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As far as the Aristo believers are concerned, their nightmare had started. One after another, their deceased comrades become their enemies and attack them. The spectacle of their comrades, who pledged their dreams together, killing their comrades without hesitation.

"......no way"

One of the Aristo believers mutters while trembling in fear.

On the other hand, Asch is shining a light of darkness on the deceased Aristo believers delightedly.

"Hahahahaha! Hey, hey, what's the matter? You better quickly kill your comrades. You're gonna be killed, by your comrades that is"

"......you're not a human"

One of the Aristo believers muttered disparagingly. He was still young and obviously underage, but he had a gallant look.


The Dark Magician's expression stiffened as soon as he heard those words.

"You're a monster. You must never be allowed to live"

<<Oh Symbolism of Flame Display That Noble Figure Of Yours To The Fool>>ーーFlame Seal(Fire・Stark)

Instantly, a large flame strikes Asch directly. However, that body of his may be charred, but be that as it may, the Dark Magician doesn't stop walking.

"......contrary to your words, you're thinking that it's useless anyway, aren't you?"

Despite blood gushing out from his entire body, Asch continues walking in that Aristo believer's direction.


"By the way, what......did you just, say to me?"

<<Oh Symbolism Of Lightning Display That Ardent Anger Of Yours To Those Who Crawl The Ground>>ーーLightning Seal(Ele・Stark)

Lightning spheres were released and directly struck Asch. His body was instantly electrocuted, and he dropped to the ground, spasming. However, he regenerates and stands up right away, and doesn't stop walking.

"Hey......you said something to me just now as well, right? My memory is on the good side. Looking at me, what did you say?"

Asch stopped right in front of him, tilted his head, and opened his eyes widely.

That man, had already become the only survivor. The corpses that were once his comrades grab his arms and seal his movements from his sides.

"Kuu! Chris......Xenohar. Let go! Aah, I'll say it however many times you want. You're not a human! You're a monster! Monster! Monster! Monster!"

"......shut up―――――――――――――!"

Asch, he grabbed the man's collar and straddled him as it is. He raised his fist and punched with all his strength. As soon as he does that, blood gushes out from his knuckles, and his bones protrude. However, without stopping his hand, Asch punches over and over again. Over and over and over again.

"I'm a human! I'm a human! I'm a human! I'm a human! Monster? Don't be ridiculous! You called me a monster huh! Not just once, but twice! I'm not a human!? What's the definition of a human! Oi, try saying the definition of a human! In the first place, what's with you people! Trying to bloody gang up and kill me! What's wrong with what I'm doing! Oi, are you listening!"


"Say something! You can't answer, right!? There's no difference between you guys and me! I'm a human! I'm a human! I'm a human! I'm a human! I'm an ugly human just like you guys! I'm not a monster! I'm a human! I'm a human! I'm a human! I'm a human! Oi! Are you listening!"

No longer, is the Aristo believer conscious. Nevertheless, Asch doesn't stop punching.


For approximately 10 minutes, that man was punched continuously, but he did not die. Before long, perhaps Asch got exhausted from the punching, he stands up and starts walking unsteadily.

"......fufufufu, I'm a human......I am a human......look, my blood is so red......I'm a human......I......I......uooooooooooooooh!"

Asch, who yells loudly.

The Aristo believer who laid unconscious, incurred the wrath within Asch's heart unintentionally and was the only one who survived. As for Asch, he didn't have the physical strength to go as far as to bring death upon someone even when he punched them continuously.

Is Asch=Dahl a human?

That is, the proposition Asch is carrying within himself. He can neither age nor die. His brain, denies it. It has already, concluded that he himself was not a human, but had become something unknown.

On the other hand, his heart affirms it. It's because that heart of his can feel human emotions. It's because he has emotions. He tells that to his own heart for himself to hear and sets the definition of human.

"Aah......it's already this time huh......I've got to get to class"

Before long, the Dark Magician, who regained his composure, fixed his silk hat that had fallen to the ground and walked in the direction of Bognar Magic Academy.


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