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The Dark Magician, who ended up having no choice but to do his research in the kitchen, while informing her where the sauces are, was consolidating the magic theory that contributes greatly to the resolution of the continent's food shortage.

"......fufufu, that's right......if I put this theory into use, it's possible to double the current amount of wheat production......no, it's even possible to triple it. Again, I'll end up receiving the Continent Magic Association's Special Commendation......fufu......even though I've already, taken 16 of it......just, how much of a genius, am I......fufufu......"

"Hey, Asch-san, that book is in the wa......ah"

The sauce, spilled.


Asch screams louder than he ever has.

"Sor, sorry. I will wipe it now"

"Do, do you understand what the scale of this research is!?"

"I, I said I will wipe it......ah"

It ripped.



Mira, laughs embarrassedly.

"What are you doing what are you doing what are you doing!? It's torn isn't it, it's indiscernible isn't it, what are you going to do about it!?"

The Dark Magician, who's horribly distraught and hasn't the slightest trace of a gentleman.

"I, I mean......it's because you're writing at a place like this......"

"Is, isn't that your fault......"

"You can just write it again, can't you"

"I've already forgotten about it after writing it once! How massive do you think the memory I've expelled is!?"

Asch's description is by no means an exaggeration. One can say that he managed to preserve the massive amount of memory that he stored to the brim in the span of 8 years, precisely because he was in the darkness with nothing, and he had isolated his five senses. Now when there are all kinds of information entering in bulk, he's feeling his memory disappear by the second.

"Hmーm......how forgetful"

"......don't, don't group me with an idiot like you!"

"Okay, okay......hey, can you take that wheat over there?"

"Yo, you just, destroyed the future of tens of thousands of wheat farmers, you know"

"There you are joking again――!"

'Ho, how terrifying......how terrifyingly stupid', Asch is terrified.

"Well, whatever. This research is something I did on the side. However......I'll say in advance that when the time comes that a famine occurs on this continent, food shortage becomes dire, and tons of people starve to death, it's undoubtedly your fault!"

The ill-natured Magician points.

"Okay, okay. Leaving that aside, please enter the bath. Asch-san, you stink a little"

"Wha, what did you say!? St, stink!?"

He steps back aggressively.

"Anyway, you probably just read books and didn't take good care of your body. Just now, I heated the water in advance. Now then, go go"

"Wai......you......what are you doing as you please......"

Without even listening to Asch's words, Mira pushed his back and chased him out of the kitchen.



The Magician who's briefly bewildered. He doesn't have the slightest clue; why he end up going into the bath, why he end up being swept along by that idiot beautiful young girl's pace.

"......well, whatever"

'It's true that I have to clean up the filth of the 8 years span', he changes his mind.

"Listen up! Me entering the bath is of my own will; it's by no means me listening to what you say, alright!"

, he shouts across the door and turns around. Expressing that he by no means was doing as the idiot wishes. A highly self-conscious Magician who can't forgive doing things according to somebody's will.

"Funfufun♪ Fufufufun, fufun♪"



An idiot beautiful young girl who's humming, she was.


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