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Contract Magic

Asch, for a while, was lying face-down on the ground.

"Erm......are you alright?"

Timidly, the beautiful young girl asks.

"......kuku......kukukukukukukukuku......kukukukukukukukuku......it has really, been 8 years huh"

"What are you saying. If you were around for 8 years, you would have dried up, right"

As though he doesn't hear that retort of Mira, the Dark Magician rubs his cheek on the floor.

"Oops, there's no time to be doing this"

Asch stands up, stands in front of the table that's beside him, and holds a brush pen.

"Now then......"

He opens a white-papered book violently and jots down with undivided attention. Without any halt in his thoughts, he just notes down the words at the back of his mind at an abnormal speed.

He stayed immobile for 8 years. In a situation where an ordinary person would have certainly gone insane, Asch had held on to his sanity by single-mindedly running his thoughts around his own research. And then, he has to prevent it no matter what; the oblivion of the fruits of his research that he arrived at like crazy.

"Er, ermm......"



"......that's right, at that time, If I'm not wrong, I came up with a practical use for Leavender's theory......as expected of me huh. The talent that I'm born with is――"


The beautiful young girl yells angrily by his ear.

"Wh, what is it, you're noisy"

Like he finds it troublesome from the bottom of his heart, Asch glances, at the idiot girl.

"Please help me! Didn't you promise"



"Di, didn't you promise!?"

"Uh-huh, I did"

"Th, then please help me!"

"I refuse"

"Li, liar......"

"I'd like you to call it astute"

The ill-natured Magician, he stares at the beautiful young girl's twisted expression happily.

"Are, are you really not going to help me"

"I'm not going to help you"

"Aw, awful......"

At that time,

"Lassー! Where did you goー!"

A violent voice reverberates inside the mansion, and the footsteps of the bandits just now, the sounds of doors opening, and rummaging sounds gradually approach.

"Th, they're here though!?"

Mira shakes Asch's shoulders vigorously.

"My, my......what's with that vulgar voice. It sure shows what you're made of"

"Con, Contract Magic! Just now, we did that, didn't we! Are you fine with it!? I'll crush your heart, you know!"

"......aah, indeed, not even God or Demon can fake a contract"

The beautiful young girl pats her chest in relief at that answer.

"In that case――"

"However, I, without faking it, decided to break my promise with you. By deliberately violating the contract"


At Mira, who shows a befuddled look, the Dark Magician makes a pleased look from the bottom of his heart.

"I suppose you won't understand anything difficult with your IQ. Well, action speaks louder than words. Go ahead and give it a try"

"What you do mean 'give it a try'?"

"......haa, is that something you ask me. The Contract Magic. I have no intention of helping you. I can swear to God or Demon. Now then, go ahead and chant the words inside your head"

"No way......I, do not know of such words"

"You should be able to say it. That's what a Contract Magic is after all"

Asch answers as such and shows a twisted smile. Of course, he has no obligation to go out of his way to teach her. Either way, if the bandit attacks her, the Contract Magic will activate automatically, but it won't be interesting that way.

He wanted to see the expression(face) her despair gives. An ill-natured Magician, who no matter what, wants to ridicule the girl who called him an idiot, he is.

<<Judgement, To The Fool Who Does Not Uphold, The Contract>>

When Mira chants the words that arose in her mind, exactly as the ill-natured Magician said, a black light engulfs Asch's chest.

"......ow ow ow ow ow ow ow oww"

The Dark Magician, he writhes while holding onto his heart.

"Ar, are you alright?"

"Fuu......who knows......ow ow ow ow ow ow ow oww"


"Ow ow ow ow ow ow ow oww"


"Ow ow ow ow ow ow ow oww......wai, stop!"


"Ow ow ow ow ow ow ow oww......the, there's something I want to confirm, so won't you stop for a bit"


When Mira focuses on the halt of the implementation of the contract, exactly as the Dark Magician said, Asch, who was writhing in agony until just now, makes a relieved expression while gasping.

"Haa......haa......di, did you, properly form the contract?"

While holding his chest in pain, the Dark Magician asks.

"I, I did it properlyー"

"Really? Did you properly wish to『crush his heart』?"

"Yes. Properly!"

With confidence, the young girl puffs up her flat chest.

"Hmm......strange. Previously, my heart shattered into pieces though......it's needlessly, slow, and dreadfully, painful though......"

"What are you saying! Won't you end up dying if it shattered into pieces!?"

"......what are you saying?"

"Those are my words!"

"......can you tell me the content of the Contract Magic that you established?"

"Eh......I said it, right,『If you don't save me, I'll crush your heart』"

"......that's all?"

"Errr......errrr......『If you don't save me, I'll crush your heart......to the extent that you don't die』"



In the mansion, the Dark Magician's scream, reverberated.


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