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Interlude: Senate

The Senate, the King's consultative council, has been reputed as『the King's advisors』. Most of the country's politics are decided by this body, and they possess colossal authority when it comes to Narsha Country. Inside the spacious assembly hall situated in the Castle Salreinkarlo, the main castle, the one confronting them was, a single old man.

"......what are your intentions? Board Chairman Lioar"

The Senate Leader, Zelve=Rolfan, directs his stern eyes at him.

"Now then......is something, the matter?"

The old man, he feigns ignorance with a cheerful expression, but it doesn't mellow out the atmosphere of the place.

"You are, keeping that『Darkness Devourer』of all people at the Hogner Magic Academy, are you not?"

Everybody around got stirred up by Zelve's words.

"Aah, about Asch=Dahl-sensei huh. It was about 170 years ago that he was exiled by the Senate. I believe there's no problem based on our country's law. I hired a practitioner of law to go through and finished verifying that the exile order is not in effect as well"

There were records that the third King, Carl=Narsha, summoned the Hero, Silva, who received the brunt of an exile, back with the same reason left behind. It's a precedent that if the King has been replaced, their order becomes ineffective. This, will probably never be overturned, as long as Narsha Country isn't destroyed.

"......that is not where the problem lies, right?"

"If it is not a problem based on the law, then I sure have absolutely no idea"

At that response, Zelve contorts his expression. He knows the fact that as the Board Chairman of the Hogner Magic Academy, the nationally popular Lioar has a very good chance of winning when it comes to sophistry.

"What does everybody else thinks?"

Zelve, he seeks the opinions of the other Senate members.

"It is not a legal issue, but an ethical issue!" "In the first place, why did you employ an individual like that?" "You have some kind of under-the-table deal with that person, don't you!?" "In the first place, I don't fancy that attitude"

A barrage of criticisms(a part of simply bad-mouthing) converges on Lioar. To begin with, the Senate is comprised of just the proteges of Zelf, the Senate leader. Assuming they have his protection, they probably won't have the slightest thought of objecting coming up into their mind.

"......fuu. You people, do you know why he is called the『Darkness Devourer』?"

Lioar, he asks the Senate Leader.

"What about that?"

Zelve shows his irritation. He, who's 55 years old, is quite a bit younger than Lioar. To him, who assumed the Senate Leader at a record young age, the old man before his eyes is, no more than a thorn in his sight.

"A darkness to the extent of devouring darkness......that is, probably convenient to you people who are Sacred Faith Ideologists. You can just leave him be. If you people, have that much capacity that is"

The old man answers while pulling his curved white beard.


"What, are you mocking us!?" "Like I can do such a despicable thing like silently consenting if it's convenient" "You bastard, don't tell me you are a Renege Ideologist!?" "In the first place, I don't fancy that attitude"

Edgy critiques fly from the Senate members again.

The Senate is an assembly of『Sacred Faith Ideologist』who prioritises Light Magic. They had continuously erect policies that persecute『Renegade Ideologist』who priorities Dark Magic for many years.

"......pardon me, but I would appreciate it if you could raise your hand and tell me your name when you have something to say. Since I, too, will make sure to remember that person"


When Lioar softly says, silence visits them altogether. He was naturally aware, that there's nobody who's able to speak right to his face besides Zelve.

"Fuu......well then, did I hear the voices of ghosts or something? If it was Asch-sensei whom you people reputed as the『Darkness Devourer』, he'd probably ask that. Even the first-year students of Hogner Elementary School, know to announce their own name when they want to say something"

It was, an extremely courteous tone, but it had the ferocity like that of a blazing fire.


"......is it alright for me to assume the silence is your answer? Well then, if I can just have you keep quiet without raising your voice any more"

In contrast to his cheerful expression, a glance that's cold like ice. The Senate members collectively shudder at that.

"Board Chairman Lioar......please, do not bully us younglings too much"

The one who raised their voice was Zelve.

"I believe younglings and cowards are different things"

Lioar, who simply spells out the truth indifferently, and absolutely emotionlessly.

"......I will bear it in mind"

"Now then......if you were to let a frail old man such as myself give my opinion, rather than just a single personnel of the school, deciding the deceased Archbishop's successor should come first now"

Samon, the person with the highest authority in the Aristo religion, lost in the battle with Asch and passed from this world the other day. Lioar scrubbed everything when he dealt with the aftermath, and the incident settled without turning into a big deal, but the problem with his successor has still not come to a conclusion.

"......there are also rumours that his death was related to the『Darkness Devourer』though"

"Rumours, right? Is the Senate a flock that's riled up by rumours?"

The old man who's certain that there's no evidence and feigns ignorance without any hesitation at Zelve's words.

"......there are voices calling for you to be Archbishop Samon's successor"

The Senate leader says bitterly.

"That, sure is an honour. If the Aristo believers wish for it, do allow me some time to consider. Is that all the matters you summoned me for today?"


"Well then, excuse me"

Lioar bowed deeply and left the room composedly.

"Shit! Bloody old pest"

Zelve slams the table irritatedly.

"Still, are we really making Lioar the Archbishop!?" "Impossible! He's a Balance Ideologist, you know" "Yeah, the Aristo devotees won't acknowledge it to begin with, right" "In the first place, I don't fancy that attitude"

The Senate members who, as soon as Lioar leaves, unleash their insults and objections. It was Zelve who paved the road for such them, but as the Senate Leader, he's in a position where he has to bring together this bunch of incompetent people.

"Calm down. He has no such intention. He's just messing with us. He's thinking that if he says something like that just now, we'll do everything we can to stop him"

If, for example, Lioar gets onto the position of Aristo's Archbishop, he'll come to possess authority on par with the King. They are words he said upon analysing their feelings of wanting to prevent that by any means as the King's consultative council, the Senate.

However, Zelve also knows the Senate members, the embodiment of authority, won't not divide their time on useless ploys just because he explained『there's no problem』.

"I think we ought to quietly, observe that old man's move here, but what do you think?"


There are none, who respond with the affirmation that Zelve desires. There are none here, who would go as far as to go against the Senate Leader's opinion, to assert their own belief. On the other hand, there are also none here, who tries to agree to the Senate Leader's words and share the failure. Just those, who merely look at the results of things, and squeak away. 'A『flock』would've been way better', he grumbles in his heart, annoyedly.

"Well then, I guess let's end the conference now that we have come to a decision"

Disgruntedly, he half-forcefully cut to the end and made the members leave.

Into the conference room with only Zelve left, a black-haired youngster entered. Wearing a white shirt that hasn't the slightest spot or filth, skin without a single wrinkle on top of his overly neatly-aligned silhouette, eyes, mouth, and nose. That was, all too unnatural, that it even makes one harbour the suspicion whether or not it's all man-made.

Delta=Laplace. A researcher who was employed by Zelve 20 years ago, he is.

"How was it?"

"Lioar=Sergey......I wouldn't expect any less of an old fox. They can't hold a candle to him. But, I, wasn't simply dancing on his palm"

"However, what he said also has a point"

"......were you watching?"

"Eeh. There was a little rat as well, so it also serves as the surveillance of that"

"Hmm......well, whatever. So?"

"The man called Asch=Dahl, has not even the slightest interest in authority or whatnot. What he is interested in is, merely intellectual curiosity and women. I think it is fine even if you watch how things go for a bit. Based on his personality, he will probably not assist Board Chairman Lioar after all"

"......you sure are quite detailed"

"I had once apprenticed under him"

That smile of his, it was one that's youthful and energetic. His age has far exceeded 100, but through numerous rejuvenation operations, his appearances are about 20 years old.

"Under that Renegade Ideologist?"

"It was something a very long time ago. Besides, we went our own separate ways because our thinking doesn't agree"

"I see......so, it's fine to leave a great evil like that alone, is what you think?"

"I mean, it is still fine for now. With that characteristic of his, he will attract undesired people. Coincidentally, there are also those who need to be cleansed after all"

"......I see"

As long as he has this genius researcher on his side, everything will go as his wishes. To a world where all evildoers are eliminated, where only righteous lives.

Zelve made a dauntless smile.

On the other hand, to the side of Lioar who left the room, Estelise rushes over worriedly.

"Thank you for your hard work. Looks like, you've provoked the Senate's people quite a bit"

"Hoho......I do not recall having instructed you to eavesdrop though?"

"It is information gathering"

At the beautiful young girl who says confidently, Lioar felt refreshed instead.

"It sure is nice to be young......Estelise, remember well. Those people are called, old pests"

"......pardon me, but I think you are several times older though"

"It is not the problem of getting older. For the sake of self-preservation, they snuggle up to people in high positions, and they're only tenacious when it comes to looking down on other people. I'm referring to those who have lived like that for many years, and does not cast even a single doubt on the way they live"

Lioar's tone was composed, but as expected, it was ferocious somewhere.

"......I will bear it in mind"

"You do just that. Well then, let's go, shall we"


The two started walking down the corridor.

"......by the way, when did you realise I was peeking? Even though I had the confidence that I was not discovered"

"Fufu......it's simple. I simply thought that if it's a child who's brimming with curiosity like you, you'd surely listen in to the conversation. However, please be careful. Watching, means that there's also the possibility that you are simultaneously being watched"

"......as I thought, you are a terrifying person. You end up knowing everything huh"

"Well, not just yet. Even at this age, I'm just bad sensing a woman's feelings no matter what. My apologies"

"For what?'

"For entrusting work on you all of a sudden. I ended up making you stand up your long-awaited date"

"......no, it worked out just right since I was planning to stand him up to begin with"

"That said, the you at that time were dressed in an extraordinarily lovely manner though?"


Her face immediately dyes crimson red.

"Let me give you just one advice as an elderly's unsolicited concern; it's better to not get too emotionally close to Asch-sensei"

"Wha-......I, I a man like thatt......"

"Judging from the looks of that, it might already be too late though"

Lioar laughed cheerfully, but after that, he ended up listening to Estelise, whose face turned red like an apple, talk about how much she hates him for two whole hours.


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