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"Yes, thank you! Master, wait for me!"


"Yes, thank you nano! Master, wait for me nano!"

We Are Back Nano!

"Lei-sama〜, good mor......n......i......kyaaaaaaaaaa!!!!"

"Uwaa! Wha, what is it!?"

A shriek that echoes all of a sudden. I was woken up by that voice. Looking in the direction of the voice, Chrona was by the entrance shouting while pointing at me.

"Ch, Chrona, what's wrong!?"

Chrona ended up leaving the room without saying anything even when I ask her. What exactly happened? When I tried to get down from the bed cluelessly


, an absurdly soft sensation appeared on my right hand. Wha, what's this? It's, it's a softness as though I'm fondling a marshmallow.

Munyu Munyu

I fondle it a few times because of its excessive softness and

"......n, nnn......"

doesn't it make a voice!? When I immediately take my hand away and place my hand behind, on the opposite side of the bed where I had placed my hand until just now


, a different soft sensation appears on my hand. Unlike the marshmallow-like softness from before, it's a different springy sensation.

What in the world is this!? As I'm cluelessly bewildered, 'dota dota dota dota!', the corridor becomes noisy. And then the footsteps stop somewhere in front of my room, and 'Dobaan!!!' the door opens vigorously.

The ones who entered were Alexia, Ferris, Caro, Aerith, Helen, Priscilla, Eclat, who's carried by Priscilla, and Chrona. A grand assembly of my fiancees.

"Lei! What exactly......is......going......on"

Alexia was, about to ask me something, but she was losing steam near the end. The other fiancees were making incredulous faces as well.

Furthermore, what they're looking at is, not me, they're looking at the bed. It's not visible to me from my perspective since I'm covered by the blanket, but I guess it's probably visible from Alexia and the other's perspective. I timidly roll up the blanket and, over there

"Ehehe〜, Masterr〜

a yellow-haired girl was, sleeping naked for some reason. Her height is about 150cm, and her appearance is around Mei-chan and the others, but the size of a certain part rivals Alexia. It looks like just now, I ended up fondling that.

In that case, on the opposite side is......I roll up the blanket on the opposite side as well right away. When I do


a green-haired woman who's grabbing my shirt despite lying face down was sleeping over there. Her height is roughly below 170, and she has beautiful long green hair that I suppose reaches all the way to her waist.

The size of a certain part rivals Helen and Caro, and what I was fondling just now was, her butt apparently. This girl is naturally also naked for some reason.

My fiancees were standing in a way that they're encircling me before I know it. Although everybody is smiling, their eyes aren't smiling. Sweat gushes out from all over my body.

"Ev, everybody! Th, this is some kind of misunderstanding! It's somebody's ploy!!"

"What are you saying is the misunderstanding! They're actually naked, aren't they!!"

"Ca, calm down, Ferris. I, I don't know either"

Everybody won't believe me no matter how much I try to explain. As we're talking to each other in such a manner, the two people who are the problem wake up.

"Uuーn! Ah! Master nano! It's been a while nano! I'm back nano!!!

The yellow-haired girl who was sleeping on my left side embraces me

"It's morning kiss nano〜!!!"


I ended up being kissed to the extent that it makes the sound, 'Muchuー'. The eyes of my fiancees who were watching rapidly focus unmovingly in anger. On top of that

"Oh my, it's unfair for you to be the only one. Me too then"

Right as I thought that the yellow-haired girl moved away, the green-haired woman on my right side kissed me next.


Furthermore, it's not one that just touches, it's a sticky one where she sticks her tongue in. Killing intents were released at the same time as that. Th, this is bad! This is very bad!!! I have to clear up the misunderstanding somehow! However, I didn't make it in time for that

""""""Lei(san) (sama) you idiotー!!!"""""""


and the day ended up starting with the worst atmosphere.


"Ahahahaha! Hol, holy shit〜, my stomach hurts〜! Wha, what, younger brother-in-law. You already put what I taught you yesterday into action huh!?"

......I, I wanna punch him〜. Fergus-aniue, who bursts into laughter while sitting on the chair and holding his stomach. Beside him is Carome-aneue, who's turning her face away, but is obviously laughing. I was told by Aneue to call her as such yesterday.

"Haa〜, that part of you really resembles Sieg huh〜. It was common for Sieg to be sleeping with some unknown woman when I visit his room on the day of our date after all"

"Tha, that, I was drunk and I can't reme......sorry"

Elise starts talking about the past, and Sieg tries to refute, but he ended up succumbing to Elise's wrath and apologises. There are the voices of the maids around secretly talking as well.

The contents are all over the place such as, 'the number of fiancees increased again', 'it's going to increase again even though there's that many?', 'maybe I have a chance as well if that's the case?'.

And then my fiancees


Everybody is eating breakfast silently. While looking in a certain direction. In that direction was

"This, it's delicious nano! I want seconds nano!"

"Although it's my first time having a meal, it's quite good huh"

They were glaring at the women, who were sleeping on my bed, who have joined in the meal. The women are, of course, wearing clothes. I guess it's incorrect to say wearing. They're being clad in Magic Power.

The yellow-haired girl, she has tied her hair in a twin-tail, and she's wearing a yellow frilly dress that's the same as her hair colour; the green-haired girl, she has tied her hair in a ponytail, and she's wearing a dark blue slitted dress.

Still, I was too surprised in the morning and didn't notice it, but if I really pay attention to it, these girls are.......

"Are the both of you, Hikarin and Maririn perhaps?"

Both their expression goes, 'Paaaー', and shines brightly when I ask the two of them. It looks like I'd gotten it right. Still, I didn't realise since they've become completely different people. Even though they were small enough to be able to ride on my head before they left for their training.

"In that case, are you saying that they are your Spirits?"

"It seems that way. They've changed too much that even I was surprised after all"

"Our training finished and we came back!"

"Since we also became High Ranking Spirits like Light. We became capable of manifesting in this manner as well"

Both of them goes, 'fufuun!', with a smug look and stick their chest out. They're facing and looking at my back, so I suppose they're doing it to Light, who's hiding his figure behind me. What I'm more concerned about is

"Although that's something to be happy about, why did you enter my blanket naked?"

"It's a force of habit, so we just ended up doing it"

"Force of habit?"

What 'force of habit'? As I'm thinking about it curiously

"We had been secretly receiving Magic Power when Aruji-sama is sleeping. It's just that, when we try to receive it secretly, the absorption rate is poor when there's something in between, so we had been receiving it naked"

Them occasionally talking about their secret stash and having Magic Power was because they had been doing something like that huh. Well, there were various issues, but I'm happy that they came back. Although the way they returned is wrong.

We finished eating our meal normally after that, but there's naturally no way I was forgiven with just that, and I was summoned by my fiancees.

Up until the departure's preparation is done, I was lectured under the guise of a conversation with everybody and went through hell. Darn it.


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