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"Shi, shittt! Wha-, what's with you people!? Ev-, even though you're kids! You monsters!"

Earl Baccano, a former Regalia noble, yells at me angrily. Those that were Earl Baccano's subordinates are scattered around.

I can tell that General Melia, who stands behind me, is angry at Earl Baccano's yellings, but I stop her with my hand.

"Monster is fine. I can't protect what I want to protect otherwise. Well then, former Earl of the Regalia Empire, Earl Markeo・Baccano. You repeatedly ignored our warnings and conducted insurrections. I'll have you receive punishment for that"

"What punishment, you intruder! Do you know what's going to happen if you kill me! I have connections with His Highness! If you kill such me, His Highness won't keep quiet about it either! It'll turn into a war, you know!"

Earl Baccano makes a despicable smile and says such pointless things to me. Haa, I wonder how many times I've had this back and forth.

"So? Like I can govern former Regalia territory if I'm afraid of Regalia Empire. Trying calling them if you can......that's right, since the Emperor is coming to the domain as well next time, I'll bring you in front of the Emperor then. Say the same thing to the Emperor then"

"......eh, er, eh?"

Earl Baccano who's confused by my words. I ignore him and tell the soldiers to bring him away. How bloody troublesome.

"Thank you for your hard work, Lei-sama"

"Aah, General Melia too. What are the damages?"

"There are wounded people amongst the soldiers, but all of them within the scope treatable with Magic, and their treatment is already finished. Our side has no fatalities. Earl Baccano's soldiers have about 100 casualties"

"What about the people?"

"None amongst the people, but we found women imprisoned in Earl Baccano's basement"


, the sound of the ground cracking underneath my feet. ......calm down, me. My Magic Power is gushing out from anger, isn't it. Deep breaths, deep breaths. Fuu〜. When I look at General Melia, General Melia is breaking out in cold sweat as well. Sorry for doing it every single time.

"......sorry, General Melia. Amongst the soldiers, there are......no women huh. Hire the residents here and let them take care of the women who were harmed. After that, feed the population the orc meat that we hunted a ton in the mountain previously"

"Understood. Please do not worry about me. I understand Lei-sama's feelings after all"

General Melia said just that, went 'excuse me', and left the room. Fuu, it somehow made it in time. I managed to apprehend all the nobles who were resisting with this. I'll be leaving things in the hands of the representatives for a while, but it'll probably calm down for the time being with this.

It has been two weeks since I sent the letters to all the countries. Thanks to the fastest ever couriers that I requested from Levine-san and Hilde-san, the responses from all the countries came back as well a week later. Levine-san went, 'it can't be helped since it's an emergency', and scolded me though.

Well, it's unthinkable to use Ancient Dragons as runners after all. Hilde was also laughing, saying that if I weren't Eclat's fiance, the Ancient Dragons would've probably snapped, and it'd have gone straight into a battle.

Well, when Ecalt made a sad face that went「Kyuruu......」, every one of the Ancient Dragons agreed to it right away though. It was a real piece of cake.

And then, the responses that came back from every one of the countries were acceptance replies. The arrangement is for them to gather at the domain next week.

As for how to gather, it's by making use of the Teleportation Magic Circle that was in the Regalia Empire. It was kept hidden until now, but because there are several broken Teleportation Magic Circle in the former Regalia Empire's fortress, Dorothea-san and Marin-san, who can use Teleportation Magic, and I analysed them.

And then, I used Teleportation Magic over and over and over again, raised it until Level 5, and made a Teleportation Magic Circle. Its size turned out to be roughly 5 meters in diameter though.

My Space Magic was initially Level 3; it levelled up after I used teleportation about 100 times daily for several days. This is also thanks to the Blessing and my increased Magic Power.

And then, because I tried using it by myself to see if it'll go well and I succeeded, I had the Dragons bring the boards that I drew this Teleportation Magic Circle to the respective countries.

Drawing a Teleportation Magic Circle was, mundanely difficult. I had to draw a specific shape while pouring in Magic Power of a Magic called Gate of the Teleportation Magic into the unique paint. If I mess up even a single spot, that Magic Circle won't activate after all.

But, I can now go back and forth between the respective countries and the domain thanks to this. Magic Power to activate it is needed in the respective countries, but it can probably send a person with two ordinary people worth of Magic Power. I somehow improved it, so I hope they'll cut me some slack with that.

And then, we're presently apprehending the nobles who had been resisting in sequence. There's no way I can call the Kings of the respective countries to somewhere with bad public order after all.

So that I could gather soldiers in the territory with the mansion, I decided to apprehend the nobles that are the reason the soldiers have been divided presently. That'll be the last of it today.

Every one of the nobles had said similar things; every one of the nobles had captured women similarly and had been doing repulsive things.

What's especially awful was, the fact that there were nobles who found pleasure in hurting women. It's to the extent that the corpses of women were left as they were in the basement of those noble's mansions, and they had transformed into undead from their resentment.

I killed those screaming nobles on the spot and burned the mansion along with the women who ended up becoming undead. I felt bad for the women, but they already can't return to how they originally were after ending up like that.

"Lei. Preparation's done"

"Nn. Got it"

As I was remembering about the nobles up until this point, Dargris came in.

The preparation to return is already done huh. I leave the mansion with Dargris accompanying behind me. Dargris is in the position of my bodyguard as far as it goes after all.

Not just Dargris, everybody else as well, and it seems all their status has grown thanks to the『Bound Ones』they exchanged with me. Well, it's because everybody doesn't miss out on their training. It's just the results that corresponded to that appearing on their status.

When Dargris and I leave the mansion, the return group and the stay-back group have been split up in front of the mansion. I feel sorry for the stay-behind group that has to clean up the aftermath, but I'd like them to do their best.

I have to help out with the preparation after returning as well. The three Princesses are currently taking the lead, and I'm leaving everything to them. I went to the Nanor Kingdom during the Teleportation Magic Circle's inspection while I was at it, and I had people who are detailed about those conferences between fellow countries come as well.

"Lei-sama. The preparations are complete"

"Got it. I feel bad for the soldiers that are staying behind, but I'd like them to work hard for a bit more. Captain Bern, I'm leaving the rest to you"


I get onto the horse the soldier brought over. I didn't have many chances to ride on a horse, but I can also ride as well as the average person.

"General Melia"

"Yes! All squads depart!"

At General Melia's command, the return group starts advancing. It takes about three days from here all the way to the territory with the mansion. If we do various things after that, it'll end up being the very day in no time at all. Now then. It'd be great if it ends without any issue.


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