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Mira, who finished the story of her encounter with the ill-natured Magician(90% redundant), drank the hot milk that had completely cooled down in one gulp heartily.

"ppuhaー! And that, was what happened"


As expected, even Lioar is speechless.

Amidst all that, Asch slowly took out a few pieces of Rale notes and placed them in front of her.

"Mira-kun. I have a task for you. Buy the things that I wrote on this list for me"

"Yes! Understood"


''Her response is the only thing that's good', he muffles the voice in his heart will all his might,

"If you don't know the words, ask a passerby or something. No matter what, until you buy them, you can't come back. If you like, I'm completely fine with it even if you don't come back forever"

"Again with the jokesー! Alright, I'm off"

Taking Asch's seriousness as a joke, the young girl left the bar.

"Quite a......strange girl huh"

Lioar's expression is probably, somewhere around, half awkward-smiling.

"Now then, let's continue the questions while the hindrance is gone. Since she probably already, answered about 135 questions, I'll ask consecutively"


The composed youngster, he smiles awkwardly, from start to finish.

"Who's the Holy King Raizer or whatever from before?"

Asch was imprisoned 8 years ago. At the very least, that name had never entered his ears until then.

"I guess it was probably about 5 years ago that he ascended to the Bardyst Holy Kingdom's throne......declaring to unite the continent, he invaded the neighbouring country Saroots Country and Kimomi Kingdom, and brilliantly broke through"

"2 countries in 5 years......it's indeed an astonishing speed huh"

It's said that it typically takes 20 years to destroy a country, even if it's a small country.

"Although his territory is still small, he's saying that he'll devour the superpower, Lesraun, next. Well, as one would expect, it probably won't go like the earlier two countries though"

"I see......so, you're saying that Sensei is lending his strength to the Bardyst Holy Kingdom?"

"No. He was originally King Raizer's tutor, so he only gave him advice thus far. However, it seems he's preparing to formally send his disciples into the battlefield from the next war onwards"

That's, how powerful Lesraun Country is. There's an overwhelming gap in talents, wealth, and power, and no matter how capable of a King he may be, it probably won't fill the gap. Even after sending Hazen's disciples in, the state of the battle is probably somewhere around 50/50.

"......still, you're really treating it like it doesn't concern you huh"

Lioar is Hazen's number one disciple. Under normal circumstances, he himself should take on the role of taking the lead.

"About that, it seems I'm disliked by the young boy who's his right hand. It seems, he took it upon himself and politely declined. Well, there's probably a mountain of capable disciples even if I'm not around after all"


'What a terrifying man', he once again thinks.

Even that right hand or whatever has been, dancing in the palm of this cordial youngster.

"......however, that person sure is youthful as well. Despite having acquired everything, he's still chasing after an unattainable dream"

There's something that Hazen once let slip to Asch.『I wonder, why won't wars go away』.

"Still, I wonder why that which is known as conflicts won't go away"

Lioar mutters.

"Kuku......do you not even know something like that"

"......Asch-san, are you saying you have an answer?"

"Aah. Well, it's"

The Dark Magician finishes his cocktail,

and articulate the words that his once benefactor got furious at.

"because nobody wishes for wars to end, that wars don't end"

"......what a horrifyingly twisted thinking huh"

"Is that so?"

At that moment, the bar's door, opened loudly.

When he takes a look, Mira was smiling from ear to ear while running out of breath.

"Asch-saーn! How do you read this word?"

"......my, my. Since my incompetent butler returned, albeit reluctantly, I'll be going"

He says, stands from the seat, and shows his back,

"Are you an idiotーーーー!? Didn't I say to『ask』a passerbyーーーー!"

The back of the Dark Magician, who's shouting furiously, seemed to be having a bit of fun to Lioar.


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