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A Conversation In The Bath


His figure completely changed. Prince Fergus' appearance, which was a silver-haired hunk, ended up turning into that of a wild hairy werewolf.

"Here I go, younger brother-in-law!"

And then, Prince Fergus starts dashing towards me. He's become significantly quicker in comparison to before the Beastification.

"Ora ora ora ora!"


Because it's tough with just Body Reinforcement, I cast Magic Endowment and catch it, but I guess it's cutting it close even with this. I repel the fist he punches over with the spear.

When I thrust the spear aiming for his legs, Prince Fergus jumps and does a flip. I look up, and a tail is in front of my eyes......a tail!? I roll to the side in a panic to dodge. Immediately after, 'Zudon!', there's a loud sound where I was. It was the sound of Prince Fergus slamming his right leg onto the ground.

"You actually managed to dodge that, not bad huh!"

No, it was a close one since it was too unexpected. But, that's right. Beastfolks use their entire body to attack. It wouldn't be strange even if he attacks me with his tail.

I guess that just now was him crushing the opponent with a powerful axe kick right after making his opponent flinch with his tail.

"I'm gonna continue!"

Prince Fergus, who closes in on me again at quite a high speed. In that case, I'll also

"Chaos Vortex Body Endowment Twice-Fold"

Black lightning clads my body and clashes with Prince Fergus. The fist and the spear clashes, and occasionally the legs and the tail. Prince Fergus' movement sped up, but he's slightly slower than the current me.

"Tsk, I can't even win in speed huh!?"

The difference in speed with Prince Fergus started showing bit by bit. It's because I'm getting faster. Prince Fergus mutters about that frustratedly, but his face is smiling happily. Looks like this person is also quite the battle maniac.

In that case. I defend against Prince Fergus' attack and take my distance from Prince Fergus. Prince Fergus makes a puzzled look at that, but he sees my welling Magic Power and looks happy.

"Is that your seriousness, Lei!"

"Eeh. Lightning Heavenly Garment. Lightning Emperor's Armament(Groms Arms). Go"


I materialise various weapons above Prince Fergus' head and rain them down at Prince Fergus. Prince Fergus was repelling the weapons initially, but he couldn't make it in time for the weapons that rain down one after another and resorts to dodging. However, even so, they caught up with Prince Fergus and rained down on him while making thunderous sounds.


Carome-sama rushes to where Prince Fergus probably is at that astonishing sight. It's because there's a dust cloud blowing currently. When that settles down, over there was


Prince Fergus who's sprawled on the ground. The weapons rained down onto the ground, avoiding Prince Fergus, and there were traces the size of Prince Fergus made on the ground.

"Winner, Lei!"

Finally, the duel with Prince Fergus came to an end with Sieg's signal......was what I thought but

"Please do it with me next!"

"No, with me please!"

"You people, please back down! How about with me!?"

"No, me! If you do it with me, we can carry on to the night as well......"

, Prince Fergus' royal guards-looking soldiers show up, surrounding me, and ask to be my opponent next. Prince Fergus smiles awkwardly at that as well. They carried on surrounding me until Prince Fergus stopped them.

Let's talk to the last person for a bit......no, nothing. It's nothing, so don't glare at me that much, Alexia and the others. ......scary.


"Hahaha! As expected of my younger brother-in-law! I didn't stand a chance at all!"

Prince Fergus who laughs loudly while soaking in hot water. We've currently entered the bath. There's no way we could have our meals while we're covered in dirt after all.

'Let's lay it bare and converse as men in that case' I was invited by Prince Fergus and went in. Rose-san reacted to those words, but everybody ignored him.

The current Prince Fergus, he has returned to how he was before the Beastification. That tufty hair of his also ended up returning to its original length. I wonder if Ferris also becomes that tufty? I might want to have a little look.

"However, that Beastification, it was amazing. For your speed to increase that exponentially"

"Well, even so, I couldn't catch up to Lei though. What kind of training did you go through for you to be able to become that strong?"

"......I think it's doable if you go at it like your life depends on it with Shishou"

That strict training with Shishou. I wonder how many times I thought I was going to die. Perhaps he understood that, Prince Fergus smiled awkwardly.

"However, Ferris sure is blessed to have such a strong man as her fiance. I couldn't say it since I don't see you often, but I'm leaving my sister in your hands. I think you already know, but that fellow is bad with men"

I nod at Prince Fergus' words. It's a story I heard on President Marina's birthday four years ago when the attack took place. It's a story where Ferris was almost abducted.

"But, looking at her smiling that blissfully after seeing her for the first time in a long while, I'm glad she's married to you. In my father's place, thanks"

He bows to me.

"No no, please raise your head, Prince Fergus. I'm also with Ferris because I like her! There is no need for you to thank me like that!"

I say in a panic, but Prince Fergus won't raise his head for some reason. Why?

"Call me Fergus-aniue"


"Call me Aniue"

"Ah, yes. Fergus-aniue, please raise your head"


Fergus-aniue, who raises his head smiling from ear to ear when I say that. He wanted me to call him as such huh. As we talk for a little after that

"Speaking of which, have you already done it?"


What is this person saying all of a sudden? As I'm looking at Fergus-aniue in wonder with my mouth open, Fergus-aniue smirks mischievously

"I asked if you already did it with Alexia-nee and the others?"

pushes through the water splashingly, comes beside me, and starts placing his arm over my shoulder.

"You can fondle those large breasts all you like, right? Eh? Eh?"

Is he a drunken old man or something!? He's being extremely annoying!

"No, we have not done it yet. I have not come of age either after all"

When I say that, he goes 'Kaa〜', presses his right hand on his head and looks up at the sky. ......I'm getting the horrible urge to punch him. The adult age for this world is 16 years old. Along with that, the academy also decides the age. I'm currently 13 years old. I react to it, but I still

haven't laid my hands.

"That's no good, right. There are still two years until you come of age. Alexia-nee and Helen-nee are going to end up over 20 years old by that time, you know!"

It's because the age to get married is around 16 years old in this world. If you're a noble, your fiance will have been decided from when you're young as well after all. 20 years old is going to end up being slightly late in comparison to that.

Alexie and Helen, and I have a 6 years age gap. They'll be 22 years old when I come of age huh. It feels to me like they're roughly graduating university in my previous life, so it's still terribly young though.

"It can't be helped, so I'll teach you!"

Fergus-aniue's lecture on the night started from there.


"With this, you guys' training is over. I will be here even though I am by my contractor's side"

"Yes, thank you! Master, wait for me!"

"Thank you"


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