

"No way! Even though we might die"

"So that it doesn't end up like that, you'll fight. Besides, look. Seems she's already preparing, you know"

Before her eyes is, the sight of Cis tying her silky blue hair at the back. Next, she tears her fluttery skirt with a knife and makes a slit so that's it's easy to move in.

"......you, you're an Inept, right!? Bloody acting like you're going to fight!"

The honour student young girl shouts and grabs at Cis' collar, but her hand was avoided all too easily, and a fist was right before her face in the next instant. At the all too sudden happening, for a moment, Jispa didn't understand what happened.

Turning her body into a weapon as a warrior. As the Holy Ark, what Cis, whose life will be targeted for the rest of her life, decided was, not to be protected.

"Sorry, Jispa. I'm, going to fight"


"The enemy won't cease their attacks, just because I'm an Inept. That's why......I've got to become strong. I'm already sick, of just being protected"

Cis smiles brightly.

That smile was, not the beautiful young girl who was once bullied, and all she did was cry by herself in the toilet. Her blue eyes bear a burning will. That resolve is as tough as can be.

"Jispa-kun. It's fine for you to beg for your life. It's fine for you to fight. However, don't just wait for the storm to pass. Because that way of living isn't beautiful"


She looks at the faces of the other two. They're also the same; they remained unable to make a decision. However, cruelly, time doesn't wait for them.

The sounds of the bushes being shoved aside are closing in.

"Now then, seems like they're here, you know?"

When Asch says and moves his eyes, there are three people. Men who wore black outfits were standing there. Their positioning is one with a sword, one with a spear, and a Magician at the back.

"Neu-chan and I will take up the front lines!"

The one who pushed their backs and displayed her bravery was Cis. Unafraid of the enemies, she took a fighting stance.


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