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A Scene From The Dreams

For Mira. It's the dazzling spectacle that she dreamed of. Without a doubt, she was situated in the centre of all that.

"Still, how beautiful" "By the way, may I ask for your name?" "I have never met someone beautiful like you. I guess this is my first time" "If I can have you introduce me to your father. My name is Roghanwo――"

Every single influential noble of the country stands before her, praising her beauty and boasting about themselves one after another.

"Er, erm......"

Surrounded by passion like never before. Mira, she places her hand on her thin lips with a troubled look.

In the middle of all that, silence visits the reverberating music out of nowhere. Immediately after, the circle of men who were surrounding Mira stare at the door and make nervous faces altogether.

"Everybody, King Raizer arrives"

The butler proudly announces and opens the door.

Over there, stood a tall man in his mid-20s. She feels that everybody, is focusing on each and every action of his. The centre of the dance party switched in an instant, and both the male nobles and the female nobles, every single one of them, crowded towards the King.

While slightly stroking her chest and breathing a sigh of relief, Mira stares at the young King from afar.

All of a sudden. There was a sense that their eyes met. However, there's no way that'd happen. Something like herself and the King. Brushing such thoughts away, she immediately remembered that she hadn't eaten anything. Since she went out of the way to practise dining etiquette as well, she wants to also give the kingdom's cuisine a try.

Separating from the crowd, she makes her way towards the table that's placed with an extravagant array of cuisine.

"What will you be having"?

A butler who was standing by at the side, holds an extravagant plate out in front of Mira.

"Err......then, that dish please"

It's a meat dish with carrots. She naturally didn't know its name, but she thought it looked delicious at first glance. She's hoping to remember the taste and recreate it if possible.

"That is the head chef's magnum opus. I hope it is to your liking"

When she turned around to the gentle-sounding voice, King Raizer was standing over there. Mira, she was briefly thrown into confusion by the all too unbelievable happening, but she sees Asch's figure from afar and strokes her chest in relief.

It's fine......it's fine......she says to herself over and over.

"Is that so. I will be looking forward to that"

She stabs the fork into the sliced meat and slowly carries it to her mouth. She nearly faints at the overwhelming deliciousness, but she somehow endures it and makes a smile.

"I am glad it is to your liking"

King Raizer also carries the same meat dish to his mouth and smiles. At that gentle expression, her nervousness disappears in a puff of smoke.

"If, it is alright with you, I would like to dance with you tonight"

"Eh......but, I......dancing is......"

"Please worry not, escorting is the man's role after all"

Saying that, he takes Mira's hand and starts walking to the centre of the dance party.

As soon as King Raizer starts moving, the music follows. The waltz's name is『Moonlight』. It's such a famous song that everybody in this country knows of it; even the melody Mira hums and sings to herself during her work numerous times, was this melody.

Everything was as though, a dream. All while it doesn't feel real, Moonlight continues playing.

"Fufu......you can dance, can't you"

"No way"

Despite denying it, she matches King Raizer's steps, and her moving body feels pleasant. Besides, it comes as a refreshing surprise, that a man other than Asch is so close. That being said, in Asch's case, it came with the added bonus of it turning into a catastrophe where his blood gushes out in large amounts though.


"......you finally laughed for me huh"


She was taken by surprise, unable to say that she was laughing at something she recalled.

In the middle of all that, Asch's figure was visible behind King Raizer. Apparently, he succeeded in picking up a girl, and he's exchanging smiles with a beautiful woman.

"What is your name?"


While answering, Asch's figure oddly pops up in her head.

"Hmm......are you living in this country? Rumours of nobles go around quick. If it is somebody as beautiful as you, it is justifiable even if it were to make its rounds even quicker and create a huge commotion"


She did drills for how to respond to that perfectly as well, but it doesn't come to mind for some reason. The only thing that's drawn to her eyes is, the scene of the Dark Magician and the beautiful noblewoman laughing together.


She ended up accidentally losing her balance and tripping badly. The music stops all of a sudden, and all the eyes focus on Mira.

"Are you alright?"

King Raizer extends his hand out to her worriedly.


While saying that. The girl shakes off the scene that's drawn to her head over and over again. Now, I'm in the dream that I'd always hoped for. At the place that I even imagined in my dreams, wearing a dream-like dress, with a dream-like individual, spending a dream-like moment. And yet, Asch is.

When she was about to, take King Raizer's hand again.

"Mira=Estheim......yeah, Mira=Estheim, right!?"

At that moment, a condemning yell, reverberated.


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