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Rainy Season

"Is it seriously raining today as wellー"

"It is inevitable since it is the rainy season"

It is lunch break, and Renya is eating his lunchbox while grumbling. Renya saying that is simply

"Geez, don't get grumpy just because you can't practise"

"There is nothing you can about the weather"

that's right, because he can't practise for the ball games tournament that will finally be approaching next week. The boys will choose from soccer, basketball, and volleyball. The girls will choose from basketball, volleyball, and badminton.

"It may be melancholic now for Renya, but the very day is more melancholic for me"

"You were also saying the same thing during the sports festival"

"It is because they are both sports. The sports-hating me is going to want to complain as well"

The two girls giggle when I say and sigh. No, it's not a joke or anything, I am being serious.

"Don't be worry about that, I tell you. We can win as long as Kazunari doesn't own-goal! After all, there is me this class!"

"Okay, okay, I will be counting on youー"

It looks like he has tons of confidence, but the fact that it's not a farce either is amazing. I suppose pretty much only sheer numbers or those who are similarly in the soccer club can stop Renya, who was the soccer club's ace. That's why there is me in the strongest team's soccer though.

"Rather, come to think of it, it's difficult for Kazunari to own-goal as well huh. In the first place, can you kick a ball?"

"Shut it. I am not going to show you my homework ever again, you know"

"There's no problem since the current me have the Committee Chairperson"

I threatened Renya, who said something quite rude to me, but it got brushed off smoothly. Nishikida-san has been watching Renya's study ever since the midterm test huh. That's why him asking me to teach him his homework has also reduced recently.

"Renya-kun, you can't tease him too much. If you go overboard, I won't teach you anymore"

"Anything but thatー!!"

"Mutsumi, good job"

"Thank you"

"Uun, it's not good to bully someone for something they can't do. I have to be strict sometimes"

Renya apologised for what he said just now after this, so I forgave him. Is it my imagination that it somehow feels like Nishikida-san already has Renya under her thumbs?


The afternoon's lesson finished without any issue as well, and as I was about to go home with Yae, an incident occurred.

"Ah, my umbrella is missing"


Yae's umbrella had disappeared from the umbrella stand by the entrance. Since it had been raining since the morning today, there is no way she did not bring it.

"Someone probably mistakenly took it home"

"What should we do"

Yae's umbrella was not particularly different after all. It cannot be helped even if somebody made a mistake, but it is still raining now. I did not bring my foldable umbrella today either.

"Let's share an umbrella and go home, shall we"

"Uh-huh, please"

Luckily, my umbrella is big, so it is probably alright even with two people. It will end with just me getting slightly wet at most.

"Let's go then, shall we"

We hold hands like always, share a single umbrella, and start walking. I lean the umbrella slightly towards Yae so she doesn't get wet.

"Are you alright? Are you wet?"

"I am alright. Is Yae alright instead?"

"I'm alright. But you can't lie"

Oops, my lie of not being wet got exposed. But although if I say wet, it is just my right shoulder getting very slightly wet, so it's true that I am alright though.

As Yae is troubled over what to do since it is inevitable considering the umbrella's size, she let go of my left hand that she's holding, and carried on to hug my left arm.

"Ya, Yae!?"

"Ne, neither of us will be wet like this. Bear with it being hard to walk"

I adjust it as I was told so that both of us is inside, even as I am surprised by Yae's sudden action. There's honestly hardly any difference since we were holding hands in the first place, but we barely fitted inside the umbrella thanks to that.

It may be with Yae, who is similar to a family member, but she is still a girl. I can feel various soft sensations from my left arm, but I focus on not focusing on that. I just looked in front and continued walking until home.

So what kind of an expression Yae was making at that time, that I do not know.


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