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100 Rounds

The point in time when the Hogner Magic Academy's first bell rang, and a further 30 minutes has passed since. The special class' classroom was, crackling, due to a certain student's irritation.

"He's late......he's late......he's late!"

The angry beautiful young girl Lily, gives in to her feelings and slams the table.



Nobody, is saying anything. Everybody, is self-studying silently. Students who, having spent several months together, had started learning Asch=Dahl's personality, they are.

At that moment, the classroom's door quietly opens.

"Now then, everybody. Let's start the lesson, shall we"

At his all too natural words, the serious beautiful young girl doubted her ears. Wondering that maybe she herself has been mistaken. Immediately, she checks the wall clock and......the time is 9:02. In other words, he's horribly late.

'As I thought, that ill-natured Magician is at fault', she re-confirms.

"Sensei! First thing first, shouldn't an apology for being late come first!?"

"......Lily-kun. I said it previously as well, but shouldn't showing concern for the fact that I was late come first?"


Slashed by the knife that he diverted back to her, her words are caught in her throat.

"Asch-sensei......is, is, is your health alright?"

Lily who hasn't even the slightest concern at all, but shows her words of concern.

"Aah, never been better"

The ill-natured Magician, while looking at the face of the girl who's covered with humiliation, he makes a blissed expression.

"Then! Why were you late!?"

"......you know, don't you?"


The ill-natured Magician who doesn't say much.

Looking at such Asch, Mira, she thought.

'......what a pathetic person'.

"It was the date, wasn't it! How was it?" "Where, did you have the date?" "Which store did you eat at?" "How far......did you go? Kya――" "Who cares, just conduct the lesson" "What kind of a person was she!?"

A barrage of questions(a complaint from Lily) starts overflowing from the students brimming with curiosity.

"Fuu......it was the best date, I guess let me say just that"

He gazes outside the windows with his narcissistic eyes.

"......how, can you make such a fac――"Mira, shut it"

The Magician, who was stood up, cuts off the butler's sarcasm before she finishes her sentence.

"Now then, everybody. Let's start the lesson, shall we. Although I say that, we won't use the textbook today"

When he announced that to the students, their eyes started shining radiantly. Asch's lessons are popular because they're bizarre and stimulating.

"Wha, what are we doing?"

Cis raises her hand timidly. Besides unique circumstances, she's unable to use magic. A diligent beautiful young girl who, if possible, prefers lectures, she is.

"Run around the courtyard of this here Hogner Magic Academy"

"Eh......just that?"

"Aah. 100 rounds"


!? mark echoes amongst the students.

"100 rounds is obviously impossible, isn't it!?" "Don't ask for something unreasonable, objection objection objection!" "What's this now even though you were late!" "Is there any point to something like that!?"

"......shut up"


The Dark Magician who snuffs out the students' grumblings with a single sentence.

"You people, since when did you become so conceit? For those who are being bestowed with knowledge, to order the one who's bestowing the knowledge. If you don't want to, fine. Immediately, get out of this special class"


At that hardhearted wording of Asch, there wasn't anybody who refuted.

"Hmm......I'll take your silence as your answer. Get ready, right away"


Lily who, nevertheless, tries to fight back. She raises her hand and glares straight at the Dark Magician.

"What is it? Is there, still anything?"

"I will run 100 rounds. But, please enlighten me on what point does it have"

"Fuu......are you saying that if there's no point, you won't do it?"

Disgruntedly, Asch glances at the rebellious beautiful young girl.

"I, I mean. Isn't something like that a harassment!?"

She spelt out all the students' thoughts for them.

"......does everybody think so as well?"


Silence. The students are all maintaining their silence.

"Haa......how appalling. To think that people like you, will become the country's top echelon and govern the country. Let me say it up front, but running 100 rounds a day was a daily routine when I was apprenticing under Hazen=Heim-sensei though"

Hearing Asch's words, everybody's complexion changed. Hazen=Heim is a Magician of such a calibre that whenever one speaks of the greatest Magician in history, his name will definitely come up. At the revelation that he was the disciple of such a Grand Magician, they were all fairly surprised.

However, the miserable Magician doesn't talk about the past where he ran around escaping, bawled, and begged for leniency in tears from such a sadistic Grand Magician's training.

"First of all, number one. The fools who spew words like『impossible』,『unreasonable』, before doing it. First of all, say it after you do it"

Asch, he glances at the students who said those words and makes them tremble.

"And then, number two.『Even though you were late』, the coward who tries to nitpick on somebody's action with that. Do you think you can get exempted, if you condemn people? It's better to change that thinking"


The students who stood up vigorously just now started secretly sitting down.

"Lastly,『is there any point to something like that?』, Lily=Schwarz-kun who said that. You will, run 120 rounds"


"You're the worst. There are instances where people devote themselves for years......no, for decades to meaningless things. I suppose it's unimaginable for someone with a sheltered upbringing like you who constantly seek a point. Hence, I shall teach it to you through and through. Both mentally and physically, that is"

The sadistic Magician laughed with a twisted expression.

"......ot it! I just have to do it, right! I'll do it"

Lily who stands up aggressively and leaves the classroom. Like they're swept along by that, the other students start moving reluctantly. The ill-natured Magician who gazes delightedly, at the unwilling from the bottom of their heart expression of such students.


Mira calls out to him in the now-empty classroom.

"Nn? What"

"Isn't directing your anger on your students just because you were stood up on your date, the worst?"

"I cannot understand what you are saying. However, I'll have them......yeahh. I guess I'll have them work hard for 13 hours"

Looking at Asch, who makes a delighted smile and was actually stood up for 13 hours, Mira thought.

'What a sadistic unpopular Magician who is taking it out on others'.


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