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Amidst the cloudless blue sky, Asch and Mira go outside the mansion.

"It's a nice weather"

"It is the perfect weather for a picnic huh!"

"......now then, we'll do practice for magic from evening onwards"

He ignores the butler's happy-go-lucky and relaxed words like it's a given, starts the chant for magic, and lightly moves his finger.

<<Oh Flame Of Hope, Light Up In My Hand>>ーーDawn's Torch


On the palm he held up, Asch manifested a vibrant flame.

"Waaー, it's beautiful"

"Don't be admiring it, you do it as well. It's a magic that proves a noble's qualification, and it's something simple that they learn at the very start"

"How do I do it?"

"......first, try chanting exactly as you saw"

"Err......like this?"

<<Oh Flame......err, what was it again, err......Light Up>>

Mira is holding up her palm excitedly, but there's naturally no way any magic or whatnot manifests.

"I see......I got it"


"I got that you haven't even a slither of sense for magic. Also, the fact that I have to make this special training's curriculum significantly tougher"

"Gu, guguguguu......you bullyy!"

Without understanding at all why, for his consideration that wouldn't be strange even if she thanked him in every way possible, he was showered with such words, Asch starts proudly writing the explanation on the whiteboard he went to the trouble to bring over.

"Listen up, in the first place, magic is......"

Normally, there are at least two sequences required to release Magic externally.

① Chant

The process of constructing the Magic Power, born from the Magic Power Field(Gate), inside the body, and verbalising the principles of Magic

② Seal

The process of releasing the principles of magic externally, through the drawing of a symbol.

Chants typically have a high degree of freedom. As for why, it's because the component of autosuggestion is strong, it's no more than mediating the individual's image with the principles of magic, and verbalising it. Because of that, it's completely meaningless even if one chanted high-level magic unless it's accompanied by the Magic Power's attribute and quantity born from the Magic Power Field(Gate).

On the other hand, many seals' patterns have established and fixed forms; their patterns may be the same, but the force differs greatly depending on the way the symbol is drawn. The more intricate, the more meticulous one draws the seal, the more they'll be able to multiply and manifest the magic's effect.

"Done, do you understand?"

"I do not understand!"

"I would think so! Well, this is basically what it means"

<<Display, The Existence Of Water, To The Enemy>>ーーIce Arrow (Ice・Emblem)

Asch chants, but nothing manifests from his palm.

"Like this, magic won't release with a chant"

He draws a symbol with his fingertip and holds his palm up next.

<<Display, The Existence Of Water, To The Enemy>>ーーIce Arrow (Ice・Emblem)

Immediately after, a sharp blade of ice manifests and pierces a faraway tree.


"Fuu......listen up, alright? In magic are chants and seals, you can't cast Elemental Magic if you don't have these two......well, there are exceptions like Contract Magic, but you don't have to learn that now. Got it?"


While saying, Mira repeats the chant and seal over and over again. This alone, is an issue with the sensation of the person herself, so he can't give any advice.

"Now then......I guess I'll start"

With the hardworking Mira in the corner of his eyes, Asch starts his own chant.

<<Oh Ice Blade, Dance In The Gale, And Morph Into A Storm>> ーーAtrocity Of The Three Spirits(Trident・Varos)

Instantly, a minuscule whirlwind manifests and shreds the tree just now with numerous sharp hail and lightning mixed in within.

"Asch-san amaziーng!"

Mira sends her applauses in admiration.

"Fuu......it's because I'm perfect not only at Dark Magic, but Elemental Magic as well"

He's a narcissistic Magician who isn't humble at all, but what's actually amazing is amazing. What he released was a Water・Earth・Wood Triple-Element Magic, but it's a super high-grade magic that apparently less than 100 people can cast on the continent.

"But, why is Asch-san practising as well?"

"I have to take this chance, to train my dulled body as well. It's probably almost time, for the battle as well after all"


"......aah, it's my matter. It's a good opportunity, so I guess let's explain about Elements"

Again, he starts proudly writing the explanation on the whiteboard that he went to the trouble to bring over.

Elements, they refer to the type of energy the Magic Power emits.

Elemental Magic is represented by the five elements, Wood Fire Earth Metal Water. This relationship is often portrayed with a pentagram(pentacle). And then, there are also researchers who claim that Elemental Magic's disposition is closer to Dark Magic than Light Magic because the (pentagram)pentacle is frequently used in Demon Summoning and the likes(At the current point in time, categorising it as Light Magic is the mainstream.

The following is the arrangement and interrelation.



Water                           Fire

Metal          Earth





Also, it's known that you would manifest an enormous amount of power in the case that you converted, for example, Fire and Water, which have a conflicting relationship. However, the difficulty and Magic Power is greater than performing an ordinary Elemental Conversion, so the typical view is that it doesn't have good cost-effectiveness.

"Listen up, alright? Because of this, it's said that Multi-Element Magic adds to and multiplies the effectiveness of Elemental Conversion, but it's extraordinarily difficult to handle. However, if one is a Magician of my calibreーー"



A beautiful young girl butler, who's groaning incomprehensibly earnestly trying to cast magic, ignoring the overly lengthy and inundated with bragging Magician's lecture, ignoring everybody she was taught just now as well, she is.


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