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Title: One Who Was Summoned From A Different World・Demon God's Blessing・Demon God's Vessel・High Vitality・Word Spirit User


Title: One Who Was Summoned From A Different World・Demon God's Blessing・Demon God's Vessel・Sex Maven・Word Spirit User

Sexual Maven: Does not go limp no matter how many times one does it. (Dependant on stamina)


Sex Maven: Does not go limp no matter how many times one does it. (Dependant on stamina)

Demon God's Vessel (2)

"Ora ora ora! How is it!?"

"St, sto, higuu! Pl, please, ah!"

"I'm not gonna stop! Ora, are you alright with it!"


Tch, Azel bloody showed up just as it's getting good. Even though I was finally having fun. I remove my object from the woman I'm holding down. The woman starts sobbing as it is.

Tch, what an annoyin' fellow. I got irritated, so I kick the woman. The woman starts leaking below and vomiting the things in her stomach from the top at the overwhelming pain. And then she fainted as it is.

"So, what do you need?"

It better be rather important since you entered in the middle of my fun.

"Yes. It will soon be time the 'Black Dragon Ruler' awakens, so I was thinking of having Kurono-sama bear witness as well"

Azel says and leaves the room. Tch, he's not gonna listen to my opinion huh. How irritating. But, well, whatever. He's my subordinate anyway. I have to be magnanimous as the one who stands at the top.

It has been half a year since I teleported to this world. I really feel glad that I teleported to this world. I can do it with different women every day after all.

It was the same old unchanging daily life before I teleported. Doing my part-time job, getting scolded, being looked down upon every day. I've bid farewell to those days!

On top of that, subordinates that to listen to whatever I say. It seems they are hostile towards the other countries as well. Furthermore, they're quite capable. I became fairly strong in this half a year, but even so, I can't see anything with Observation Eyes.


Kurono Masao 30 years old Male Level 56

Occupation: Other World Individual

Stamina: 3680

Magic Power: 5100

Strength: 2100

Agility: 2690

Physical Resistance: 1740

Magic Resistance: 2030

Title: One Who Was Summoned From A Different World・Demon God's Blessing・Demon God's Vessel・Sex Maven・Word Spirit User・Enemy Of Women

Skill: Other World Language Levelー・Dark Magic Level 7・Swordsmanship Level 5・Observation Eyes Level 7


I can become strong by just killing the monsters and humans that Azel brought over after all. It's unbearably easy. Since my level increased, my stamina also increased and I don't get exhausted no matter how much I do it with women.

However, I've gotten bored of doing nothing but that recently as well. It's about time I want some new stimulation. I haven't been able to leave this castle for half a year after all.

It's about time I want to go outside. And I'll assault the women that I encounter outside from behind, gehehe. I'm getting hard from just imagining it.

"Kurono-sama, we arrived"


Good grief, this fellow. Bloody interrupting when I'm finally thinking about something nice. Well, whatever, I guess. I can do it in reality later anyway. I follow behind Azel.

The place we showed up to was the cave-like room where I first teleported to. It seems this room is the location where the Demon God or whatever's spiritual energy gathers the most. I don't really understand it either though. They say that's why Azel and the others, the Demon Generals, resurrect here.

In the room were the 'Demon King' Gradiel, 'Demon General' Gilgas, 'Dead Spirit King' Benjarl. It seems Gilgas resurrected from being killed previously. Benjarl woke up from his slumber just recently.

"Fofofo, Kurono-sama. You came. Please come over here"

I go as Benjarl told me. It seems when I pour Magic Power into here, the resurrection becomes faster. Well, increasing the number of strong subordinates is more than welcome.

And when I pour my Magic Power in, a magic circle floats up. A black light illuminates the vicinity. The flicker gradually intensifies, and a gust of wind blows fiercely from the magic circle.

That wind gathers to the middle bit by bit and blows fiercely at the roof. The black light also starts brightening and shines high up into the sky like an explosion. I shut my eyes at the overwhelming brightness.

I open my eyes after a short while. It's because the wind stopped, and the black light settled down as well. And then when I open my eyes, over there was

"Uu〜nn! I finally managed to come out〜! Geez, no more of a cramped place like that for me!"

a young girl in a gothic lolita fashion dress with black pupils and black irises. What's with this fellow? Is this fellow the Black Dragon Ruler? Isn't it just a woman? Well, Dorothea? was it, whom I saw previously. She doesn't have the womanly curves like that fellow at all though.

"Ah, morning everybody〜! It's been a while huh〜"

"Eeh, good morning, 'Black Dragon Ruler' Erase"

"Ah, Azel! How long was I asleep?"

"I guess approximately 300 years. Well, it is the same for everybody. Gradiel is pretty much the only one who was not sealed after all"

"Heh〜, is that so. Huh? Where's Doro-chan and Lily-chan?"

The Black Dragon Ruler called Erase looks around and searching for somebody. Who the heck is she looking for.

"Aah, Dorothea ran off, and Lily is still sleeping"

Erase looks at Azel with a blank expression at his words, and then she starts laughing

"Ahaha, what's that about Dorothea running off!? How amusing〜!"

"Aren't you laughing too much, Erase. Well, I ended up laughing as well when I heard it though"

"Gilgas would laugh huh〜. Well, we'll probably be able to meet again. More importantly, I'll go and meet my dependants"

Erase says and is about to leave the room. This fellow, without even greeting me.

"Oi! Where do you think you're going without even greeting me!?"

I grab Erase's shoulder and say. The surroundings became freezing cold in one go thereupon. I'm just frozen, forgetting to even breath. Wha, what's this.......

"What are you touching my shoulder for!"

"Leave it at that, Erase"

Gradiel had come in between Erase and me and grabbed Erase's right hand before I know it. I fall onto my butt, unable to stand.

"Why are you stopping me, Gra"

"It's because this individual is the vessel. You cannot break him"

In a voice that I can't hear, Gradiel and Erase are talking. And when they finish talking, the cold feeling just now is gone, and she bows to me while smiling.

"Pardon me. My name is Erase. I am called the Black Dragon Ruler. Nice to meetcha you"

"Are you bad at it or something!?"

Gilgas starts laughing at Erase's unbelievably horrible polite speech.

"I mean, it can't be helped, right. I've never used polite speech before after all!"

Erase, who puffs up her cheeks and gets angry at that.

"Alright, Erase woke up without any issue as well. Let's leave it here for today. Erase, you can go and meet your dependants as well"

"Underーstood! See you later〜!"

Erase says and jauntily runs out of the room. Azel stands in front of me, substituting her.

"Lilith is the only one left with this. If she wakes up, then we will declare war on the continent. It will probably turn into an all-out war when it comes to that. If we dye this continent in blood, the resurrection of Kurono-sama's Demon God-sama's power will probably hasten as well"

An all-out war huh. I'll be the king of this world if we win it......no, if I resurrect the Demon God or whatever's power, then maybe I can even become a God!? Kukuku, I'm really glad I teleported into this world. I'm starting to look forward to it!


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