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Edited Chapter 187

Imperial Prince → Crown Prince

I, the Imperial Prince, shall speak in his place


 I, the Crown Prince, shall speak in his place

When the Imperial Prince gives his order, a single woman comes out to the front from the row where the Heroes are


When the Crown Prince gives his order, a single woman comes out to the front from the row where the Heroes are

Moonlit Night Confession


"Are you alright, Chrona?"

I, gently embrace Chrona, who notices that I entered the room and clings to me tightly. Chrona, who clung to me, is rubbing her head on my abdomen. How adorable. Let's pat her a whole lot as well, uri uri〜.

We currently, showed up at the waiting room that the escort group has been made to wait in. I was relieved at the unscathed figures of everybody sitting inside. I was thinking that they're fine since there wasn't any contact from Maririn, but nevertheless, the sense of relief when I actually see their unscathed figures sure is different.

I also told Alexia the fact that I'm actually a reincarnate. I've never talked to anybody besides my parents, Sieg and Eris, about it until now, but it's something that I can't hide as long as I'm going to talk about Kana's matter after all.

Alexia seemed surprised by that story as well, as one would expect, but I was happy that she told me that it doesn't change the fact that she likes me nevertheless. I've got to talk to everybody about it as well after returning to the domain.

"Did they do anything in particular to you, General Melia?"

"Yes, I am fine. Everybody was placed in this room without anything particularly done to them"

"Is that so. I'm glad. We're going to the party's venue from now on, so please come along. Hikarin, Maririn, tell me if there's anybody suspicious"

『Understood nanoー』

『Understood, Aruji-sama

I can talk normally since everybody knows about my Spirits. I'd end up being a strange person who's talking to himself if they didn't know after all.

"Now then, let's go, shall we"


I stick my left arm out; Alexia wraps her right arm around my left arm. We leave the room, follow behind the Regalia Empire's government official, and make our way as well. Following behind us are General Melia, Chrona, Dargris, Ely, Birdon, Shizuku.

The venue was, somewhere that's a slight walk away from the waiting room everybody was. When we enter the venue, the Regalia Empire's nobles had already gathered, and they were chatting and laughing inside.

However, they, too, end up going silent when they realise that we entered. There sure are those who blatantly glare at us as well amongst them. Well, we're probably being resented, so I don't think anything of it if they're just glaring. It's a different story if they put it into actions though.

The ones glaring at us are, also mixed in with the Hero group's bunch. Kana and Mari-chan, who changed into dresses, are amongst them as well, but the ones glaring at us are the Demon Sword-kun and the Hero-kun. Especially the Demon Sword-kun, he's glaring at me so much that it's like he's going to bore a hole through me.

I was thinking, 'why is he glaring at me so much', up until today's audience, but after hearing Luciana's story from Kana, I understand it now. He's probably the one Luciana likes.

Well, I have mixed feelings the moment he's not coming by himself though. If you like her, then go as far as to put your life on the line.

Rather, I ended up responding normally because it was Kana bringing it up, but it's meaningless if the Demon Sword-kun himself doesn't come and bring it up himself......alright, until he comes by himself, I shall leave him be.

He'll probably come by himself if he really likes her and doesn't want her to be taken away. If he doesn't come, I live with Luciana as my fiancee as it is.

As for now, partly for provocation, I look at Demon Sword-kun's direction and meet his eyes. I then snorted, 'funn', ......ooh, it's immediately effective. He's clenching his fists and shaking. He probably won't keep quiet if I go this far. Bring it on whenever you want.

"......what are you doing, Lei"

It looks like it got exposed to Alexia, and she's looking at me with a taken aback expression. However, it seems she knows quite well what I'm thinking. She didn't say anything more than that. Good grief, what a great fiancee. She's really wasted on me.

The Crown Prince showed up after that, and the party started. It was more ordinary of a party than I had thought. We weren't particularly served poison, and the haughty nobles didn't come over either.

Since they're serving as Regalia Empire's nobles, they're probably good at wearing a mask. I don't know what they're thinking under those masks of theirs though.

It's just that, there were several noble sons that saw and said ridiculous things to Chrona, so I intimidated them though. It's because those guys bloody said things like「Don't come here, you ugly beast」to the adorable Chrona. As expected, even I snapped.

When I called out to them intimidatingly, the sons started shaking clatteringly, and various things started leaking, but I forgave them since their parents came to apologise.

Regalia Empire is Human Race Nationalistic, so you don't really catch sight of Beastfolk and Demi-humans. They're slaves or whatnot even if there are.

I sure ended up doing something horrible to Chrona. Although the person herself was saying that she isn't bothered, she's probably hurt inside her heart since her ears were drooping, and her tail was also hanging limply. I've got to console her later.

After that, the Hero group's fellows also showed up to give their greetings. Kana and Mari-chan as well, of course. The moment the Hero-kun came in front of me, I was told,「I'll definitely defeat you!」, and I nearly burst into laughter though. Am I a Demon Lord or something. Kana and the rest were face-palming. Demon Sword-kun was glaring at me from start to finish.

All kinds of things happened, but we greeted the end without any issue for the most part. Regalia Empire's soldiers are also giving off a somewhat relieved vibe. They sure have it rough.

And then at the promised time, I showed up at the balcony that Kana designated. It seems anybody who's staying in the Imperial Castle can use this place. But, there's nobody here currently though.

It's slightly hot during the day because the sun is shining, but when it turns to night, the night wind feels good. The night sky is cloudless, and the moon is shining. As I'm looking at the moon as such

"Sorry to keep you waiting"

I was spoken to from behind. When I turn around, Kana, who's still in her dress, was standing over there. It was the third year of high school when I last saw her in my previous life. Kana was a second-year high school student at that time, but she hasn't changed much from how she is now.

It's already been 14 years since I came to the world on this side, but it's probably around 2 years for Kana. She might've been summoned from an era where only a little bit of time has passed since I died.

"Err〜, what is it you want to talk about?"

Oops, I ended up getting slightly caught up in my sentiments. I take a deep breath while looking at Kana. Somehow, it's more nerve-wracking than when I talked about my previous life with Alexia. Fuu〜, alright.



......I messed up. I didn't think about how I should start the conversation. Kana is looking at me with an increasingly dubious expression.

"......I am thinking of returning if there is nothing"

Kana who says and is about to return. Good grief, what am I doing! Am I a good-for-nothing or something. I grab the arm of Kana, who's about to leave. Kana makes a startled expression and turns around.

"Sorry. I was at a loss because I didn't know how I should say it. It's been a while, Kana"

"Eh? 'It's been a while', you say, we talked just now as well though......"

"That is as Leivelt. It has been 14 years since I came to this world, it's been about 2 years since Kana was summoned to this world, but because your looks haven't really changed, I suppose it hasn't been long since I died"

"......what exactly are you talking about"

"Fuu. Sorry for going on by myself. I'm actually, a reincarnate. I'd lived in a place called Japan in my previous life"

"Eh!? Japan, that's the same as us......"

"And, my name in my previous life was......"


"Katsuragi Hayato"


"It sure has been a while, Kana"

Under the night sky illuminated by the moonlight. To Kana, who makes a bewildered expression, I finally managed to reveal the fact about my previous life.


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