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"......nn......nn......ho, how is it, Hardt-samaa"

"Aah〜, it feels really good, Mylene. Oh, that's the spot"

Nyuru......nyuru......Mylene moves on top of me. Maybe it's because she has been moving for a long time, Mylene was sweating and giving out a seductive scent. Partially also due to her moving vigorously, Mylene is breathing heavily as well. The squeaky sounds of the shaking bed. As I'm entrusting my body to the pleasure that ascends from below

"Wha- wha- wha-, what should we, do about this!? Is, is it alright for us to go in!?"

"I, I wonder what should we do? I think it's alright even if we go in since we were summoned though......"

the slightly flustered voice of a man and a woman can be heard from the other side of the door. It seems the two that I'd summoned came. I extend my own shadow and open the door. The two who realised that the door opened......Mars turns his back against the door completely, and although Tierra is hiding her face with both hands, she's peeking over here from the gaps between her fingers.

"What are you doing. How about you quickly get in?"

"Eh? H, huh? They, they're in their normal appearance......"

Mars who looks at the current appearance of Mylene and me and makes a curious look. I wonder if they thought that we were doing it or something?

Our current state is, a state where Mylene is sitting on top of me, who's lying face down. If I were to say what we were doing in that manner; I was having Mylene massage me.

"Good grief, just as I wondering why you guys were listening in on the outside; were you thinking about indecent things or something?"

When I asked with a smirk, the two of them ended up blushing and looking down. Well, I guess let's leave teasing them at this and move on with the conversation.

I get the two of them inside the room and hand a certain object over to Tierra. Tierra looks at the object she was handed, and Mars peeks into Tierra's hand.

"Is this......a compass?"

Tierra who asks me while looking at the object in her hand. Tierra carries on to move the object in her hand, but she makes a curious expression at the fact that the needle is pointing straight at herself.

"Well, the shape and such resembles it, but it is not a compass. That's called a Magic Compass, the needle moves in response to a certain Magic Power's wavelength"

"Magic Power's wavelength?"

"Uh-huh, that has been made to respond to the Magic Power that's emitted from our occupations, the God's Fragments. I didn't notice it at all, but according to Elfion and Beatrice, they can apparently feel similar Magic Power from Tierra and me. Chrono and Hepienel dug out that similar wavelength, and what they created is that. Furthermore, try pouring in your Magic Power"

Tierra pours her Magic Power into the Magic Compass while nodding. The Magic Compass should remember Tierra's Magic Power with this. The effect started showing after she poured it in for a bit, and the needle that had pointed and stopped on Tierra until just now started moving.

"Because Tierra and my Magic Power have been registered into this Magic Compass, it'll come to search for people other than us who have the God's Fragment's wavelength"

The needle spun for a bit, but it came to a sudden halt. The needle was pointing to the northwest direction from this country.

"Did it find one with this?"

"Aah, although it's kinda iffy since we don't know the distance and such, there should be someone who possesses the God's Fragment before this needle. And the place where this needle points is......not the Holy Kingdom"

"It is over here if it is the northwest of here huh"

As I was staring at a simple map of the continent that I spread out in order to verify, Mylene dragged her finger to where the Magic Compass points for us.

That place she was pointing was a certain country that's beyond several countries and surrounded by mountains.

"It's true it feels like they might be there if it's this country......a country that's surrounded by perilous mountains and has no affiliation with any country, Beast Country Azels"

This country is a powerful country that's said to have defended against even the intervention of the Holy Kingdom. I hear that this country worships its original God, and there's no Fistoria church either. It's probably unrelated even if they had an Oracle.

"So, what is the reason that you made this?"

As I was looking at the map and thinking about the things about Azels, Mars said something like that to me while taking the Magic Compass in his hand and staring at it. Isn't something like that obvious.

"To find them and make them come over this side. Since Fistoria apparently treats us, who possess God's Fragments, as a thorn in her eye. It's partially a payback for that as well, but those who possess this power are quite powerful. The war will also become a breeze if they're in our hands, right?"

I've gotta do every single little thing that that shitty Goddess hates after all. Now then, since we know the location, I guess let's get prepared to head over.


"......this is the power of the new me"

"That's right. Your occupation should have become Celestial Hero from Hero through the blessing from me"

The man whose body is shining before my eyes, Hero Noel. I didn't really want to proceed, but I can't keep quiet after being made a fool to this extent by that man. I've got to have the Hero become even stronger in order to clash with that man.

"I gave you the power firstly because I have one mission to give you"

"A mission, is it?"

"Eeh. There is someone who possesses the Devil's occupation in Beast Country Azels. I told that place to hand them over numerous times, but they have no affiliation with any country, and they, unfortunately, worship a different God that's not me. A second Demise Country will come about at this rate. I want you to defeat that person before it comes to that. I shall assign to you the Holy Maiden and company, which are a given, Metro the Flame Sorcerer, Libra, and then the Light Dragon Licht. Be sure to accomplish it no matter what"

"I got it. I will follow your orders. Fistoria-sama"

Watching him lower his head until the end, I disappear from his view. Fuu, I don't know how far the Hero will listen to what I say, but I've got to have him do what needs to be done now that I've given him power.

"Sigurd, I'm a little sleepy. It looks like I slightly overused my power"

"Understood. Please leave the rest to me"

I've got to go kill that man I finally found after waking up.


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