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In The Dining Hall

"......haa〜, I couldn't fall asleepp"

I mutter, on top of my bed. What happened yesterday was going in circles inside my head, and I couldn't even get a wink of sleep. But, I think it can't be helped.

I mean, I managed to meet Nii-san, who I had thought is dead, and I won't be able to meet anymore, after all. I actually wanted to be with him the whole night but

"......I went and said it at the spur of the momentt〜"

I ended up riding the momentum and confessed to Hayato-niisan. It's embarrassing even when I remember it now. I mean

『I liked Hayato-niisan the whole time!』

『I do not want to separate from Hayato-niisan anymore!』

"Hauu〜. What kind of a face should I make when I see him〜"

Until Mari came to call me, I was writhing on top of my bed


"You somehow, seem to be in a good mood huhh〜, Kana-min!"

"N, no such things, you know?"

In the corridor on the way to the dining hall, Mari asks me something like that. All of us, we've been having our meal at the dining hall that the soldiers also use. We're somehow not good with eating in the room pompously.

And when we head to the dining hall, the armoured woman and people, who are probably the same age group as Hayato-niisan and the others, who were together with Hayato-niisan and the others, were having their meal over there. It looks like that cat-eared young girl isn't there huh.

"Well then, Kana-min, what are you eati......eh, where are you going?"

Mari calls me at the back, but I carry on moving forward. Perhaps the Nanor's people could also tell that we're approaching, they go on guard and look in my direction.

"My apologies for coming in the middle of your meal. Is it alright for me to share seats as well?"

I try asking with a smile. Although the red-haired armoured woman is on guard, the guy who sits opposite of her is ogling. The guy beside him with a huge difference as well. But that guy's ear is being pulled by a woman with long black hair. Are they lovers?


"Dargris, you!"

"It is fine, Melia-san. I'm telling you nothing will happen"

"......good grief, you. You're the escort of Leivelt-sama and the others, and ye......no, I shall stop. I'll just tell Rene that you were ogling"

"Wai! Anything but that!"

Somehow it looks like a lot is going on, but since I also received permission, I'll sit down as well! I receive the breakfast from the dining hall's Obaa-chan and sit in the Nanor's people's seats together with Mari. Mari looks slightly uneasy, but I'm telling you it's fine.

The reason I decided to share these seats. It's to hear about Hayato-niisan. Hayato-niisan was saying that it's been 14 years since he came to this world yesterday. I came to this seat because I wanted to hear the stories of Nii-san that I don't know.

After that, I hear various stories from Dargris-kun, the guy who's in the same class as Hayato-niisan, and the others. Stories of Hayato-niisan that I don't know are coming out from everybody. Uu〜, I'm jealous! I listened to the stories without paying attention to the things in the surroundings.


"......what is going on?"

I accompanied Alexia and Chrona and arrived at the dining hall that General Melia, Dargris and the others are having breakfast but......Kana was having breakfast while talking friendlily with Dargris and the others for some reason. Mari, who's beside her, is exhausted in some respects.

"I wonder what is going on?"

Chrona voices a good question. Alexia is making a puzzled look as well. I guess we'll try going for the time being.

Perhaps she could tell that we got close, General Melia stands up and greets us. Dargris, who raises his hands and goes, 'Yo', beside her. At that moment, General Melia's fist......


went into Dargris' right cheek like it's being sucked in. Well, it's your fault this time, Dargris. Currently, you're here in the name of my escort after all.

Regalia Empire's side knows that as well, so if you act like that, I'll be looked down on.

"My apologies, Leivelt-sama. I will properly discipline Dargris"

"A, aah, I'm counting on you, General Melia. And why is Kana......san and Mari-san here?"

When I call Kana with 'san' since, as one would expect, I have qualms over calling her without honorifics in front of the Regalia soldiers, Kana makes a sad look.

Uu. It hurts when she makes such an expression at me. Even more so after hearing yesterday's story.

"I was asking about Haya......Leivelt-sama. I am curious because you are Lucy's fiance"

Kana, who says and smiles at me. Regalia soldiers, who were done in by Kana's smile. The current Kana has a seductiveness that she didn't have in the past. My heart ended up pounding unconsciously as well. And then my arm was pinched by Alexia, who's beside me. ......it hurts.

Mari-chan, who looks at Kana's face curiously at the side. Well, I suppose so huh. She was saying that she wants us to cancel Luciana's engagement yesterday. It'd normally be meaningless to hear about me.

I suppose she hasn't talked to Mari-chan about it yet. It doesn't really matter even if she does though.

"Kana-san. May I have a moment?"

"ーー! Yes!"

Wai, can you not run over here so happily!? The gazes of the Regalia soldiers around are getting out of hand! Dargris, don't you be smirking! General Melia, please quickly give it to him!

"What is it, Nii-sa......Leivelt-sama!"

......dazzling. Your smile is dazzling, Kana. Perhaps Chrona also sensed something despite looking puzzled, she's glaring at Kana. I guess that's what they call a woman's intuition huh.

"Err, you didn't talk to Mari-san about that matter?"

Perhaps Kana realised what that matter is, she shakes her head. Just as I was about to tell her, 'then it's fine to talk about it'

"What are you doing!"

there's a voice from behind. When I look over there, Hero-kun was standing over there. Behind him are a beautiful girl and a man with fierce eyes. Furthermore, Demon Sword-kun was also standing there. ......I'm not doing anything though〜.


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