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Kings Of The Respective Countries(2)

After we finished leading the way for the Kings of the three countries that are relatively easier to talk to, the next Teleportation Magic Circle that started shining was

"......this sure is amazing"

It's a man in his golden age with lightly tanned skin and white hair and white facial hair. The two people behind him have lightly tanned skin like that man, and both of them have identical deep-blue-coloured hair.

"......Prince Mistgard"

Aerith mutters softly diagonally behind me. Who would've thought that even Prince Mistgard would turn up.

"You are Leivelt・Runwalker huh. It sure has been several years since we last met, Lady Alexia. I am the King of Celia Kingdom, Helience・Celia. Let me first apologise for the fact that my stupid son caused trouble to you and Lady Aerith"

King Helience says and lowers his head. Prince Mistgard and the man, who's although slimmer than Prince Mistgard, has a trained body, lower their heads at the same time. I bring Aerith, who's standing behind me, to the front. Aerith, despite being befuddled

"Ah, please raise your head, Your Majesty Helience. I am okay. Besides, I talked about it to the person himself as well, but I had also planned to refuse right from the beginning"

Hearing Aerith's words, King Helience finally raises his head.

"Thankful for saying that. By right, I ought to come and apologise even earlier, but I ended up coming late. I hope you forgive me"

When King Helience was about to apologise again


, a voice came from behind King Helience, and King Helience was blown away......eh? All Aerith, Alexia, and I could do was watch King Helience, who flies away.

Is, is it an enemy attack!? Don't tell me a Demon Race got in? When I think and look to the other two, the two of them are clutching their head, going, 'hahaa'. And then in front of the two of them

"Heli......the talk is long......even though I want to sleep"

stood a young girl. Her hair is a clear light blue hair like the sky, and it extends all the way to her waist. Wearing a one-piece with polka-dots design on it, she's rubbing her eyes sleepily. Who is she?

"Ow ow ow ow......it hurts, doesn't it, Varty-sama! Why did you hit me!"

Ooh, King Helience, who was punched flying, recovers right away and gets angry at the young girl. However, the young girl walked all the way to King Helience without even paying any mind to that, and then



she punched him again......eh? Eeh? What on earth is going on?

"Sorry, but that's something that occasionally happens. Don't worry about it. By the way, I have not introduced myself huh. My name is Garbana・Celia. The Crown Prince of Celia Kingdom. Mistgard and I have caused you trouble previously. My apologies"

The one who said that and came in front of us was, the slim person. As I thought huh.

"Like Aerith was also saying just now, there's nothing to worry about in particular. Hence, this subject will end with this. Well, I'd like you to bear in mind that I don't know what will happen if something similar happens again next time"

I don't plan to be polite to anybody of the Celia Kingdom besides King Helience. King Helience, too, I didn't plan to communicate with him with my current attitude had there not been that apology.

"More importantly, who's that young girl? King Helience is being beaten to a pulp since just now though"

"She is our Celia Kingdom's Guardian Deity, Water Dragon Ruler Varty-sama. She said she wants to personally go upon hearing about the Demon God's matter this time. I hear it has been 10 years since she last left her Shrine"

Heh〜, Water Dragon Ruler huh. There are various things in my mind like, 'furthermore, going outside for the first time in 10 years, is she a shut-in or something?', but in any case, let's stop her. I stand before King Helience and catch the Water Dragon Ruler's fist.

"Please calm down, Water Dragon Ruler"

"......you are?"

"My name is Leivelt・Runwalker. I am Eclat's fiance"

When I bring out Eclat's name, her sleepy eyes that are almost about to shut, open slightly. I wonder if this is her being surprised?

"......I didn't know. ......to think that Levine who loves that child......gave his approval"

It's iffy whether I've gotten Levine-san's approval though. Well, I suppose there's currently no need to say that either.

"The discussion this time around has Levine-san and Hilde-san. As well as Anima-san the Dragon Wind Ruler"

"......! ......that's amazing. I'll head over right away as well"

The Water Dragon Ruler said just that and ended up leaving the room. She has a vibe like she's excited deep down. As I thought, I wonder if she's happy that she's able to meet her fellow Dragon Race?

"Gohon! Nn. Thank you for helping me out, Leivelt-dono. Well then, I think we shall get going as well"

As I'm looking at the back figure of the Water Dragon Ruler as she's leaving, I hear King Helience's voice from behind. That's right. The Water Dragon Ruler may be holding back, but be that as it may, that doesn't change the fact that he'd been beaten up. We have to treat him quickly.

When I think and turn around, the figure of King Helience whose wounds had completely vanished was over there. I thought, 'Why?', but he's being clad with Magic Power around his body when I look really closely.

Apparently, he had activated Water Magic and treated himself. Somehow, I'm completely lost for words when I see this accustomed look.

As I was looking at King Helience and the others who were leaving the room with Aerith leading the way, I ended up thinking something like that.

"It was amazing huh"


As Alexia and I are spelling out such thoughts, the next Magic Circle starts shining. Fuu, I guess I'll brace myself. That Magic Circle over there is Forest Falia if I'm not wrong.

"It is finally my turn huh"

As I'm looking at that brightly shining Magic Circle, Light appears and says something like that with an excited look. Why does he seem so happy?

"Here they come"

I focused on the Magic Circle at Alexia's words and, only five people appeared. The other countries had brought soldiers as bodyguards, but this is the only country where the Magic Circle doesn't shine after the five people appear. Besides, I couldn't take my eyes off of the person who stood at the very front. As for why


That's right, she resembles Shishou, whom I should've already met just now, very much. Alexia, who stands beside me, is also making a surprised expression.

"Fufufu. You guys know my younger sister huh. The fact that you're here means you're Leivelt・Runwalker-kun huh. My name is Titania・Schicksal. I'm the older sister of Sylphid・Schicksal, who's being taken care of in the Nanor Kingdom"

Titania-sama who says that and laughs 'fufufu'. It's true that I can tell the difference between her and Shishou now that she mentions it.

Although their facial features and hair colour are similar, the corner of Shishou's eyes are upturned and stern, and in comparison to that, the corner of Titania-sama's eyes are droopy and have a serene vibe. She has a mole below her right eye.

The ones who are following such her are one male Elf, one male Dwarf, one female Dragonewt, and one female Mermaid. I'm seeing everybody for the first time except for the Elf.

The male Elf has a face that I've seen somewhere before. Furthermore, very recently. I wonder who is he?

The male Dwarf's height is roughly 130, he's round, and he's carrying an axe that's bigger than his body on his back.

The female Dragonewt has two black horns growing on her head, scales on her arms, and a Dragon's tail growing from her waist. Her eyes have a vertical slit, like that of a reptile.

The female Mermaid, her ears are like fins, and she has gills on her neck. When I look at her feet

"Mermaids are able to change their tail fin to legs with Magic when they exceed 10 years old"

, Titania-san told me. Heh〜, I didn't know that.

"Fufufu, what a cute kid. I want to adore you a little bit more, but we'll head to the venue as well"

"Ah, yes. Light"

"Yes, over here"

"Ara? Ara ara, my my! How luxurious that we can have a spirit lead our way!"

Looks like Titania-sama knew the instant she saw Light. Furthermore, she's extremely happy. It's exactly as I had heard. It's something I had heard from Marin-san, but it seems Forest Falia have some worships of spirits as well.

And then, we send Titania-sama and the others who are following behind Light off. Fuu, they sure are all people I'm inadvertently linked by fate one way or another huh. I watched the back figures of Titania-sama and the others and thought something like that.


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