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Done For The Time Being

"Hey, it's been a while huh, Priest-san. Do you remember me?"

I grab the balding Priest's hair, lift his face, and make him meet my eyes. The slightly terrified Priest sees the face of me, who's grabbing his hair, for the first time and is bewildered, but perhaps he gradually knew who I was, he reveals his astonishment.

"Wh, why are you here!? You should have been taken away by that skeleton monster and died......"

"Oi oi, don't kill me off as you please. Even though I went out of the way to come and meet you, how lonelyy"

I smash the Priest's face onto the ground while laughing. Since I didn't put that much strength into it, it ended with just the bones of his nose crushing and breaking. The Priest, who screams because of the pain of that, and the royals, who hear the Priest's cries and become terrified.

"Guuoooh......do, do you think you can do something like this to me!? Th, the Church, the Goddess-sama will not keep quiet about it!"

The Priest, who threatens me while tearing from his eyes, perhaps because of the pain, and bleeding from his nose. I couldn't stand that all too ridiculous look and ended up laughing. This fellow, is he trying to kill me with laughter? If that's his goal, then all I can say is I'm impressed. What a strategist.

"......Hardt-sama, you are laughing too much"

Mylene, who looks fixedly at such me. I, I got it, so don't look at me with such eyes, Mylene. I'm gonna feel strange, aren't I.

I catch my breath while avoiding those eyes of Mylene. I've got the wipe the tears that came out from laughing too much as well ......eh, heyy, Liscia. Don't play with the toy dog-sized Lo that came out from my shadow before I know it just because you're bored. The tense atmosphere is gonna become lax, isn't it. Lo, don't show your belly happily either. Good grief, it's unbelievable that this is a Divine Beast from just this view.


Oops, Mylene is getting angry while smiling. Sensing that, Liscia snaps upright, and Lo sits up with a good posture on standby. I'll do what I'm supposed to do as well.

"Nnn! ......well then, Priest-san, will the Church's bunch come if I capture and interrogate you, I wonder?"

"Wha, what?"

"I guess I'll be thankful if that's the case. To think that I can summon them with something so simple!"

He probably didn't think that I would actually be happy. Not just the Priest, the other people that we've captured were also looking at me dumbfoundedly.

There's normally no human that would go against the Church. There's nobody, not even the royals, that would go against the Church that has the continent's number one country, the Holy Kingdom, as their backing. And yet I'm happy about bumping heads with the Church, so I suppose I only look like an insane person in the eyes of ordinary people.

"I forgot to say, but we plan to go to war with the Holy Kingdom. I've already had numerous conflicts with Goddess Fistoria as well after all. That's why, I'm thankful that the countless disposable Church's bunch will come out for me. Myー, to think that you're in such an important position. It's unexpected in a good way"

I say really happily, and I suppose he finally managed to recognise the mistake in what he said. His face turned pale, and he was sweating and shaking clatteringly.

"It's scary not knowing what's going to happen to yourself from now on huh? I know since I was the same as well, you know? Captured by adults and thrown into a dirty cell all of a sudden. No matter how much I shout, they beat me up while they're laughing. While saying, 'you're the demon, that's why this is a divine judgement'. ......shall I make you go through the same thing as well?"


Oops, I ended up leaking my killing intent unconsciously. The Priest, who got hit by that, started spilling body fluid from all over his body. Besides, my Magic Power ended up mixing in with the killing intent, flowed out, and resurrected the soldier's corpses are scattered around the place as undead. Furthermore, they're giving out a tremendous amount of hostility towards the Priest and the Church's people. This is also my fault huh.

"......various things ended up happening, but whatever. Priest, I'll have you go through the same thing as me. I've already talked to the King. I'll have every single citizen stab the Priest, you, with a knife, like the time you made me into an allegiance test. I'll forgive you if you can endure all of them"

"All, all of the citizens!? The number of people is different from the village you were in! If, If I received something like that......"

"I can actually kill you without making such a proposal, but I am merciful. Clench your teeth and bear with the pain so that you can survive even a little. It's a message from your senior. Bring him away"

The undead that resurrected just now bring the Priest and the Church's people outside at my words. They're yelling something, but ignore them, ignore them. I have no intention of listening to those who didn't listen to me back when it was me. I think they'll most likely die, but I shall make them into undead on the off chance that they survive.

After seeing off the Priest and the others get transported, I turn around. Before my eyes are the royals of this country, watching the back of the Priest and the others get transported in fear.

"Now then, you royals are next. It's fine even if we kill you since there's no reason to let you live from our perspective, but as I said before, I'm merciful. I'll spare you if you accept my proposal"

"......proposal, you say?"

"Uh-huh, you royals, kill 10 of this Royal Capital's citizens each. I'll let you live if you manage to do that. It's easy since it's a breeze and it doesn't hurt compared to the Priest and the others from before, right? Myー, how kind I am. That's right, bring the heads of the people you killed and perform a play as well.『We killed the citizens because we cherish our own lives』. They'll forgive you since everybody cherishes their own life"

"D, don't mes......nyabia......"

Just as I gave a very good proposal, a man tries to complain. If I'm not wrong, the Prince, was he? However, he got shot in the head by Mylene and ended up dying before he finished talking.

"......well, you people are so worthless that we can kill you this easily. I think it's better to get moving before I change my mind"

As expected, if a family member of them, royals, was easily killed before their eyes, they'll move even if they're reluctant huh. I wonder how many of them can survive without being killed by the citizens?

I leave as it is without looking at the royals and sit on the throne that was left behind. Only Liscia and Mylene remained in front of me.

"Is one of the objectives over with this, Master?"

"Yeah. I guess that's about it for the time being. Mylene, won't you call everybody for me to talk about the matters hereafter?"


Now then, I guess I shall rest for the time being.


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