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A completely ordinary village.

Neither desolated, nor is it noisy, that was what Asch's impression felt like,

"Haaー, we finally arrived. Here is, the hometown where I was born" 

Mira, who leads the way and spins around, smiles.

"I'm uninterested with all my heart and soul. And then, I'd like you to not speak as though we had a long trip. It was yesterday that we departed, right?"

"Guguguu......you bullyy!"

'......I think it's a criticism that can't be more accurate though', the ill-natured Magician thinks.

"Now then, I'll bid farewell with you here as well huh"

"Eh!? You are not coming to my house?"

"......rather, why did you think I'd go to your house?"

"I mean, even though I had been in tons of your care. Please let me thank you somehow. I will service you with all my might"

"Hou......that is, a service that'll satisfy me, who's a prominent mega-rich, gourmet, and perfectionist on the continent, right?"

"I don't know! But, please come"

"......aah, that's right. Words don't get through to you huh"

"Quick, quickk!"

"Wai......I still didn't say I'll――"

Before the ill-natured Magician finishes saying, the beautiful young girl, who doesn't comprehend words, pulls his sleeve and brings him along.

Where they arrived was, a house with no characteristic worth mentioning.


A completely ordinary house, in a completely ordinary village.

"Here it is. Now then, in you go, in you go"

She pushes his back and forcefully makes him go in.

"Mira! Where did you go!?"

The one who came out with loud footsteps is, a completely ordinary mother. She feels kind, rich with emotions, and slightly naggy. Somewhere, she has Mira's beautiful looks, but it feels adequately aged.

"I'm backー, Okaa-san"

The idiot girl, who's nothing but abnormal, enters the house with loud footsteps, without a care in the world.

"You're always making your parents worry like tha......eh, who?"

The mother showers the Dark Magician in a suspicious gaze.

"Oops, I am late with my greetings. My name is Asch=Dahl. Pleased, to make your acquaintance"

He politely bows, with his usual gracefulness and gentlemanliness. In this remote village, it's a terrifyingly alien and out of place greeting.

"Uh, uh-huhh......"

Her mother's cautiousness increased a level.

"However, beautiful. Truly beautiful. That's right, instead of a place like this, please do come to my mansion. Let's have brunch together or som――"

"Wai......what are you hitting on somebody's mother for!?"

"Fuu, to think that the day I call you my daughter might come......it's the end of the world"

"Those are very much my words! Please don't openly try to cheat when Otou-san is right there!"

In front of where Mira, who's having chills that won't stop welling up, points is a man who's folding his arms with a cold look. He has Mira's looks somewhere, but he too was an adequately aged middle-aged man.

"In romance, does the existence of a partner matter?"

"......please do not ask it so terrifying innocently! It does"

As they're talking to each other in such a manner,

"Mira......who is he? Who's this, facetious man?"

With a terrifying face, the father comes over here. A vigour that's about to punch the immoral Magician immediately, without question, it is.

"M, my life benefactor! He saved me when I was being attacked by bandits"

The young girl entered between her father and Asch in a panic.

"This guy did?"

At the gaze, that's clearly like he's looking at somebody suspicious,

"......fuu, looks like I'm an unwelcomed guest. Excuse me"

Asch shows his back and starts walking.


Mira, who chases after him hurriedly.

"Please wait!"

Going around to the front of Asch, who's about to leave at a quick pace, and hurriedly stops him.

"......what is it? You should, have no business with me anymore though"

"I don't......but!"

"Besides, to receive that kind of service. It was unbelievably unpleasant"

"I think that is......unbelievably much of you reaping what you sow though......leaving, that aside"



Mira herself, didn't really understand either; why she's stopping Asch. In all honesty, he's the type she hates; both his personality and his character are full of things she hates.


"......I, might soon be sold......to a noble that I don't know"

For some reason, she ended up saying it.

To this ill-natured man who has the least affinity with consolation.


The silence continued for a bit,


and he said whisperingly.

"Asch-san......could it be, you are worried about m――"

"You're able to be sold?"


An unbelievably shocking statement.


Asch presses the forehead of Mira, who snaps and punches at him, with a single hand.

"My, my......resorting to violence right away......your future is worrying like that. Listen up, alright? With that short temper, your job won't last for long. If, for example, by any chance, the catastrophic event of you being able to be sold occurred, you'll do well to not forget my advice. Well, that's if you have that much brain though"

"You're the worst! You're the worst! You're the worst! You're the worst! You're the worst! You're the worst! You're the worst! You're the worst! I hate hate hate hate hate you!"

"Fuu......even my encouragement doesn't get through to an idiot huh. Well, I'll pass on being the buyer or the seller. How absolutely, tasteless. Well then, good luck at where you get sold to"

Dashingly, the ill-natured worst Magician left.


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