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Edited Chapter 123

assistant homeroom teacher to assistant teacher-in-charge

Delta=Lapras to Delta=Laplace

Now Then

The very day of the excursion. When Lioar entered the faculty office at five in the morning, Estelise was already seated and making preparations.

"Hoho......you sure are enthusiastic first thing in the morning"

The Board Chairman laughs delightedly and comfortably strokes that white beard of his up and down.

"Thankfully. Since the teacher-in-charge does not do the preparation at all"

While making an awkward smile disgruntedly, the bespectacled beauty continues with her preparation.

"I was right to make you the assistant teacher-in-charge. Since Asch-sensei has a soft spot for beautiful women"

"......from what I see, it looks like he has a soft spot for beautiful young girls as well th・ou・ghh!"

In order to tidy up the books, she slams several books down, making a 'don' sound. That sound was quite loud, and he felt like he understood that it was showing just how displeased she is.

'She's kinda scary......', is the well-natured old man's opinion.

"Well, if I can just have you rein Asch-sensei in in this manner. That individual is a person like that of a free and unrestrained steed after all"

"That example makes me feel bad for a steed, but I got it"

Standing up vigorously, Estelise stomps out of the faculty office.

'As I thought, she's scary......', is the frightened old man's opinion.


8 in the morning. He starts tidying up the faculty office that's now empty. This is, Lioar's hobby as well as his daily routine. For the teachers, this clean-freak Board Chairman's natural pressure is, secretly a source of stress.

At that moment, 


the door opens, and a loud sound reverberates. When the Board Chairman who's hand-mopping the floor with a cloth looked up, Estelise stomped in and started spreading a map with a stern expression.

"......erm, what about the excursion?"

"Nobody......came to the meet-up point. There was nobody in the dormitory either......also, there was such a letter"

She says and hands it over to Lioar.

"Hmm......『Dearest Estelise=Brau-sama. To you who is as beautiful as the moon in a pitch-black night. If I really had to express your indescribable beauty――"

"The first half is fodder. The main part is from here"

She, points to the middle section of the third page.

"......I, grasped how low their imagination is through yesterday's incident. Who would've thought, it was to such an extent......I, their teacher, feel rather responsible as well. Hence, for the sake of having such them understand the brilliance of Sirusasa Mountain, I will actually bring them over this time around. Please worry not. When there is time, we shall take our time having dinner together. I found a restaurant where I can treat you to some pretty good wine. Over there, I'd like to unravel the mystery behind your beaut――"

"It's fodder after that"

Estelise snatches the letter, crumples it, and tosses it going, 'poi'.

Immediately after that, she stares absorbedly at the Sirusasa Mountain's page that's drawn on the map. During that time, the pen she was holding in her hand is cracking brutally, going, beki......beki beki beki beki.

'She's tremendously scary......', is the trembling old man's opinion.

Estelise was, a student of the special class that Lioar was once in charge of. A student with extraordinarily excellent results, one he had many expectations of her future. However, she revered her mentor way too much.

Lioar is an Ideologist of Balance which is a blend of Holy and Dark. It's not like she receives as much persecution as a Renegade Ideologist, but Saint Ideologists are overwhelmingly mainstream amongst central government officials. There was no place there for her, who advocates for Balance Ideology candidly.

The occupation known as a teacher, holds the possibility of massively changing a student's life, a student's thinking. What one thinks is the best, will actually bring about a result one never even imagined. Him ending up making Estelise overly idolise Balance Ideology is, one of the regrets Lioar has in his entire life.

He requested such a sullen her, to serve as his assistant. He can't deny that behind that act, there was a significant amount of feelings of atonement. However, more so, he wanted her to see the man called Asch=Dahl.

He's a human like that of a catalyst......for better or for worse, he stimulates and brings about great transformation to the people he has ties with.

"However......I wonder if it's a little too effective......"

Now, the beauty before his eyes became cheerful as he had planned. 'However, she had become tremendously frightening', is the old man's secret opinion.

"Did you say something?"

Her eyes behind the spectacles are filled with anger.

"N-, no. However, he sure is a troubling person huh"

"Eeh! Who would've thought, he would break his promise, abduct the students, and leave the assistant teacher-in-charge behind"

About three anger marks are on the bespectacled beauty's head.

"We-, well, rather than what had happened, let us deal with the current situation"

"......haーh, yeah. I will immediately, arrange for a carriage. That worst man......it's not gonna end with just a slap this timee"

Leaving disturbing words behind, Estelise leaves the faculty office furiously.

"Still......really, what a troubling person"

Lioar made a lost-for-word awkward smile.

Taking half a day from the Narsha Country's Capital Jezemaksiria. Sirusasa Mountain, which has a summit that goes as far as to penetrate the clouds, is such a treacherous sacred mountain that people don't get close to it. The reason people don't get close to this mountain is, that it has more dangerous locations than one can count.

Arriving at the walkable feet of the mountain, the tens of carriages, they leave the 40 students of the special class who are sleeping soundly and leave.

"As expected of my butler. Brilliant performance"

While gazing at the students who are sleeping soundly, Asch makes a triumphant smile.

"......I, have never once heard, such a displeasing compliment"

The day before the excursion, the competent butler went around all of the special class' students' rooms and put them to sleep with black tea drugged with sleeping medicine. Because she boasts massive popularity from that beauty, thoughtfulness, and kindness, there were few who were suspicious. However, she rendered those with suspicions unconscious with magic without exception.

In a form where she brilliantly, betrayed their trust, right to their faces.

"Good grief......how pitiful. Had Mira been their enemy, they would have died instantly. As a teacher, I have to take responsibility for my students' disappointment"

At the ill-natured Magician's words, Mira, she thinks.

'The thing pitiful here, is your brain'

<<Oh Light, Illuminate That Darkness, And Wake The Saint Up>>ーーMorning's Light


When the competent butler chants, a blinding light enveloped them, and the students' eyes opened in an instant.

"Where......is this?" "Wh-, why am I in a forest" "I, suddenly felt sleepy after drinking the black tea" "Mira-san, what is......this about?" "It's not my room. Why......"

They who woke up raise their voices one after another.

"Now then, everybody......shall we begin the excursion"

A manic Magician who makes a satisfied smile, he is.


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