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Bardyst Holy Kingdom, the country Paladin Liese=Maxima founded, which is also known to have very many wars, because, according to Asch,『Wars need to constantly have a righteous justification. It's precisely so, that wars never stop for this country that preaches sanctity』.

"......mumuu, what a difficult topic" 

"I didn't say even a single thing that's difficult to understand. The only thing that's difficult to understand, is your comprehension ability"

Asch and Mira were strolling, in the Capital of Veybar's shopping district.

"But......it is my, first time, here. They realーly sell all kinds of things huh"

Busily, the country bumpkin beautiful young girl surveys the vicinity.

"Having many wars means, there are just as many things that are moving about. Here is, one of the very few treasure troves even on the continent, so it's highly regarded"

Weapons, food, texts, alcohol, humans. Various price tags on various things. At the small change for buying candy, slaves are being peddled; a large amount of money like that of a noble's large mansion, corresponding to a bottle of wine. Here at Veybar, it's a common, everyday sight.

"Hmーm, amaーzing"


Yesterday, he should've already kicked Mira's shabby butt, threw her out into the wilderness, made her bawled,『Weーn, I am sorry, Asch-sama! Because I am an idiot, I ended up making Asch-sama displeased. Please, do give this idiot girl, a slither of compassion』, and slapped her with a『NO』.

However, Contract Magic. Its hard-to-understand effect, often exceeds the genius Magician's expectations. What's the scope and fulfilled to what extent is the act,『help Mira』. It's, in words that Asch hates, 'only God knows'.

If, for example, he makes a wrong move and she dies, and his heart gets continuously crushed to the extent that he doesn't die for eternity, that'd be a future that's not at all laughable for the Dark Magician.

Hence, en route sending her home, he dropped by Veybar in the meantime to secure provisions.

"Alright then, I'm thinking of going to a store I often patronize from here on out; what are you going to do?"

A fake gentleman, who asks politely and indifferently, but wants to bid farewell with her right here right now if possible.

"Uーn......since I have nothing on me......"

"No need to worry about that, here"

10 Rale notes.

It's only talking about healthy stores, but it's an amount that's more than enough to shop the shopping district of Veybar back and forth for a hundred times.

"I, I cannot take something like that!"

"Why? It's an inconsequentially small sum of money to me, you know"

A mega-wealthy Magician, who wants to bid farewell to this young girl as quickly as possible in any case, he is.

"Please don't joke around! Are you grouping me with those bandits!? I cannot take it. I cannot receive so much money, when I, did not even do any work"

"Look at me......I guess I lacked consideration. My apologies"

"No! It's fine as long as you understand"

The beautiful young girl smiles brightly.

"......so, what are you going to do?"

"Uーn......since I don't have anything on me, can I tag along with Asch-san?"

"......can I stop for a bit and take a deep breath?"

"Yo, you cannot! No way you can in such a shopping district, right!? Are you an idiot!?"


Called by an idiot by an idiot, he once again made an unintelligible noise.

At this moment, the genius Magician moved the elucidation of the Contract Magic's magic theory to his utmost priority.

"It can't be helped......follow me"

He led the way unhappily and walked towards somewhere that's deserted and away from the shopping district.


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